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Datadog APM tracer supports B3 and W3C headers extraction and injection for distributed tracing.

Distributed headers injection and extraction is controlled by configuring injection/extraction styles. The supported styles for C++ are:

  • Datadog: datadog
  • B3: b3
  • W3C: tracecontext


Injection styles


The value of the environment variable is a comma (or space) separated list of header styles that are enabled for injection. The default injection styles are datadog,tracecontext.

Extraction styles


The value of the environment variable is a comma (or space) separated list of header styles that are enabled for extraction. The default extraction styles are datadog,tracecontext.

#include <datadog/tracer_config.h>
#include <datadog/propagation_style.h>

namespace dd = datadog::tracing;
int main() {
  dd::TracerConfig config;
  config.service = "my-service";

  // `injection_styles` indicates with which tracing systems trace propagation
  // will be compatible when injecting (sending) trace context.
  // All styles indicated by `injection_styles` are used for injection.
  // `injection_styles` is overridden by the `DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE_INJECT`
  // and `DD_TRACE_PROPAGATION_STYLE` environment variables.
  config.injection_styles = {dd::PropagationStyle::DATADOG, dd::PropagationStyle::B3};

  // `extraction_styles` indicates with which tracing systems trace propagation
  // will be compatible when extracting (receiving) trace context.
  // Extraction styles are applied in the order in which they appear in
  // `extraction_styles`. The first style that produces trace context or
  // produces an error determines the result of extraction.
  // `extraction_styles` is overridden by the
  // environment variables.
  config.extraction_styles = {dd::PropagationStyle::W3C};


If multiple extraction styles are enabled, the extraction attempt is done on the order those styles are configured and first successful extracted value is used.

The default injection and extractions settings for the most recent versions of the library are datadog,tracecontext.

Extract propagated context

Propagation context extraction can be accomplished by implementing a custom DictReader interface and calling Tracer::extract_span or Tracer::extract_or_create_span.

Here is an implementation to extract propagation context from HTTP Headers:

#include <datadog/dict_reader.h>
#include <datadog/optional.h>
#include <datadog/string_view.h>

#include <unordered_map>

namespace dd = datadog::tracing;

class HTTPHeadersReader : public datadog::tracing::DictReader {
  std::unordered_map<dd::StringView, dd::StringView> headers_;

  HTTPHeadersReader(std::unordered_map<dd::StringView, dd::StringView> headers)
    : headers_(std::move(headers)) {}

  ~HTTPHeadersReader() override = default;

  // Return the value at the specified `key`, or return `nullopt` if there
  // is no value at `key`.
  dd::Optional<dd::StringView> lookup(dd::StringView key) const override {
    auto found = headers_.find(key);
    if (found == headers_.cend()) return dd::nullopt;

    return found->second;

  // Invoke the specified `visitor` once for each key/value pair in this object.
  void visit(
      const std::function<void(dd::StringView key, dd::StringView value)>& visitor)
      const override {
      for (const auto& [key, value] : headers_) {
        visitor(key, value);

// Usage example:
void handle_http_request(const Request& request, datadog::tracing::Tracer& tracer) {
  HTTPHeadersReader reader{request.headers};
  auto maybe_span = tracer.extract_span(reader);

Inject context for distributed tracing

Propagation context injection can be accomplished by implementing the DictWriter interface and calling Span::inject on a span instance.

#include <datadog/dict_writer.h>
#include <datadog/string_view.h>

#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>

using namespace dd = datadog::tracing;

class HTTPHeaderWriter : public dd::DictWriter {
  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& headers_;

  explicit HTTPHeaderWriter(std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& headers) : headers_(headers) {}

  ~HTTPHeaderWriter() override = default;

  void set(dd::StringView key, dd::StringView value) override {
    headers_.emplace(key, value);

// Usage example:
void handle_http_request(const Request& request, dd::Tracer& tracer) {
  auto span = tracer.create_span();

  HTTPHeaderWriter writer(request.headers);
  // `request.headers` now populated with the headers needed to propagate the span.

Further Reading

PREVIEWING: andrea.moscatelli/clarify-argocd-notifications-service