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- Continuous Profiler
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Supported OS
Datadog의 CouchDB 데이터를 캡처하여 다음 이점을 누릴 수 있습니다.
성능을 이유로 사용하는 CouchDB 버전이 캐시됩니다. 그러므로 동일한 에이전트가 포함된 다른 버전을 사용해 CouchDB 인스턴스를 모니터링할 수 없습니다.
CouchDB 점검은 Datadog 에이전트 패키지에 포함되어 있습니다. 그러므로 CouchDB 서버에 아무 것도 설치할 필요가 없습니다.
호스트에서 실행 중인 Agent에 대해 이 검사를 설정하려면:
에이전트 설정 디렉터리의 루트에 있는 conf.d/
폴더에서 couch.d/conf.yaml
파일을 편집하여 CouchDB 성능 데이터 수집을 시작합니다. 사용 가능한 모든 설정 옵션의 경우 sample couch.d/conf.yaml를 참조하세요.
## @param server - string - required
## The Couch server's url.
- server: http://localhost:5984
참고: db_include
및 db_exclude
를 제공하여 에이전트가 메트릭을 수집해야 하는 소스와 그렇지 않은 소스를 통제하세요.
Agent 버전 6.0 이상에서 사용 가능
Datadog Agent에서는 로그 수집이 기본적으로 비활성화되어 있습니다. datadog.yaml
파일에서 활성화해야 합니다.
logs_enabled: true
이 설정 블록을 couch.d/conf.yaml
파일에 추가하여 CouchDB 로그 수집을 시작하세요.
- type: file
path: /var/log/couchdb/couch.log
source: couchdb
service: couch
및 service
파라미터 값을 변경하고 환경에 맞게 설정하세요. 사용 가능한 모든 설정 옵션은 sample couch.d/conf.yaml을 참조하세요.
컨테이너화된 환경의 경우 자동탐지 통합 템플릿에 다음 파라미터를 적용하는 방법이 안내되어 있습니다.
파라미터 | 값 |
<INIT_CONFIG> | 비어 있음 또는 {} |
<INSTANCE_CONFIG> | {"server": "http://%%host%%:5984"} |
Agent 버전 6.0 이상에서 사용 가능
Datadog 에이전트에서 로그 수집은 기본값으로 비활성화되어 있습니다. 이를 활성화하려면 쿠버네티스(Kubernetes) 로그 수집을 참조하세요.
파라미터 | 값 |
<LOG_CONFIG> | {"source": "couchdb", "service": "<SERVICE_NAME>"} |
에이전트 상태 하위 명령을 실행하고 점검 섹션 아래에서 couch
를 찾으세요.
couchdb.active_tasks.db_compaction.changes_done (gauge) | Changes currently compacted Shown as document |
couchdb.active_tasks.db_compaction.count (gauge) | Number of running compactions Shown as resource |
couchdb.active_tasks.db_compaction.progress (gauge) | Progress of the compaction process Shown as percent |
couchdb.active_tasks.db_compaction.total_changes (gauge) | Number of changes this compaction will process Shown as document |
couchdb.active_tasks.indexer.changes_done (gauge) | Number of already indexed changes Shown as document |
couchdb.active_tasks.indexer.count (gauge) | Number of indexing processes Shown as resource |
couchdb.active_tasks.indexer.progress (gauge) | Progress of the indexing process Shown as percent |
couchdb.active_tasks.indexer.total_changes (gauge) | Number of changes to be indexed Shown as document |
couchdb.active_tasks.replication.changes_pending (gauge) | Changes yet to be processed Shown as document |
couchdb.active_tasks.replication.count (gauge) | Number of replications Shown as resource |
couchdb.active_tasks.replication.doc_write_failures (gauge) | Failed docs written while replicating Shown as error |
couchdb.active_tasks.replication.docs_read (gauge) | Docs read while replicating Shown as document |
couchdb.active_tasks.replication.docs_written (gauge) | Docs written while replicating Shown as document |
couchdb.active_tasks.replication.missing_revisions_found (gauge) | Missing revisions |
couchdb.active_tasks.replication.revisions_checked (gauge) | Successfully checked revisions Shown as operation |
couchdb.active_tasks.view_compaction.count (gauge) | Number of running view compactions Shown as resource |
couchdb.active_tasks.view_compaction.progress (gauge) | Progress of the view compaction Shown as percent |
couchdb.by_db.active_size (gauge) | size of live data Shown as byte |
couchdb.by_db.disk_size (gauge) | Disk size per database (available for CouchDB v1 only) Shown as byte |
couchdb.by_db.doc_count (gauge) | number of documents Shown as document |
couchdb.by_db.doc_del_count (gauge) | number of deleted documents Shown as document |
couchdb.by_db.external_size (gauge) | size of the database uncompressed Shown as byte |
couchdb.by_db.file_size (gauge) | size of the database file on disk Shown as byte |
couchdb.by_ddoc.active_size (gauge) | Actual size in bytes of the view Shown as byte |
couchdb.by_ddoc.external_size (gauge) | Size in bytes of the view uncompressed Shown as byte |
couchdb.by_ddoc.file_size (gauge) | Size in bytes as stored on disk Shown as byte |
couchdb.by_ddoc.minimum_updates_pending (gauge) | Shown as update |
couchdb.by_ddoc.preferred_updates_pending (gauge) | Shown as update |
couchdb.by_ddoc.total_updates_pending (gauge) | Shown as update |
couchdb.by_ddoc.waiting_clients (gauge) | Number of clients waiting on views from this Design Doc Shown as resource |
couchdb.couch_log.level.alert (gauge) | number of logged alert messages Shown as message |
couchdb.couch_log.level.critical (gauge) | number of logged critical messages Shown as message |
couchdb.couch_log.level.debug (gauge) | number of logged debug messages Shown as message |
couchdb.couch_log.level.emergency (gauge) | number of logged emergency messages Shown as message |
couchdb.couch_log.level.error (gauge) | number of logged error messages Shown as message |
couchdb.couch_log.level.info (gauge) | number of logged info messages Shown as message |
couchdb.couch_log.level.notice (gauge) | number of logged notice messages Shown as message |
couchdb.couch_log.level.warning (gauge) | number of logged warning messages Shown as message |
couchdb.couch_replicator.changes_manager_deaths (gauge) | number of failed replicator changes managers Shown as resource |
couchdb.couch_replicator.changes_queue_deaths (gauge) | number of failed replicator changes work queues Shown as resource |
couchdb.couch_replicator.changes_read_failures (gauge) | number of failed replicator changes read failures Shown as error |
couchdb.couch_replicator.changes_reader_deaths (gauge) | number of failed replicator changes readers Shown as resource |
couchdb.couch_replicator.checkpoints.failure (gauge) | number of failed checkpoint saves Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.checkpoints.success (gauge) | number of checkpoints successfully saved Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.cluster_is_stable (gauge) | whether or not the cluster is stable Shown as error |
