Amazon Elastic File System

Información general

Amazon EFS proporciona un almacenamiento de archivos sencillo y escalable para su uso con funciones AWS Lambda o instancias de Amazon EC2.

Habilita esta integración para recopilar tus métricas EFS en Datadog.



Si todavía no lo has hecho, configura la integración de Amazon Web Services primero.

Recopilación de métricas

  1. En la página de la integración AWS, asegúrate de que EFS está habilitado en la pestaña Metric Collection.

  2. Añade estos permisos a tu política IAM de Datadog para recopilar métricas Amazon EFS:

    • elasticfilesystem:DescribeTags: Obtiene las etiquetas (tags) personalizadas aplicadas a sistemas de archivos
    • elasticfilesystem:DescribeFileSystems: Proporciona una lista de los sistemas de archivos activos

    Para obtener más información, consulta las políticas de EFS en el sitio web AWS.

  3. Instala la integración Amazon EFS en Datadog.


Activar logging

Configura Amazon EFS para enviar logs a un bucket de S3 o a CloudWatch.

Nota: Si generas logs en un bucket de S3, asegúrate de que amazon_efs esté configurado como Prefijo de destino.

Enviar logs a Datadog

  1. Si aún no lo has hecho, configura la [función Lambda del Datadog Forwarder6.

  2. Una vez instalada la función de Lambda, añade manualmente un activador en el bucket de S3 o en el grupo de logs de CloudWatch que contiene tus logs de Amazon EFS en la consola de AWS.

Amazon EFS para Lambda

Amazon EFS para Lambda te permite conectar un EFS a tus funciones Lambda. Las organizaciones pueden utilizar EFS para Lambda para simplificar sus cargas de trabajo de Machine Learning y el procesamiento de datos para que sean completamente serverless. Para dividir métricas y logs Lambda por EFS:

  1. Instala la integración AWS Lambda y habilita la recopilación de métricas.

  2. Añade este permiso a tu política IAM de Datadog:

    • elasticfilesystem:DescribeAccessPoints: Enumera los EFS activos conectados a funciones Lambda

Datos recopilados


The average burst credit balance during the period.
Shown as byte
The largest burst credit balance for any minute during the period.
Shown as byte
The smallest burst credit balance for any minute during the period.
Shown as byte
The number of Amazon EC2 instances that are connected to a file system.
The total number of bytes associated with read operations.
Shown as byte
The average size of read operations during the period.
Shown as byte
The size of the largest read operation during the period.
Shown as byte
The size of the smallest read operation during the period.
Shown as byte
The sample count of the number of data points used for read operation metrics.
Shown as unit
The sum of the number bytes associated with write operations.
Shown as byte
The average size of write operations during the period.
Shown as byte
The size of the largest write operation during the period.
Shown as byte
The size of the smallest write operation during the period.
Shown as byte
The sample count of the number of data points used for write operation metrics.
Shown as unit
The total number of bytes associated with metadata operations.
Shown as byte
The average metadata operation during the period.
Shown as byte
The size of the largest metadata operation during the period.
Shown as byte
The size of the smallest metadata operation during the period.
Shown as byte
The sample count of the number of data points used for metadata operation metrics.
Shown as unit
The average size of an operation during the period.
Shown as byte
The size of the largest operation during the period.
Shown as byte
The size of the smallest operation during the period.
Shown as byte
A count of metadata operations.
Shown as byte
The total number of bytes associated with metadata operations.
Shown as byte
Shows how close a file system is to reaching the I/O limit of the general purpose performance mode.
Shown as percent
The average throughput permitted during the period.
Shown as byte
The highest throughput permitted for any minute during the period.
Shown as byte
The smallest throughput permitted for any minute during the period.
Shown as byte
The latest known metered size (in bytes) of data stored in the file system, including both storage classes.
Shown as byte
The total number of bytes associated with all file system operations
Shown as byte
The average size of an operation during the period
Shown as byte
The size of the largest operation during the period.
Shown as byte
The size of the smallest operation during a period.
Shown as byte
The sample count of the number of data points used for file system operation metrics.
Shown as unit

A cada una de las métricas recuperadas de AWS se le asignan las mismas etiquetas que aparecen en la consola de AWS, donde se incluyen el nombre del host y los grupos de seguridad, entre otras cosas.


La integración Amazon Elastic File System no incluye eventos.

Checks de servicios

La integración Amazon Elastic File System no incluye checks de servicios.

Resolución de problemas

¿Necesitas ayuda? Ponte en contacto con Soporte técnico de Datadog.

PREVIEWING: drodriguezhdez/add_public_docs_log_summarization