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SCA can scan dependency management files in your repositories to statically detect open source libraries used in your codebase. SCA supports scanning for libraries in the following languages and lockfiles below:

Package ManagerLockfile
C# (.NET)packages.lock.json
Go (mod)go.mod
JVM (Gradle)gradle.lockfile
JVM (Maven)pom.xml
Node.js (npm)package-lock.json
Node.js (pnpm)pnpm-lock.yaml
Node.js (yarn)yarn.lock
PHP (composer)composer.lock
Python (pip)requirements.txt, Pipfile.lock
Python (poetry)poetry.lock
Ruby (bundler)Gemfile.lock

To set up Datadog Static Code Analysis in-app, navigate to Security > Code Security.

Select where to run static SCA scans

Scan with Datadog-hosted scanning

For GitHub repositories, you can run Datadog SCA scans directly on Datadog’s infrastructure. To get started, navigate to the Code Security page.

Scan in CI pipelines

First, configure your Datadog API and application keys by adding DD_APP_KEY and DD_API_KEY as secrets. Please ensure your Datadog application key has the code_analysis_read scope.

Next, run SCA by following instructions for your chosen CI provider below.

GitHub Actions

SCA can run as a job in your GitHub Actions workflows. The action provided below invokes Datadog osv-scanner, our recommended SBOM generator, on your codebase and uploads the results into Datadog.

Add the following code snippet in .github/workflows/datadog-sca.yml. Make sure to replace the dd_site attribute with the Datadog site you are using.

on: [push]

name: Datadog Software Composition Analysis

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Datadog SBOM Generation and Upload
    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Check imported libraries are secure and compliant
      id: datadog-software-composition-analysis
      uses: DataDog/datadog-sca-github-action@main
        dd_api_key: ${{ secrets.DD_API_KEY }}
        dd_app_key: ${{ secrets.DD_APP_KEY }}
        dd_site: "datadoghq.com"

Datadog Static Code Analysis (SAST) analyzes your first-party code. Static Code Analysis can be set up using the datadog-static-analyzer-github-action GitHub action.

Generic CI Providers

If you don’t use GitHub Actions, you can run the datadog-ci CLI directly in your CI pipeline platform and upload your SBOM to Datadog.


  • unzip
  • Node.js 14 or later

Configure the following environment variables:

DD_API_KEYYour Datadog API key. This key is created by your Datadog organization and should be stored as a secret.Yes
DD_APP_KEYYour Datadog application key. This key, created by your Datadog organization, should include the code_analysis_read scope and be stored as a secret.Yes
DD_SITEThe Datadog site to send information to. Your Datadog site is .Nodatadoghq.com

Provide the following inputs:

serviceThe name of the service to tag the results with.Yes
envThe environment to tag the results with. ci is a helpful value for this input.Nonone
subdirectoryThe subdirectory path the analysis should be limited to. The path is relative to the root directory of the repository.No
# Set the Datadog site to send information to
export DD_SITE=""

# Install dependencies
npm install -g @datadog/datadog-ci

# Download the latest Datadog OSV Scanner:
# https://github.com/DataDog/osv-scanner/releases

# Install OSV Scanner
mkdir /osv-scanner
curl -L -o /osv-scanner/osv-scanner.zip $DATADOG_OSV_SCANNER_URL
unzip /osv-scanner/osv-scanner.zip -d /osv-scanner
chmod 755 /osv-scanner/osv-scanner

# Run OSV Scanner and scan your dependencies
/osv-scanner/osv-scanner --skip-git -r --experimental-only-packages --format=cyclonedx-1-5 --paths-relative-to-scan-dir  --output=/tmp/sbom.json /path/to/repository

# Upload results to Datadog
datadog-ci sbom upload /tmp/sbom.json

Select your source code management provider

Datadog SCA supports all source code management providers, with native support for GitHub.

Set up the GitHub integration

If GitHub is your source code management provider, you must configure a GitHub App using the GitHub integration tile and set up the source code integration to see inline code snippets and enable pull request comments.

When installing a GitHub App, the following permissions are required to enable certain features:

  • Content: Read, which allows you to see code snippets displayed in Datadog.
  • Pull Request: Read & Write, which allows Datadog to add feedback for violations directly in your pull requests using pull request comments.

Other source code management providers

If you are using another source code management provider, configure SCA to run in your CI pipelines using the datadog-ci CLI tool and upload the results to Datadog. You must run an analysis of your repository on the default branch before results can begin appearing on the Code Security page.

Datadog associates static code and library scan results with relevant services by using the following mechanisms:

  1. Identifying the code location associated with a service using the Software Catalog.
  2. Detecting usage patterns of files within additional Datadog products.
  3. Searching for the service name in the file path or repository.

If one method succeeds, no further mapping attempts are made. Each mapping method is detailed below.

Identifying the code location in the Software Catalog

The schema version v3 and later of the Software Catalog allows you to add the mapping of your code location for your service. The codeLocations section specifies the location of the repository containing the code and its associated paths.

The paths attribute is a list of globs that should match paths in the repository.


apiVersion: v3
kind: service
  name: my-service
    - repositoryURL: https://github.com/myorganization/myrepo.git
        - path/to/service/code/**

Detecting file usage patterns

Datadog detects file usage in additional products such as Error Tracking and associate files with the runtime service. For example, if a service called foo has a log entry or a stack trace containing a file with a path /modules/foo/bar.py, it associates files /modules/foo/bar.py to service foo.

Detecting service name in paths and repository names

Datadog detects service names in paths and repository names, and associates the file with the service if a match is found.

For a repository match, if there is a service called myservice and the repository URL is https://github.com/myorganization/myservice.git, then, it associates myservice to all files in the repository.

If no repository match is found, Datadog attempts to find a match in the path of the file. If there is a service named myservice, and the path is /path/to/myservice/foo.py, the file is associated with myservice because the service name is part of the path. If two services are present in the path, the service name closest to the filename is selected.

Datadog automatically associates the team attached to a service when a violation or vulnerability is detected. For example, if the file domains/ecommerce/apps/myservice/foo.py is associated with myservice, then the team myservice will be associated to any violation detected in this file.

If no services or teams are found, Datadog uses the CODEOWNERS file in your repository. The CODEOWNERS file determines which team owns a file in your Git provider.

Note: You must accurately map your Git provider teams to your Datadog teams for this feature to function properly.

PREVIEWING: ashley.yip/dynamic-cost-allocation-docs