Find a Cloud Account or Team ID using our API

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Currently, the Cloudcraft UI doesn’t expose the ID of your AWS or Azure accounts or teams. However, you can still find these IDs using our API and a bit of manual work.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

You must also have at least one AWS or Azure account added to Cloudcraft.

Finding the cloud account ID

Finding the ID of your AWS or Azure account is easy; you can do it by making a single API call.

To find the ID of your cloud account, run the following command:

curl \
  --url '' \
  --tlsv1.2 \
  --proto '=https' \
  --compressed \
  --silent \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY" | jq .

Replace PROVIDER with aws or azure and API_KEY with your Cloudcraft API key.

The response should look something like this for AWS:


  "accounts": [
      "id": "8bfc6773-7fa2-49b3-8016-5e0e9a2e2aff",
      "name": "Development",
      "roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::600111810075:role/cloudcraft",
      "externalId": "93cf2e38-742a-4321-bcee-1d8b8fe35b8b",
      "readAccess": null,
      "writeAccess": null,
      "createdAt": "2024-02-21T15:19:26.232Z",
      "updatedAt": "2024-02-21T15:19:26.701Z",
      "CreatorId": "f179a0f9-ebf6-4a6a-afd8-74d608498a1f",
      "source": "aws"

And something like this for Azure:


  "accounts": [
      "id": "e18da22b-330d-4091-bb57-c46654df5351",
      "name": "Development",
      "applicationId": "598c6f24-c2e2-4870-88bd-d42fe6f5c998",
      "directoryId": "c6444a86-1cfe-4312-add5-61e2c140648b",
      "subscriptionId": "74efa8fe-0997-49b0-963d-ea88bf80fe11",
      "readAccess": null,
      "writeAccess": null,
      "createdAt": "2023-11-20T22:11:43.688Z",
      "updatedAt": "2023-11-20T22:11:43.688Z",
      "CreatorId": "2d95eeb8-7161-48f8-88e4-8f0d6bb7b47f",
      "hint": "9NP",
      "source": "azure"

The id field contains the ID of your cloud account.

Finding the team ID

Cloudcraft doesn’t expose the team ID in the UI or through a simple API call. However, you can still find the team ID by using the Cloudcraft UI in combination with the API.

To find the ID of your team, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Cloudcraft UI and create a new empty blueprint.
  2. Click the Share & Export button in the top-right corner.
  3. Under Share with a team…, click the field and select the team or teams you want to get the ID for.
  1. Copy the ID of the blueprint from the URL. The ID is the part of the URL that comes after blueprint/.

  2. Switch to the terminal and run the following command:

curl \
  --url '' \
  --tlsv1.2 \
  --proto '=https' \
  --compressed \
  --silent \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY" | jq '.readAccess'

Replace ID with the ID of the blueprint you created and API_KEY with your Cloudcraft API key.

The response should look something like this:



The UUID after team/ is the ID of your team.

PREVIEWING: drodriguezhdez/add_public_docs_log_summarization