Sensitive Data Scanner Processor

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The Sensitive Data Scanner processor scans logs to detect and redact or hash sensitive information such as PII, PCI, and custom sensitive data. You can pick from our library of predefined rules, or input custom Regex rules to scan for sensitive data.

To set up the sensitive data scanner processor:

  1. Define a filter query. Only logs that match the specified filter query are scanned and processed. All logs, regardless of whether they do or do not match the filter query, are sent to the next step in the pipeline.
  2. Click Add Scanning Rule.
  3. Name your scanning rule.
  4. In the Select scanning rule type field, select whether you want to create a rule from the library or create a custom rule.
    • If you are creating a rule from the library, select the library pattern you want to use.
    • If you are creating a custom rule, enter the regex pattern to check against the data.
  5. In the Scan entire or part of event section, select if you want to scan the Entire Event, Specific Attributes, or Exclude Attributes in the dropdown menu.
    • If you selected Specific Attributes, click Add Field and enter the specific attributes you want to scan. You can add up to three fields. Use path notation (outer_key.inner_key) to access nested keys. For specified attributes with nested data, all nested data is scanned.
    • If you selected Exclude Attributes, click Add Field and enter the specific attributes you want to exclude from scanning. You can add up to three fields. Use path notation (outer_key.inner_key) to access nested keys. For specified attributes with nested data, all nested data is excluded.
  6. In the Define action on match section, select the action you want to take for the matched information. Redaction, partial redaction, and hashing are all irreversible actions.
    • If you are redacting the information, specify the text to replace the matched data.
    • If you are partially redacting the information, specify the number of characters you want to redact and whether to apply the partial redaction to the start or the end of your matched data.
    • Note: If you select hashing, the UTF-8 bytes of the match are hashed with the 64-bit fingerprint of FarmHash.
  7. Optionally, add tags to all events that match the regex, so that you can filter, analyze, and alert on the events.

Filter query syntax

Each processor has a corresponding filter query in their fields. Processors only process logs that match their filter query. And for all processors except the filter processor, logs that do not match the query are sent to the next step of the pipeline. For the filter processor, logs that do not match the query are dropped.

For any attribute, tag, or key:value pair that is not a reserved attribute, your query must start with @. Conversely, to filter reserved attributes, you do not need to append @ in front of your filter query.

For example, to filter out and drop status:info logs, your filter can be set as NOT (status:info). To filter out and drop system-status:info, your filter must be set as NOT (@system-status:info).

Filter query examples:

  • NOT (status:debug): This filters for only logs that do not have the status DEBUG.
  • status:ok service:flask-web-app: This filters for all logs with the status OK from your flask-web-app service.
    • This query can also be written as: status:ok AND service:flask-web-app.
  • host:COMP-A9JNGYK OR host:COMP-J58KAS: This filter query only matches logs from the labeled hosts.
  • @user.status:inactive: This filters for logs with the status inactive nested under the user attribute.

Queries run in the Observability Pipelines Worker are case sensitive. Learn more about writing filter queries in Datadog’s Log Search Syntax.

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