couchdb.couch_replicator.connection.acquires (gauge) | number of times connections are shared Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.connection.closes (gauge) | number of times a worker is gracefully shut down Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.connection.creates (gauge) | number of connections created Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.connection.owner_crashes (gauge) | number of times a connection owner crashes while owning at least one connection Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.connection.releases (gauge) | number of times ownership of a connection is released Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.connection.worker_crashes (gauge) | number of times a worker unexpectedly terminates Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.db_scans (gauge) | number of times replicator db scans have been started Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.docs.completed_state_updates (gauge) | number of 'completed' state document updates Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.docs.db_changes (gauge) | number of db changes processed by replicator doc processor Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.docs.dbs_created (gauge) | number of db shard creations seen by replicator doc processor Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.docs.dbs_deleted (gauge) | number of db shard deletions seen by replicator doc processor Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.docs.dbs_found (gauge) | number of db shard found by replicator doc processor Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.docs.failed_state_updates (gauge) | number of 'failed' state document updates Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.failed_starts (gauge) | number of replications that have failed to start Shown as resource |
couchdb.couch_replicator.jobs.adds (gauge) | number of jobs added to replicator scheduler Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.jobs.crashed (gauge) | replicator scheduler crashed jobs Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.jobs.crashes (gauge) | number of jobs crashed noticed by replicator scheduler Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.jobs.duplicate_adds (gauge) | number of duplicate jobs added to replicator scheduler Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.jobs.pending (gauge) | replicator scheduler pending jobs Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.jobs.removes (gauge) | number of jobs removed from replicator scheduler Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.jobs.running (gauge) | replicator scheduler running jobs Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.jobs.starts (gauge) | number of jobs started from replicator scheduler Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.jobs.stops (gauge) | number of jobs stopped by replicator scheduler Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.jobs.total (gauge) | total number of replicator scheduler jobs Shown as record |
couchdb.couch_replicator.requests (gauge) | number of HTTP requests made by the replicator Shown as request |
couchdb.couch_replicator.responses.failure (gauge) | number of failed HTTP responses received by the replicator Shown as response |
couchdb.couch_replicator.responses.success (gauge) | number of successful HTTP responses received by the replicator Shown as response |
couchdb.couch_replicator.stream_responses.failure (gauge) | number of failed streaming HTTP responses received by the replicator Shown as response |
couchdb.couch_replicator.stream_responses.success (gauge) | number of successful streaming HTTP responses received by the replicator Shown as response |
couchdb.couch_replicator.worker_deaths (gauge) | number of failed replicator workers Shown as resource |
couchdb.couch_replicator.workers_started (gauge) | number of replicator workers started Shown as resource |
couchdb.couchdb.auth_cache_hits (gauge) | number of authentication cache hits Shown as hit |
couchdb.couchdb.auth_cache_misses (gauge) | number of authentication cache misses Shown as miss |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmeticmean of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collect_results/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometricmean of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collect_results/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonicmean of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collect_results/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.max (gauge) | Max of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.median (gauge) | Median of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.min (gauge) | Min of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.n (gauge) | N of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.percentile.50 (gauge) | Percentile 50 of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.percentile.75 (gauge) | Percentile 75 of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.percentile.90 (gauge) | Percentile 90 of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.percentile.95 (gauge) | Percentile 95 of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.percentile.99 (gauge) | Percentile 99 of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.percentile.999 (gauge) | Percentile 999 of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standarddeviation of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collect_results/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.collect_results_time.variance (gauge) | Variance of the microsecond latency for calls to couchdb:collectresults/3 Shown as microsecond |
