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JMXFetch supports FIPS-140 compliant JVM configurations. It uses the default JSSE provider of the Java runtime environment for all encrypted communications, including:
Note: The Datadog Agent host installation does not include Java runtime. You must install and configure Java in FIPS-approved mode separately.
utility provided in the container. See Generating certificates for more details.)Note: Datadog Agent FIPS JMX Docker images include OpenJDK pre-configured to run in FIPS-approved mode.
This section demonstrates how to configure mutual TLS (mTLS) using self-signed certificates.
Mutual TLS (mTLS) requires valid certificates to be presented by both the server (the Java application’s JMX connector) and the client (JMXFetch).
Commands provided in this section are for reference only and should be adjusted based on your specific scenario.
Create a directory for key and trust stores and make it the current directory.
Create two new certificates in two new key stores:
keytool -keystore java-app-keystore -genkey -alias java-app -dname CN=java-app -validity 365 -keyalg ec -storepass changeit
keytool -keystore jmxfetch-keystore -genkey -alias jmxfetch -dname CN=jmxfetch -validity 365 -keyalg ec -storepass changeit
Export public parts of the generated certificates to separate files:
keytool -keystore java-app-keystore -export -alias java-app -rfc -file java-app-cert.pem -storepass changeit
keytool -keystore jmxfetch-keystore -export -alias jmxfetch -rfc -file jmxfetch-cert.pem -storepass changeit
Import certificates into corresponding trust stores to make them trusted:
keytool -keystore java-app-truststore -import -alias jmxfetch -file jmxfetch-cert.pem -storepass changeit -noprompt
keytool -keystore jmxfetch-truststore -import -alias java-app -file java-app-cert.pem -storepass changeit -noprompt
Container installations must use BCFKS key store format. Use the keytool
utility from the Datadog Agent FIPS JMX Docker image for JMXFetch certificates, and the Java application’s keytool
utility for application certificates.
Create a directory for key and trust stores and make it the current directory.
Create two new certificates in two new key stores:
keytool -keystore java-app-keystore -genkey -alias java-app -dname CN=java-app -validity 365 -keyalg ec -storepass changeit
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/ssl datadog/agent:latest-fips-jmx \
keytool -keystore /ssl/jmxfetch-keystore -genkey -alias jmxfetch -dname CN=jmxfetch -validity 365 -keyalg ec -storepass changeit -keypass changeit
Export public parts of the generated certificates to separate files:
keytool -keystore java-app-keystore -export -alias java-app -rfc -file java-app-cert.pem -storepass changeit
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/ssl datadog/agent:latest-fips-jmx \
keytool -keystore /ssl/jmxfetch-keystore -export -alias jmxfetch -rfc -file /ssl/jmxfetch-cert.pem -storepass changeit
Import certificates into corresponding trust stores to make them trusted:
keytool -keystore java-app-truststore -import -alias jmxfetch -file jmxfetch-cert.pem -storepass changeit -noprompt
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/ssl datadog/agent:latest-fips-jmx \
keytool -keystore /ssl/jmxfetch-truststore -import -alias java-app -file /ssl/java-app-cert.pem -storepass changeit -noprompt
See application documentation for specific instructions about how to configure JMX properties. Add these JMX properties to your application configuration. Adjust the paths to your key and trust store files.
Add this configuration to your JMXFetch configuration file:
is_jmx: true
- host: <HOST>
port: <PORT>
name: my-java-app
rmi_registry_ssl: true
key_store_path: /ssl/jmxfetch-keystore
key_store_password: changeit
trust_store_path: /ssl/jmxfetch-truststore
trust_store_password: changeit