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For GitHub repositories, you can run Datadog Static Code Analysis scans directly on Datadog’s infrastructure. To get started, navigate to the Code Security page.
Scan in CI pipelines
Datadog Static Code Analysis runs in your CI pipelines using the datadog-ci CLI.
First, configure your Datadog API and application keys. Add DD_APP_KEY and DD_API_KEY as secrets. Please ensure your Datadog application key has the code_analysis_read scope.
Next, run Static Code Analysis by following instructions for your chosen CI provider below.
When installing a GitHub App, the following permissions are required to enable certain features:
Content: Read, which allows you to see code snippets displayed in Datadog
Pull Request: Read & Write, which allows Datadog to add feedback for violations directly in your pull requests using pull request comments, as well as open pull requests to fix vulnerabilities
Other source code management providers
If you are using another source code management provider, configure Static Code Analysis to run in your CI pipelines using the datadog-ci CLI tool and upload the results to Datadog.
You must run an analysis of your repository on the default branch before results can begin appearing on the Code Security page.
Customize your configuration
By default, Datadog Static Code Analysis scans your repositories with Datadog’s rulesets for your programming language(s). To customize which rulesets you want to apply and where, add a static-analysis.datadog.yml file to your repository’s root directory.
You can include the following global options in the static-analysis.datadog.yml file:
A list of path prefixes and glob patterns to ignore. Matching files will not be analyzed.
A list of path prefixes and glob patterns to analyze. Only matching files will be analyzed.
Do not use paths listed in the .gitignore file to skip analysis on certain files.
Ignore files larger than the specified size (in kB units).
You can include the following ruleset options in the static-analysis.datadog.yml file:
A list of rule configurations for rules belonging to ruleset.
A list of path prefixes and glob patterns to ignore for this specific ruleset. Matching files will not be analyzed.
A list of path prefixes and glob patterns to analyze for this specific ruleset. Only matching files will be analyzed.
You can include the following rule options in the static-analysis.datadog.yml file:
A list of path prefixes and glob patterns to ignore for this specific rule. Matching files will not be analyzed.
A list of path prefixes and glob patterns to analyze for this specific rule. Only matching files will be analyzed.
A map of values for rules that support customizable arguments.
The map in the arguments field uses an argument’s name as its key, and the values are either strings or maps:
To set a value for the whole repository, you can specify it as a string.
To set different values for different subtrees in the repository, you can specify them as a map from a subtree prefix to the value that the argument will have within that subtree.
The full structure of the static-analysis.datadog.yml file is as follows:
rulesets:- ruleset-name- ruleset-name:# Only apply this ruleset to the following paths/filesonly:- "path/example"- "**/*.file"# Do not apply this ruleset in the following paths/filesignore:- "path/example"- "**/*.file"- ruleset-name:rules:rule-name:# Only apply this rule to the following paths/filesonly:- "path/example"- "**/*.file"# Do not apply this rule to the following paths/filesignore:- "path/example"- "**/*.file"arguments:# Set the rule's argument to value.argument-name:valuerule-name:arguments:# Set different argument values in different subtreesargument-name:# Set the rule's argument to value_1 by default (root path of the repo)/:value_1# Set the rule's argument to value_2 for specific pathspath/example:value_2# Only analyze any ruleset in the following paths/filesonly:- "path/example"- "**/*.file"# Do not analyze any ruleset in the following paths/filesignore:- "path/example"- "**/*.file"
Example configuration file:
rulesets:- python-best-practices- python-security- python-code-style:rules:max-function-lines:# Do not apply the rule max-function-lines to the following filesignore:- "src/main/util/"- "src/main/util/"arguments:# Set the max-function-lines rule's threshold to 150 linesmax-lines:150max-class-lines:arguments:# Set different thresholds for the max-class-lines rule in different subtreesmax-lines:# Set the rule's threshold to 200 lines by default (root path of the repo)/:200# Set the rule's threshold to 100 lines in src/main/backendsrc/main/backend:100- python-inclusive- python-django:# Only apply the python-django ruleset to the following pathsonly:- "src/main/backend"- "src/main/django"# Do not apply the python-django ruleset in files matching the following patternignore:- "src/main/backend/util/*.py"# Only analyze source filesonly:- "src/main"- "src/tests"- "**/*.py"# Do not analyze third-party or generated filesignore:- "lib/third_party"- "**/*"- "**/*"
Ignoring violations
Ignore for a repository
Add an ignore rule in your static-analysis.datadog.yml file. The example below ignores the rule javascript-express/reduce-server-fingerprinting for all directories.