couchdb.couchdb.couch_server.lru_skip (gauge) | number of couch_server LRU operations skipped Shown as operation |
couchdb.couchdb.database_purges (gauge) | number of times a database was purged Shown as read |
couchdb.couchdb.database_reads (gauge) | number of times a document was read from a database Shown as read |
couchdb.couchdb.database_writes (gauge) | number of times a database was changed Shown as write |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmetic_mean of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometric_mean of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonic_mean of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.max (gauge) | Max of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.median (gauge) | Median of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.min (gauge) | Min of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.n (gauge) | N of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.percentile.50 (gauge) | Percentile 50 of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.percentile.75 (gauge) | Percentile 75 of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.percentile.90 (gauge) | Percentile 90 of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.percentile.95 (gauge) | Percentile 95 of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.percentile.99 (gauge) | Percentile 99 of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.percentile.999 (gauge) | Percentile 999 of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standard_deviation of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.db_open_time.variance (gauge) | Variance of the milliseconds required to open a database Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmetic_mean of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometric_mean of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonic_mean of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.max (gauge) | Max of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.median (gauge) | Median of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.min (gauge) | Min of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.n (gauge) | N of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.percentile.50 (gauge) | Percentile 50 of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.percentile.75 (gauge) | Percentile 75 of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.percentile.90 (gauge) | Percentile 90 of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.percentile.95 (gauge) | Percentile 95 of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.percentile.99 (gauge) | Percentile 99 of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.percentile.999 (gauge) | Percentile 999 of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standard_deviation of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.dbinfo.variance (gauge) | Variance of the distribution of latencies for calls to retrieve DB info Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.document_inserts (gauge) | number of documents inserted Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.document_purges.failure (gauge) | number of failed document purge operations Shown as write |
couchdb.couchdb.document_purges.success (gauge) | number of successful document purge operations Shown as write |
couchdb.couchdb.document_purges.total (gauge) | total number of document purge operations Shown as write |
couchdb.couchdb.document_writes (gauge) | number of document write operations Shown as write |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.aborted_requests (gauge) | number of aborted requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmeticmean of the distribution of the number of docs in _bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometricmean of the distribution of the number of docs in _bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonicmean of the distribution of the number of docs in _bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.max (gauge) | Max of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.median (gauge) | Median of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.min (gauge) | Min of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.n (gauge) | N of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.percentile.50 (gauge) | Percentile 50 of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.percentile.75 (gauge) | Percentile 75 of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.percentile.90 (gauge) | Percentile 90 of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.percentile.95 (gauge) | Percentile 95 of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.percentile.99 (gauge) | Percentile 99 of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.percentile.999 (gauge) | Percentile 999 of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standarddeviation of the distribution of the number of docs in _bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_docs.variance (gauge) | Variance of the distribution of the number of docs in bulkdocs requests Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.bulk_requests (gauge) | number of bulk requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.clients_requesting_changes (gauge) | number of clients for continuous _changes Shown as connection |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.purge_requests (gauge) | number of HTTP purge requests Shown as write |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.requests (gauge) | number of HTTP requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.temporary_view_reads (gauge) | number of temporary view reads Shown as read |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.view_reads (gauge) | number of view reads Shown as read |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_request_methods.COPY (gauge) | number of HTTP COPY requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_request_methods.DELETE (gauge) | number of HTTP DELETE requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_request_methods.GET (gauge) | number of HTTP GET requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_request_methods.HEAD (gauge) | number of HTTP HEAD requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_request_methods.OPTIONS (gauge) | number of HTTP OPTIONS requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_request_methods.POST (gauge) | number of HTTP POST requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_request_methods.PUT (gauge) | number of HTTP PUT requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.200 (gauge) | number of HTTP 200 OK responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.201 (gauge) | number of HTTP 201 Created responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.202 (gauge) | number of HTTP 202 Accepted responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.204 (gauge) | number of HTTP 204 No Content responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.206 (gauge) | number of HTTP 206 Partial Content Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.301 (gauge) | number of HTTP 301 Moved Permanently responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.302 (gauge) | number of HTTP 302 Found responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.304 (gauge) | number of HTTP 304 Not Modified responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.400 (gauge) | number of HTTP 400 Bad Request responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.401 (gauge) | number of HTTP 401 Unauthorized responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.403 (gauge) | number of HTTP 403 Forbidden responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.404 (gauge) | number of HTTP 404 Not Found responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.405 (gauge) | number of HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.406 (gauge) | number of HTTP 406 Not Acceptable responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.409 (gauge) | number of HTTP 409 Conflict responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.412 (gauge) | number of HTTP 412 Precondition Failed responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.413 (gauge) | number of HTTP 413 Request Entity Too Long responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.414 (gauge) | number of HTTP 414 Request URI Too Long responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.415 (gauge) | number of HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.416 (gauge) | number of HTTP 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.417 (gauge) | number of HTTP 417 Expectation Failed responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.500 (gauge) | number of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.501 (gauge) | number of HTTP 501 Not Implemented responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd_status_codes.503 (gauge) | number of HTTP 503 Server Unavailable responses Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.local_document_writes (gauge) | number of _local document write operations Shown as write |
couchdb.couchdb.mrview.emits (gauge) | number of invocations of `emit' in map functions in the view server Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.mrview.map_doc (gauge) | number of documents mapped in the view server Shown as document |
couchdb.couchdb.open_databases (gauge) | number of open databases Shown as resource |
couchdb.couchdb.open_os_files (gauge) | number of file descriptors CouchDB has open Shown as file |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmeticmean of the duration of validatedoc_update function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometricmean of the duration of validatedoc_update function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonicmean of the duration of validatedoc_update function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.max (gauge) | Max of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.median (gauge) | Median of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.min (gauge) | Min of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.n (gauge) | N of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.percentile.50 (gauge) | Percentile 50 of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.percentile.75 (gauge) | Percentile 75 of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.percentile.90 (gauge) | Percentile 90 of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.percentile.95 (gauge) | Percentile 95 of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.percentile.99 (gauge) | Percentile 99 of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.percentile.999 (gauge) | Percentile 999 of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standarddeviation of the duration of validatedoc_update function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_process_time.variance (gauge) | Variance of the duration of validatedocupdate function calls Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.query_server.vdu_rejects (gauge) | number of rejections by validatedocupdate function Shown as event |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time (gauge) | Length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (available for CouchDB v1 only) Shown as second |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmetic_mean of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometric_mean of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonic_mean of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.max (gauge) | Max