Track workflows

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This page explains how to track different kinds of workflow activity and workflow costs.

Out-of-the-box dashboard

The Workflows Overview dashboard provides a high-level overview of your Datadog workflows and executions. To find the dashboard, go to your Dashboard list and search for Workflows Overview.

The Workflows Overview dashboard

View workflow edits and runs in Audit Trail

You can view workflow edits and runs using Audit Trail.

For example, to see who edited a workflow:

  1. From your workflow, click the (gear) in the upper right corner and click View audit events.
    An Audit Trail search filtered to your workflow opens.
  2. In the left, under the Core filters, expand Action.
  3. Hover over Modified and click Only to filter the results to show only workflow edits.
    The User ID column displays the username of the person who performed each edit.

Notify about runs

See Workflow notifications for instructions on using built-in workflow notifications.

Track Workflow metrics with a Datadog monitor

You can use Datadog monitors to track various Workflow metrics.

The list of available metrics is:

datadog.workflows.countNumber of non-deleted workflows.
datadog.workflows.executions.startedNumber of workflow instances that have started.
datadog.workflows.executions.completedNumber of workflow instances that have completed.
datadog.workflows.steps.executions.startedNumber of workflow instance steps that have started.
datadog.workflows.steps.executions.completedNumber of workflow instance steps that have completed.

To create a monitor that tracks whether daily workflow executions exceed a certain threshold, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to New Monitor and select the Metric monitor type.

  2. Under Define the metric, for a, fill in datadog.workflows.executions.started.

  3. Optionally, to restrict the monitor to a specific workflow, for from, fill in workflow_id:[WORKFLOW-ID], replacing [WORKFLOW-ID] with the ID for your workflow.

  4. For Evaluation Details, use the following values:

    • Evaluate the: sum
    • Of the query over the: last 1 day.
  5. For Set alert conditions, choose above, then fill in an alert and warning threshold. For example, you could fill in an Alert threshold of 200 and a Warning threshold of 150.

  6. Under Configure notifications & automations, name your workflow, then fill in message text. For example, you could use message text like the following:

    Workflow has executed {{warn_threshold}} times in the last day; manual action might be needed to avoid alerting.
    Workflow has executed {{threshold}} times in the last day, which is our budget threshold for workflows. We should unpublish the workflow to avoid any more automatic executions for the day.
  7. Click Create.

View workflow events in Event Manager

You can use Event Manager to view workflow start and completion events by filtering on source:workflow_automation.

To see events for a specific workflow, in the Search facets box, search for workflow.workflow_id. You can select a specific set of IDs to view only events for those workflows.

You can also filter the output by Status to see only info, warn, or error messages.

Track workflow billing in Usage Attribution

Usage Attribution is an advanced feature included in the Enterprise plan. For all other plans, contact your account representative or to request this feature.

To track billing for your workflow executions, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Usage Attribution page.
  2. Under Products on the left, search for Workflow Executions.
  3. Hover over Workflow Executions and click Only to view usage attribution for only workflows.

Further reading

Do you have questions or feedback? Join the #workflows channel on the Datadog Community Slack.

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