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Facets are user-defined tags and attributes from your rules or executions. They are useful for both qualitative and quantitative data analysis. Facets allow you to manipulate your rules or executions in search queries that appear on dashboards and in notebooks.

Creating facets is not required for searching quality gates. Autocomplete capabilities use existing facets, but also any input that matches incoming quality gates applies.

The Quality Gates Explorer includes out-of-the-box facets such as Status and Gate ID. You can use facets in the Quality Gates Explorer to search for and filter your quality gates.

Qualitative facets

Use qualitative facets to:

  • Get relative insights for values.
  • Count unique values.
  • Frequently filter your quality gates against particular values. For example, create a facet on an environment tag to scope troubleshooting down to development, staging, or production environments.

Note: Although facets are not required for filtering on tags, defining facets for tags that you often use during investigations can help reduce your time to resolution.

Quantitative measures

Use quantitative measures to:

  • Aggregate values from multiple quality gates.
  • Range filter your quality gates.
  • Sort your quality gates against a value.


Measures support long integers and double values.

Facet panel

The search bar provides a comprehensive set of interactions to filter and group your data. However, for many cases, the facet panel is a straightforward way to navigate into your data. Open a facet to see a summary of its content for the scope of the current query.

The search bar and URL automatically reflect your selections from the facet panel.

  • Facets (qualitative) show a list of unique values, and a count of quality gates that match each facet.
  • Measures (quantitative) have a slider ranging between minimum and maximum values. Use the slider, or input numerical values, to scope the search query to different bounds.

Grouping facets

Facets are grouped into meaningful themes in the facet list. Assigning or reassigning a group for a facet affects only the facet list, and has no impact on search or analytics.

Filtering facets

Use the search facets field on the facet panel to filter the facet list and navigate to a particular facet. The search uses the facet display name and field name to scope results.

Creating facets

Creating a facet on a rule execution attribute is not a mandatory step to search for quality gates. Facets are useful if you wish to add a meaningful description to a specific rule execution attribute, or if you want the attribute values to appear on the Facets list.

Creating facets from the facet list

You can create a facet directly from the facet panel by clicking + Add.

Add a facet from the facet side panel

Define the underlying field (key) name for this facet:

  • Use the attribute path for quality gate attributes, with @ prefix.

Autocomplete based on the content in quality gates of the current views helps you to define the proper field name, but you can use virtually any value here.

Further reading

PREVIEWING: ashley.yip/dynamic-cost-allocation-docs