of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.median (gauge) | Median of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.min (gauge) | Min of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.n (gauge) | N of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.percentile.50 (gauge) | Percentile 50 of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.percentile.75 (gauge) | Percentile 75 of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.percentile.90 (gauge) | Percentile 90 of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.percentile.95 (gauge) | Percentile 95 of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.percentile.99 (gauge) | Percentile 99 of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.percentile.999 (gauge) | Percentile 999 of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standard_deviation of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.couchdb.request_time.variance (gauge) | Variance of the length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb (not available for CouchDB v1) Shown as millisecond |
couchdb.ddoc_cache.hit (gauge) | number of design doc cache hits Shown as hit |
couchdb.ddoc_cache.miss (gauge) | number of design doc cache misses Shown as miss |
couchdb.ddoc_cache.recovery (gauge) | number of design doc cache recoveries Shown as read |
couchdb.erlang.context_switches (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.distribution.recv_avg (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.distribution.recv_cnt (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.distribution.recv_dvi (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.distribution.recv_max (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.distribution.recv_oct (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.distribution.send_avg (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.distribution.send_cnt (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.distribution.send_max (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.distribution.send_oct (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.distribution.send_pend (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.ets_table_count (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.garbage_collection_count (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.internal_replication_jobs (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.io_input (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.io_output (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.memory.atom (gauge) | Shown as byte |
couchdb.erlang.memory.atom_used (gauge) | Shown as byte |
couchdb.erlang.memory.binary (gauge) | Shown as byte |
couchdb.erlang.memory.code (gauge) | Shown as byte |
couchdb.erlang.memory.ets (gauge) | Shown as byte |
couchdb.erlang.memory.other (gauge) | Shown as byte |
couchdb.erlang.memory.processes (gauge) | Shown as byte |
couchdb.erlang.memory.processes_used (gauge) | Shown as byte |
couchdb.erlang.message_queues.size (gauge) | number of message queues |
couchdb.erlang.message_queues.max (gauge) | max message queue length |
couchdb.erlang.message_queues.min (gauge) | min message queue length |
couchdb.erlang.message_queues.50 (gauge) | 50th percentile message queue length |
couchdb.erlang.message_queues.90 (gauge) | 90th percentile message queue length |
couchdb.erlang.message_queues.99 (gauge) | 99th percentile message queue length |
couchdb.erlang.os_proc_count (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.process_count (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.process_limit (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.reductions (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.run_queue (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.stale_proc_count (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.uptime (gauge) | |
couchdb.erlang.words_reclaimed (gauge) | |
couchdb.fabric.doc_update.errors (gauge) | number of document update errors Shown as error |
couchdb.fabric.doc_update.mismatched_errors (gauge) | number of document update errors with multiple error types Shown as error |
couchdb.fabric.doc_update.write_quorum_errors (gauge) | number of write quorum errors Shown as error |
couchdb.fabric.open_shard.timeouts (gauge) | number of open shard timeouts Shown as error |
couchdb.fabric.read_repairs.failure (gauge) | number of failed read repair operations Shown as operation |
couchdb.fabric.read_repairs.success (gauge) | number of successful read repair operations Shown as operation |
couchdb.fabric.worker.timeouts (gauge) | number of worker timeouts Shown as timeout |
couchdb.global_changes.db_writes (gauge) | number of db writes performed by global changes Shown as write |
couchdb.global_changes.event_doc_conflict (gauge) | number of conflicted event docs encountered by global changes Shown as event |
couchdb.global_changes.listener_pending_updates (gauge) | number of global changes updates pending writes in globalchangeslistener Shown as write |
couchdb.global_changes.rpcs (gauge) | number of rpc operations performed by global_changes Shown as operation |
couchdb.global_changes.server_pending_updates (gauge) | number of global changes updates pending writes in globalchangesserver Shown as write |
couchdb.mem3.shard_cache.eviction (gauge) | number of shard cache evictions Shown as eviction |
couchdb.mem3.shard_cache.hit (gauge) | number of shard cache hits Shown as hit |
couchdb.mem3.shard_cache.miss (gauge) | number of shard cache misses Shown as miss |
couchdb.pread.exceed_eof (gauge) | number of the attempts to read beyond end of db file Shown as read |
couchdb.pread.exceed_limit (gauge) | number of the attempts to read beyond set limit Shown as read |
couchdb.rexi.buffered (gauge) | number of rexi messages buffered Shown as message |
