Manual injection

The Go tracer API allows printing span information along with log statements using the %v format specifier:

package main

import (

    "" // 1.x
    // "" // 2.x

func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // Create a span for a web request at the /posts URL.
    span := tracer.StartSpan("web.request", tracer.ResourceName("/posts"))
    defer span.Finish()

    // Append span info to log messages:
    log.Printf("my log message %v", span)

The above example illustrates how to use the span’s context in the standard library’s log package. Similar logic may be applied to third party packages too.

Note: If you are not using a Datadog Log Integration to parse your logs, custom log parsing rules need to ensure that dd.trace_id, dd.span_id, dd.service, dd.env and dd.version are being parsed as strings. More information can be found in Correlated Logs Not Showing Up in the Trace ID Panel.

Injection into logrus logs

A hook for the logrus package is available to automatically link your log and spans. The package is available in the Go tracer.

package main

import (

    dd_logrus "" // 1.x
    "" // 1.x
    // dd_logrus "" // 2.x
    // "" // 2.x

func main() {
    // Optional: Change log format to use JSON (Cf. Go Log Collection)

    // Add Datadog context log hook
    // ...

This automatically injects the trace id to your logs when you log with the context.

    // Log with the context
    logrus.WithContext(ctx).Info("Go logs and traces connected!")

Further Reading

PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft