CloudFront distribution should be integrated with WAF

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Verify that your AWS CloudFront distributions are integrated with AWS Web Application Firewall (AWS WAF).


AWS WAF helps protect web applications from common exploits, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting.


From the console

Follow the associate or disassociate an AWS WAF web ACL and an existing CloudFront distribution by using the CloudFront console docs to integrate with AWS WAF.

From the command line

  1. Run aws waf get-change-token to generate a token.

  2. Run aws waf create-ip-set with your newly generated token. Additional information can be found in the create-ip-set AWS documentation.

            --name test_ipset
            --change-token abcd0123-1234-a12b-1234-a0b1c2e3d4f5
  3. Create an IPSetDescriptor JSON object in a new document and define the IP address or ranges you wish to block. Save the file.

            "Action": "INSERT",
            "IPSetDescriptor": {
            "Type": "IPV4" | "IPV6",
            "Value": ""
  4. Run aws waf update-ip-set with the change-token (generated in step 1), ip-set-id (generated in step 2), and the file you just created. Additional information can be found in the update-ip-set AWS documentation.

        aws waf update-ip-set
          --ip-set-id bd12ea6c-012a-4b7c-9342-80ab96e4b291
    	    --change-token abcd0123-1234-a12b-1234-a0b1c2e3d4f5
    	    --updates file://ip-set-descriptor.json
  5. Run aws waf create-rule with a new rule name and your change-token (generated in step 1). Additional information can be found in the create-rule AWS documentation.

        aws waf create-rule
    	    --name NameOfRule
    	    --change-token abcd0123-1234-a12b-1234-a0b1c2e3d4f5
  6. Run aws waf create-web-acl with a name and your change-token (generated in step 1), and set the default action to block. Additional information can be found in the create-web-acl AWS documentation.

        aws waf create-web-acl
    	    --name NameOfACL
          --default-action Type=BLOCK
    	    --change-token abcd0123-1234-a12b-1234-a0b1c2e3d4f5
  7. Create a new JSON file and define ActivatedRule as an object that references the ACL rule created in step 6. Assign it a default action, INSERT.


            "Action": "INSERT",
            "ActivatedRule": {
              "RuleId": "your-rule-id",
              "Action": {
                "Type": "BLOCK"
  8. Run update-web-acl with the web-acl-id (generated in step 5), change-token (generated in step 1), and the file you just created in step 7.

        aws waf update-web-acl
            --web-acl-id webaclid
            --change-token 96836241-b667-4f0a-a655-e4bc49eaa2c4
            --update activated-rule.json
  9. Run get-distribution-config.

  10. In a new JSON file, modify the returned configuration information to attach the WAF ACL. Set the WebACLId as the ID you returned in step 5. Save the file.


          "ETag": "etag",
          "DistributionConfig": {
            "WebACLId": "webaclid",
  11. Run update-distribution with the id and etag previously returned in step 9. Additional information can be found in the update-distribution AWS documentation.

        aws cloudfront update-distribution
            --id webaclid
            --distribution-config activated-ruled.json
            --if-match etag
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