couchdb.rexi.down (gauge) | number of rexi_DOWN messages handled Shown as message |
couchdb.rexi.dropped (gauge) | number of rexi messages dropped from buffers Shown as message |
couchdb.rexi.streams.timeout.init_stream (gauge) | number of rexi stream initialization timeouts Shown as timeout |
couchdb.rexi.streams.timeout.stream (gauge) | number of rexi stream timeouts Shown as timeout |
couchdb.rexi.streams.timeout.wait_for_ack (gauge) | number of rexi stream timeouts while waiting for acks Shown as timeout |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.all_docs_timeouts (gauge) | number of HTTP all_docs timeouts Shown as timeout |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.explain_timeouts (gauge) | number of HTTP _explain timeouts Shown as timeout |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.find_timeouts (gauge) | number of HTTP find timeouts Shown as timeout |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.partition_all_docs_requests (gauge) | number of partition HTTP alldocs requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.partition_all_docs_timeouts (gauge) | number of partition HTTP all_docs timeouts Shown as timeout |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.partition_explain_requests (gauge) | number of partition HTTP _explain requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.partition_explain_timeouts (gauge) | number of partition HTTP _explain timeouts Shown as timeout |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.partition_find_requests (gauge) | number of partition HTTP _find requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.partition_find_timeouts (gauge) | number of partition HTTP find timeouts Shown as timeout |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.partition_view_requests (gauge) | number of partition HTTP view requests Shown as request |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.partition_view_timeouts (gauge) | number of partition HTTP view timeouts Shown as timeout |
couchdb.couchdb.httpd.view_timeouts (gauge) | number of HTTP view timeouts Shown as timeout |
couchdb.couchdb.io_queue.search (gauge) | Search IO directly triggered by client requests |
couchdb.couchdb.io_queue2.search.count (gauge) | Search IO directly triggered by client requests |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmetic_mean of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometric_mean of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonic_mean of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.max (gauge) | Max of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.median (gauge) | Median of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.min (gauge) | Min of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.n (gauge) | Number of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.percentile.50 (gauge) | p50 of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.percentile.75 (gauge) | p75 of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.percentile.90 (gauge) | p90 of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.percentile.95 (gauge) | p95 of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.percentile.99 (gauge) | p99 of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.percentile.999 (gauge) | p999 of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standard_deviation of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.httpd.search.variance (gauge) | Variance of Distribution of overall search request latency as experienced by the end user |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmeticmean of length of an dreyfusindex await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometricmean of length of an dreyfusindex await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonicmean of length of an dreyfusindex await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.max (gauge) | Max of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.median (gauge) | Median of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.min (gauge) | Min of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.n (gauge) | Number of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.percentile.50 (gauge) | p50 of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.percentile.75 (gauge) | p75 of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.percentile.90 (gauge) | p90 of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.percentile.95 (gauge) | p95 of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.percentile.99 (gauge) | p99 of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.percentile.999 (gauge) | p999 of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standarddeviation of length of an dreyfusindex await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.await.variance (gauge) | Variance of length of an dreyfus_index await request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmeticmean of length of an dreyfusindex group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometricmean of length of an dreyfusindex group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonicmean of length of an dreyfusindex group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.max (gauge) | Max of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.median (gauge) | Median of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.min (gauge) | Min of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.n (gauge) | Number of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.percentile.50 (gauge) | p50 of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.percentile.75 (gauge) | p75 of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.percentile.90 (gauge) | p90 of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.percentile.95 (gauge) | p95 