If everything is set up properly as described in the above articles, and your metric appears in the Agent log file (but not in the status command), then there is probably an issue with the metric_type that you’re using.
Here is the output of the list_matching_attributes.log file :
The java.lang.String metric_type confirms the issue you were seeing in the logs.
To resolve this issue, change the associated metric_type, and ensure that your jmx.yaml file has the following configuration (note the changes in the last four lines):
init_config:instances:- name:hbase_masterhost:localhostport:xxxtags:application:hbaseservice:masterconf:- include:bean:"Hadoop:service=HBase,name=Master,sub=Server"[...]tag.isActiveMaster:alias:jmx.hadoop.hbase.master.server.tag.isActiveMastermetric_type:gaugevalues:true:1false:0# Note: If using Agent 6, boolean keys must be in quotes values: {"true": 1, "false": 0, default: 0}
Jmxfetch then knows it’s a string and uses this rule to transform that into a numeric metric.