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The selected Datadog site () is not supported.
Note: Datadog recommends the native instrumentation of tests over uploading JUnit XML files,
as the native instrumentation provides more accurate time results, supports distributed traces on integration tests
and other features that are not available with JUnit XML uploads.
See the Supported Features table for more details.
JUnit test report files are XML files that contain test execution information, such as test and suite names, pass or fail status, duration, and sometimes error logs. Although introduced by the JUnit testing framework, many other popular frameworks are able to output results using this format.
If your testing framework can generate JUnit XML test reports, you can use these as a lightweight alternative to instrumenting your tests natively using Datadog tracers. Test results imported from JUnit XML reports appear alongside test data reported by tracers.
If installing Node.js in the CI is an issue, standalone binaries are provided with Datadog CI releases. Only linux-x64, linux-arm64, darwin-x64, darwin-arm64 (MacOS) and win-x64 (Windows) are supported. To install, run the following from your terminal:
To upload your JUnit XML test reports to Datadog, run the following command, specifying the name of the service or library that was tested using the --service parameter, and one or more file paths to either the XML report files directly or directories containing them:
Specify a valid Datadog API key in the DATADOG_API_KEY environment variable, and the environment where tests were run (for example, local when uploading results from a developer workstation, or ci when uploading them from a CI provider) in the DD_ENV environment variable. For example:
Make sure that this command runs in your CI even when your tests have failed. Usually, when tests fail, the CI job aborts execution, and the upload command does not run.
steps:- run:name:Run testscommand:./run-tests.sh- run:name:Upload test results to Datadogwhen:alwaysrun:datadog-ci junit upload --service service_name ./junit.xml
Reports larger than 250 MiB may not be processed completely, resulting in missing tests or logs. For the best experience, ensure that the reports are under 250 MiB.
Configuration settings
This is the full list of options available when using the datadog-ci junit upload command:
--service (Required)
Name of the service or library under test. Environment variable: DD_SERVICE Example: my-api-service
Environment where tests were run. Environment variable: DD_ENV Example: ci
Key-value pairs in the form key:value to be attached to all tests (the --tags parameter can be specified multiple times). When specifying tags using DD_TAGS, separate them using commas (for example, team:backend,priority:high). Environment variable: DD_TAGS Default: (none) Example: team:backend Note: Tags specified using --tags and with the DD_TAGS environment variable are merged. If the same key appears in both --tags and DD_TAGS, the value in the environment variable DD_TAGS takes precedence.
Key-value numerical pairs in the form key:number to be attached to all tests (the --measures parameter can be specified multiple times). When specifying measures using DD_MEASURES, separate them using commas (for example, memory_allocations:13,test_importance:2). Environment variable: DD_MEASURES Default: (none) Example: memory_allocations:13 Note: Measures specified using --measures and with the DD_MEASURES environment variable are merged. If the same key appears in both --measures and DD_MEASURES, the value in the environment variable DD_MEASURES takes precedence.
Key-value pairs in the form key:value. Works like the --tags parameter but these tags are only applied at the session level and are not merged with the environment variable DD_TAGS Default: (none) Example: test.code_coverage.enabled:true
Key-value pairs in the form key:123. Works like the --measures parameter but these tags are only applied at the session level and are not merged with the environment variable DD_MEASURES Default: (none) Example: test.code_coverage.lines_pct:82
Key and xpath expression in the form key=expression. These provide a way to customize tags for test in the file (the --xpath-tag parameter can be specified multiple times). See Providing metadata with XPath expressions for more details on the supported expressions. Default: (none) Example: test.suite=/testcase/@classname Note: Tags specified using --xpath-tag and with --tags or DD_TAGS environment variable are merged. xpath-tag gets the highest precedence, as the value is usually different for each test.