of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.percentile.99 (gauge) | p99 of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.percentile.999 (gauge) | p999 of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standarddeviation of length of an dreyfusindex group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group1.variance (gauge) | Variance of length of an dreyfus_index group1 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmeticmean of length of an dreyfusindex group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometricmean of length of an dreyfusindex group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonicmean of length of an dreyfusindex group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.max (gauge) | Max of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.median (gauge) | Median of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.min (gauge) | Min of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.n (gauge) | Number of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.percentile.50 (gauge) | p50 of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.percentile.75 (gauge) | p75 of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.percentile.90 (gauge) | p90 of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.percentile.95 (gauge) | p95 of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.percentile.99 (gauge) | p99 of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.percentile.999 (gauge) | p999 of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standarddeviation of length of an dreyfusindex group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.group2.variance (gauge) | Variance of length of an dreyfus_index group2 request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmeticmean of length of an dreyfusindex info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometricmean of length of an dreyfusindex info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonicmean of length of an dreyfusindex info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.max (gauge) | Max of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.median (gauge) | Median of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.min (gauge) | Min of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.n (gauge) | Number of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.percentile.50 (gauge) | p50 of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.percentile.75 (gauge) | p75 of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.percentile.90 (gauge) | p90 of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.percentile.95 (gauge) | p95 of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.percentile.99 (gauge) | p99 of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.percentile.999 (gauge) | p999 of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standarddeviation of length of an dreyfusindex info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.info.variance (gauge) | Variance of length of an dreyfus_index info request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmeticmean of length of an dreyfusindex search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometricmean of length of an dreyfusindex search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonicmean of length of an dreyfusindex search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.max (gauge) | Max of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.median (gauge) | Median of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.min (gauge) | Min of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.n (gauge) | Number of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.percentile.50 (gauge) | p50 of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.percentile.75 (gauge) | p75 of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.percentile.90 (gauge) | p90 of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.percentile.95 (gauge) | p95 of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.percentile.99 (gauge) | p99 of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.percentile.999 (gauge) | p999 of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standarddeviation of length of an dreyfusindex search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.index.search.variance (gauge) | Variance of length of an dreyfus_index search request |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmetic_mean of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometric_mean of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonic_mean of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.max (gauge) | Max of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.median (gauge) | Median of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.min (gauge) | Min of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.n (gauge) | Number of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.percentile.50 (gauge) | p50 of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.percentile.75 (gauge) | p75 of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.percentile.90 (gauge) | p90 of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.percentile.95 (gauge) | p95 of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.percentile.99 (gauge) | p99 of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.percentile.999 (gauge) | p999 of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standard_deviation of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group1.variance (gauge) | Variance of length of a group1 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmetic_mean of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometric_mean of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonic_mean of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.max (gauge) | Max of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.median (gauge) | Median of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.min (gauge) | Min of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.n (gauge) | Number of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.percentile.50 (gauge) | p50 of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.percentile.75 (gauge) | p75 of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.percentile.90 (gauge) | p90 of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.percentile.95 (gauge) | p95 of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.percentile.99 (gauge) | p99 of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.percentile.999 (gauge) | p999 of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standard_deviation of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.group2.variance (gauge) | Variance of length of a group2 RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmetic_mean of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometric_mean of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonic_mean of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.max (gauge) | Max of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.median (gauge) | Median of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.min (gauge) | Min of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.n (gauge) | Number of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.percentile.50 (gauge) | p50 of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.percentile.75 (gauge) | p75 of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.percentile.90 (gauge) | p90 of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.percentile.95 (gauge) | p95 of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.percentile.99 (gauge) | p99 of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.percentile.999 (gauge) | p999 of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standard_deviation of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.info.variance (gauge) | Variance of length of an info RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmetic_mean of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometric_mean of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonic_mean of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.max (gauge) | Max of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.median (gauge) | Median of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.min (gauge) | Min of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.n (gauge) | Number of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.percentile.50 (gauge) | p50 of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.percentile.75 (gauge) | p75 of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.percentile.90 (gauge) | p90 of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.percentile.95 (gauge) | p95 of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.percentile.99 (gauge) | p99 of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.percentile.999 (gauge) | p999 of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standard_deviation of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.dreyfus.rpc.search.variance (gauge) | Variance of length of a search RPC worker |
couchdb.mango.docs_examined (gauge) | number of documents examined by mango queries coordinated by this node |
couchdb.mango.evaluate_selector (gauge) | number of mango selector evaluations |
couchdb.mango.query_invalid_index (gauge) | number of mango queries that generated an invalid index warning |
couchdb.mango.query_time.arithmetic_mean (gauge) | Arithmetic_mean of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.geometric_mean (gauge) | Geometric_mean of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.harmonic_mean (gauge) | Harmonic_mean of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.kurtosis (gauge) | Kurtosis of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.max (gauge) | Max of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.median (gauge) | Median of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.min (gauge) | Min of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.n (gauge) | Number of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.percentile.50 (gauge) | p50 of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.percentile.75 (gauge) | p75 of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.percentile.90 (gauge) | p90 of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.percentile.95 (gauge) | p95 of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.percentile.99 (gauge) | p99 of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.percentile.999 (gauge) | p999 of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.skewness (gauge) | Skewness of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.standard_deviation (gauge) | Standard_deviation of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.query_time.variance (gauge) | Variance of length of time processing a mango query |
couchdb.mango.quorum_docs_examined (gauge) | number of documents examined by mango queries, using cluster quorum |
couchdb.mango.results_returned (gauge) | number of rows returned by mango queries Shown as row |
couchdb.mango.too_many_docs_scanned (gauge) | number of mango queries that generated an index scan warning Shown as query |
couchdb.mango.unindexed_queries (gauge) | number of mango queries that could not use an index Shown as query |
Couch 점검은 이벤트를 포함하지 않습니다.
Returns status after pinging your CouchDB instance. Additional information about response status at the time of collection is included in the check message.
Statuses: ok, critical
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