Deploying the Agent on RaspberryPI
Using Raspbian
Begin with the update of your local cache
Then install sysstat
sudo apt-get install sysstat
Navigate to the Agent Install Screen in Datadog and select “from source”
Execute the installation command.
DD_API_KEY=<YOUR-API-KEY> sh -c "$(curl -L"
Note: The installation process may take up to 30 minutes on some models of Raspberry PI.
Example output after successful installation:

The Agent runs in the foreground. Some users find benefit in creating a systemd
service for the Agent like this:
Description=Datadog Agent
Then, run:
systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable datadog
systemctl start datadog
The Datadog Agent is installed in the working directory where you ran the installation command, for example: /home/pi/.datadog-agent/
Example of metrics being ingested from your Raspberry PI device:

Note: Datadog does not officially support Raspbian.