Add an ignore rule in your static-analysis.datadog.yml file. The example below ignores the rule javascript-express/reduce-server-fingerprinting for this file. For more information on how to ignore by path, see the Customize your configuration section.
To ignore a specific instance of a violation, comment no-dd-sa above the line of code to ignore. This prevents that line from ever producing a violation. For example, in the following Python code snippet, the line foo = 1 would be ignored by Static Code Analysis scans.
You can also use no-dd-sa to only ignore a particular rule rather than ignoring all rules. To do so, specify the name of the rule you wish to ignore in place of <rule-name> using this template:
For example, in the following JavaScript code snippet, the line my_foo = 1 is analyzed by all rules except for the javascript-code-style/assignment-name rule, which tells the developer to use camelCase instead of snake_case.
If one method succeeds, no further mapping attempts are made. Each mapping method is detailed below.
Identifying the code location in the Software Catalog
The schema version v3 and later of the Software Catalog allows you to add the mapping of your code location for your service. The codeLocations section specifies the location of the repository containing the code and its associated paths.
The paths attribute is a list of globs that should match paths in the repository.
Datadog detects file usage in additional products such as Error Tracking and associate
files with the runtime service. For example, if a service called foo has
a log entry or a stack trace containing a file with a path /modules/foo/,
it associates files /modules/foo/ to service foo.
Detecting service name in paths and repository names
Datadog detects service names in paths and repository names, and associates the file with the service if a match is found.
For a repository match, if there is a service called myservice and
the repository URL is, then,
it associates myservice to all files in the repository.
If no repository match is found, Datadog attempts to find a match in the
path of the file. If there is a service named myservice, and the path is /path/to/myservice/, the file is associated with myservice because the service name is part of the path. If two services are present
in the path, the service name closest to the filename is selected.
Link results to teams
Datadog automatically associates the team attached to a service when a violation or vulnerability is detected. For example, if the file domains/ecommerce/apps/myservice/
is associated with myservice, then the team myservice will be associated to any violation
detected in this file.
If no services or teams are found, Datadog uses the CODEOWNERS file in your repository. The CODEOWNERS file determines which team owns a file in your Git provider.
Note: You must accurately map your Git provider teams to your Datadog teams for this feature to function properly.
Diff-aware scanning
Diff-aware scanning enables Datadog’s static analyzer to only scan the files modified by a commit in a feature branch. It accelerates scan time significantly by not having the analysis run on every file in the repository for every scan. To enable diff-aware scanning in your CI pipeline, follow these steps:
Make sure your DD_APP_KEY, DD_SITE and DD_API_KEY variables are set in your CI pipeline.
Add a call to datadog-ci git-metadata upload before invoking the static analyzer. This command ensures that Git metadata is available to the Datadog backend. Git metadata is required to calculate the number of files to analyze.
Ensure that the datadog-static-analyzer is invoked with the flag --diff-aware.
Example of commands sequence (these commands must be invoked in your Git repository):
Note: When a diff-aware scan cannot be completed, the entire directory is scanned.
Upload third-party static analysis results to Datadog
SARIF importing has been tested for Snyk, CodeQL, Semgrep, Checkov, Gitleaks, and Sysdig. Reach out to Datadog Support if you experience any issues with other SARIF-compliant tools.