Enable forwarding content from the XML reports as Logs. The content inside <system-out>, <system-err>, and <failure> is collected as logs. Logs from elements inside a <testcase> are automatically connected to the test. Environment variable: DD_CIVISIBILITY_LOGS_ENABLED Default: false Note: Logs are billed separately from Test Optimization.
The number of concurrent uploads to the API. Default: 20
Runs the command without actually uploading the file to Datadog. All other checks are performed. Default: false
Boolean flag used to skip git metadata upload. Default: false
The repository URL to retrieve git metadata from. If it is not passed, the URL is retrieved from the local git repository. Default: local git repository Example: git@github.com:DataDog/documentation.git
Flag used to add extra verbosity to the output of the command Default: false
Positional arguments
The file paths or directories in which the JUnit XML reports are located. If you pass a directory, the CLI looks for all .xml files in it.
The following environment variables are supported:
Datadog API key used to authenticate the requests. Default: (none)
Additionally, configure the Datadog site to use the selected one ():
The Datadog site to upload results to. Default: datadoghq.com Selected site:
Collecting Git metadata
Datadog tire profit des données Git pour vous présenter les résultats de vos tests et les regrouper par référentiel, branche et commit. Les métadonnées Git sont automatiquement recueillies par l’instrumentation de test, à partir des variables d’environnement du fournisseur de CI et du dossier local .git dans le chemin du projet, le cas échéant.
Si vous exécutez des tests dans des fournisseurs de CI non pris en charge, ou sans dossier .git, vous pouvez configurer manuellement les données Git à l’aide de variables d’environnement. Ces dernières sont prioritaires et remplacent les informations détectées automatiquement. Configurez les variables d’environnement suivantes pour obtenir des données Git :
URL du référentiel dans lequel le code est stocké. Les URL HTTP et SSH sont prises en charge. Exemple : git@github.com:MyCompany/MyApp.git, https://github.com/MyCompany/MyApp.git
Branche Git testée. Ne renseignez pas cette variable si vous fournissez à la place des informations sur les tags. Exemple : develop
Tag Git testé (le cas échéant). Ne renseignez pas cette variable si vous fournissez à la place des informations sur la branche. Exemple : 1.0.1
Hash entier du commit. Exemple : a18ebf361cc831f5535e58ec4fae04ffd98d8152
Message du commit. Exemple : Set release number
Nom de l’auteur du commit. Exemple : John Smith
E-mail de l’auteur du commit. Exemple : john@example.com
Date de l’auteur du commit, au format ISO 8601. Exemple : 2021-03-12T16:00:28Z
Nom du responsable du commit. Exemple : Jane Smith
E-mail du responsable du commit. Exemple : jane@example.com
Date du responsable du commit, au format ISO 8601. Exemple : 2021-03-12T16:00:28Z
Collecting environment configuration metadata
Datadog uses special dedicated tags to identify the configuration of the environment in which tests run, including the operating system, runtime, and device information, if applicable. When the same test for the same commit runs in more than one configuration (for example, on Windows and on Linux), the tags are used to differentiate the test in failure and flakiness detection.
You can specify these special tags using the --tags parameter when calling datadog-ci junit upload, or by setting the DD_TAGS environment variable.
All of these tags are optional, and only the ones you specify will be used to differentiate between environment configurations.
Used to execute groups of test suites separately. Examples: ApplicationUITests, ModelTests
Name of the operating system. Examples: windows, linux, darwin
Version of the operating system. Examples: 10.15.4, 14.3.2, 95
Architecture of the operating system. Examples: x64, x86, arm64
Name of the language interpreter or programming runtime. Examples: .NET, .NET Core, OpenJDK Runtime Environment, Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment, CPython
Version of the runtime. Examples: 5.0.0, 3.1.7
Name of the runtime vendor where applicable. For example, when using a Java runtime. Examples: AdoptOpenJDK, Oracle Corporation
Architecture of the runtime. Examples: x64, x86, arm64
For mobile apps (Swift, Android):
The model of the device being tested. Examples: iPhone11,4, AppleTV5,3
The name of the device being tested. Examples: iPhone 12 Pro Simulator, iPhone 13 (QA team)
Adding code owners
To add codeowners information to your JUnit XML tests, you can use the GitHub integration to read the CODEOWNERS file in your repository or provide some additional information manually.
