This page is not yet available in Spanish. We are working on its translation.
If you have any questions or feedback about our current translation project, feel free to reach out to us!







Provider name: AlternateContact
Description: A structure that contains the details for the specified alternate contact.

  • alternate_contact_type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: AlternateContactType
    Description: The type of alternate contact.
  • email_address
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: EmailAddress
    Description: The email address associated with this alternate contact.
  • name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: Name
    Description: The name associated with this alternate contact.
  • phone_number
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: PhoneNumber
    Description: The phone number associated with this alternate contact.
  • title
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: Title
    Description: The title associated with this alternate contact.


Provider name: ContactInformation
Description: Contains the details of the primary contact information associated with an Amazon Web Services account.

  • address_line1
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: AddressLine1
    Description: The first line of the primary contact address.
  • address_line2
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: AddressLine2
    Description: The second line of the primary contact address, if any.
  • address_line3
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: AddressLine3
    Description: The third line of the primary contact address, if any.
  • city
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: City
    Description: The city of the primary contact address.
  • company_name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: CompanyName
    Description: The name of the company associated with the primary contact information, if any.
  • country_code
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: CountryCode
    Description: The ISO-3166 two-letter country code for the primary contact address.
  • district_or_county
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: DistrictOrCounty
    Description: The district or county of the primary contact address, if any.
  • full_name
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: FullName
    Description: The full name of the primary contact address.
  • phone_number
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: PhoneNumber
    Description: The phone number of the primary contact information. The number will be validated and, in some countries, checked for activation.
  • postal_code
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: PostalCode
    Description: The postal code of the primary contact address.
  • state_or_region
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: StateOrRegion
    Description: The state or region of the primary contact address. If the mailing address is within the United States (US), the value in this field can be either a two character state code (for example, NJ) or the full state name (for example, New Jersey). This field is required in the following countries: US, CA, GB, DE, JP, IN, and BR.
  • website_url
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: WebsiteUrl
    Description: The URL of the website associated with the primary contact information, if any.



PREVIEWING: dgreen15/github-error-fix