Troubleshoot an Agent Check on Agent 5

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This page covers troubleshooting an Agent Check on Agent 5. For information on the latest version of the Agent, see Troubleshoot an Agent Check.

If you are experiencing issues with an Agent Check, use these commands to get more troubleshooting information.


  • Replace <CHECK_NAME> in the examples below with any Agent check. For example: activemq, ceph, or elastic. Review an integration’s documentation to confirm the Agent check name.
  • To temporarily disable a service check while troubleshooting, rename /conf.d/<CHECK_NAME>.d/conf.yaml to something other than the .yaml or .yml file extension, such as conf.yaml.disable.


To test an Agent check, run:

sudo -u dd-agent dd-agent check <CHECK_NAME>

Replace <CHECK_NAME> with any Agent check. For example: activemq, ceph, or elastic. Review an integration’s documentation to confirm the Agent check name.

If you want to include rate metrics, add --check-rate to your command, for instance for Agent v6.x run:

sudo -u dd-agent dd-agent check <CHECK_NAME> --check-rate

If your issue continues, reach out to the Datadog support team with a flare.


The Agent install includes a file called shell.exe in your Program Files directory for the Datadog Agent. This file can be used to run Python within the Agent environment. After your check (called <CHECK_NAME>) is written and you have the .py and .yaml files in their correct places, run the following in shell.exe:

from checks import run_check

This outputs any metrics or events that the check returns.

Run the following script from an elevated (run as admin) PowerShell command line, with the proper <CHECK_NAME>:

<INSTALL_DIR>/embedded/python.exe <INSTALL_DIR>agent/ check <CHECK_NAME>

For example, to run the disk check:

& "$env:ProgramFiles\Datadog\Datadog Agent\embedded\python.exe" "$env:ProgramFiles\Datadog\Datadog Agent\agent\" check disk


For systems using systemd, use journalctl to assist with debugging.

The following command shows the status of the Datadog Agent.

sudo systemctl status dd-agent

If the Agent fails to start, and no further information is provided, use the following command to display all logs for the Datadog Agent service. If needed, use -r to print logs in reverse order.

sudo journalctl -u dd-agent.service