
The Shadow Document Object Model (DOM) API is a web component that allows an encapsulated DOM tree to attach to an HTML element. The shadow DOM is self-contained and stays isolated from the main document’s DOM.

You may use a shadow DOM for the following use cases:

  • Forms and components from third-party libraries
  • Embedded content (such as a video or an image)
  • Chat pop-up integrations
The Datadog browser test recorder extension is unable to capture the full set of locators needed to target the element on test runs, causing the step to fail on test runs.

Depending on the encapsulation mode and the step objective, leverage browser test actions to configure a test that interacts with and validates elements rendered within a shadow DOM. This guide highlights these actions and assertion types.

Open mode

Open Shadow DOM

In open mode, normal assertions are unavailable. You can use JavaScript assertions to interact with and validate elements rendered in a shadow DOM with the Element.shadowRoot property.

Assert text presence

Validate text rendered in a shadow DOM

To validate that the text “TODO” appears on a page, query the innerHTML property directly from the <body> element of the main document.

return document.querySelector("body").innerHTML.includes("TODO")

Validate rendered text

To validate that text is rendered within a given element rendered in a shadow DOM, use the shadowRoot property to access the respective element and innerHTML or textContent properties to validate the text is rendered.

For example, the following code snippet validates the text “TODO” rendered in an <h3> HTML tag:

// find element to which the Shadow DOM is attached:
let element = document.querySelector("body > editable-list")
// use the shadowRoot property to locate the <h3> element in the Shadow DOM:
let shadowDomElement = element.shadowRoot.querySelector("div > h3")
// check textContent of the Shadow DOM element:
return shadowDomElement.textContent.includes("TODO")

Enter text into input fields

When text input fields are rendered in the main document’s DOM tree, the Datadog browser test recorder automatically records inputted values and creates a Type Text test step.

When working with input fields rendered in a shadow DOM, the recorder may be unable to capture a complete set of reference points to the element, causing the step to fail on test runs. As a workaround for entering text into a text input field rendered in a shadow DOM, add a JavaScript assertion that locates the respective <input> element and sets the value field.

Validate entered text rendered in a shadow DOM

For example, the following code snippet adds the text “Item added with JS assertion” in the input field:

// find element to which the Shadow DOM is attached:
let element = document.querySelector("body > editable-list")
// use the shadowRoot property to locate the <input> element in the Shadow DOM:
let shadowDomInput = element.shadowRoot.querySelector("input")
// set the value property of the <input> element:
shadowDomInput.value = "Item added with JS assertion"
return true

Click on an element

To trigger a click on an element rendered in a shadow DOM, locate the respective element and run .click() on it.

Validate triggered click on an element rendered in a shadow DOM

For example, the following code snippet triggers a click on a button element.

// find element to which the Shadow DOM is attached:
let element = document.querySelector("body > editable-list")
// use the shadowRoot property to locate the <button> element in the Shadow DOM:
let shadowDomButton = element.shadowRoot.querySelector("button.editable-list-add-item")
// trigger a click on the button:
return true

Closed mode

Closed Shadow DOM

In closed mode, normal assertions are unavailable. Additionally, elements rendered in a shadow DOM are not accessible with JavaScript, so you cannot use JavaScript assertions in your browser tests.

You can use the Press Key action to select the appropriate options. For example, to navigate to a different page by selecting an option from a navigation menu and the menu is rendered in a shadow DOM, use the tab key to navigate to the respective option and click the enter key to select an option.

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

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