As a result, the JUnit XML tests have a test.codeowners tag with the owner of those tests.
Using the GitHub integration (recommended)
To automatically add the test.codeowners tag to your tests, you need to:
Provide the tests source file in your JUnit XML report. The following plugins do this automatically and add the file attribute to the <testcase> or <testsuite> elements in the XML report:
Enable the GitHub app. If you do not have a GitHub app, follow the steps in the next section. If you already have
a GitHub app, enable the Contents: Read permission so Datadog can read the CODEOWNERS file. Once enabled, wait a few minutes for the changes to take effect.
Note: Github is the only supported Git provider.
Configure a GitHub App
The JUnit XML uses a private GitHub App to read the CODEOWNERS file.
Follow the instructions to configure the integration for a personal or organization account.
In Edit Permissions, grant Contents: Read access.
Click Create App in GitHub to finish the app creation process on GitHub.
Give the app a name, for example, Datadog Test Optimization.
Click Install GitHub App and follow the instructions on GitHub.
Manually providing the test.source.file tag
This is an alternative to using the GitHub integration.
For those plugins that do not provide the file attribute in the XML report, you can provide the test.source.file tag.
There is no need to provide the exact path to a specific file, you can use any syntax you would use in the CODEOWNERS file
such as src/myTeamFolder or *.md.
There are multiple ways to provide the test.source.file tag:
This adds the test.source.file tag to all the tests in the report. All of the tests will have the same owner(s).
If you want to provide different source files for the same XML report, you can use property elements or set the file attribute manually to individual <testcase> or <testsuite> elements.
Providing metadata with XPath expressions
In addition to the --tags CLI parameter and the DD_TAGS environment variable, which apply custom tags globally to all tests included the uploaded XML report, the --xpath-tag parameter provides custom rules to add tags from different attributes within the XML to each test.
The parameter provided must have the format key=expression, where key is the name of the custom tag to be added and expression is a valid XPath expression within the ones supported.
While XPath syntax is used for familiarity, only the following expressions are supported:
The XML attribute from <testcase attribute-name="value">.
The XML attribute from the parent <testsuite attribute-name="value"> of the current <testcase>.
The value attribute from the <property name="property-name" value="value"> inside the parent <testsuite> of the current <testcase>.
The value attribute from the <property name="property-name" value="value"> inside the current <testcase>.
By default, the test.suite tag of the tests is read from <testsuite name="suite name">. However, some plugins might report a better value in <testcase classname="TestSuite">.
To change test.suite tags from value 1, value 2 to SomeTestSuiteClass, OtherTestSuiteClass:
Note: The name must be in quotes. Bash requires quotes to be escaped using a backslash, for example [@name='prop'] must be entered as `[@name='prop'].
When using bash from Git for Windows, define the MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 environment variable.
Otherwise, any argument starting with / will be expanded to a Windows path.
Providing metadata through property elements
Another way to provide additional tags to specific tests is including <property name="dd_tags[key]" value="value"> elements within the <testsuite> or <testcase> elements. If you add these tags to a <testcase> element, they are stored in its test span. If you add the tags to a <testsuite> element, they are stored in all of that suite’s test spans.
To be processed, the name attribute in the <property> element must have the format dd_tags[key], where key is the name of the custom tag to be added. Other properties are ignored.
The values that you send to Datadog are strings, so the facets are displayed in lexicographical order. To send integers instead of strings, use the --measures flag and the DD_MEASURES environment variable.
Reporting code coverage
It is possible to report code coverage for a given JUnit report via the --report-measures option, by setting the test.code_coverage.lines_pct measure: