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The New Relic APM integration is deprecated and has reduced functionality. APM metric labels are unavailable.
Effective March 01, 2025, NewRelic’s REST API v2 no longer accepts REST API Keys.

In order to maintain functionality for this integration, replace your existing REST API key with a User API key in the integration configuration.

Connect to New Relic to see New Relic alerts in your event stream.


New Relic alerts in event stream

Complete the following steps in New Relic.

  1. On the “Alerts & AI” tab, navigate to “Notification Channels”.

  2. Select “New Notification Channel”.

  3. Select “Webhook” as the channel type.

  4. Name your channel “Datadog”.

  5. Enter this base URL:<DATADOG_API_KEY>
  6. Click “Custom Payload” and ensure that the payload is in JSON format. Note: See section below for instructions on including custom tags in JSON.

  7. Click “Create Channel”.

  8. Click “Alert Policies”.

  9. Select any alert policies for which you would like alerts to be sent into Datadog.

Required Webhook Format

This section outlines the various types of New Relic alerts that can be processed in Datadog, detailing the required fields for each alert type. If any of the required fields are missing, the event wil be rejected and will not appear in the Event Explorer.

Deployment Notification

If “deployment” is in the webhook payload, it will be treated as an INFO event.

Required fields:

  1. created_at
  2. revision
  3. description
  4. deployed_by
  5. changelog


If “alert” is in the webhook payload, the event type will be determined from the short description according to the following rules:

  1. SUCCESS if one of “ended”, “closed”, or “recovered” is in the description
  2. INFO if “acknowledged” is in the description
  3. ERROR in all other cases

Required fields

  1. short_description
  2. message
  3. alert_url
  4. created_at
  5. severity


If the above criteria is not met, the severity field will be mapped to an alert type.

Required Fields:

  1. account_id
  2. account_name
  3. condition_id
  4. condition_name
  5. current_state
  6. details
  7. event_type
  8. incident_acknowledge_url
  9. targets
  10. incident_id
  11. incident_url
  12. policy_name
  13. policy_url
  14. severity - This field must be one of info, warn, or critical. It wil be mapped to an event type of info, warning, and error.
  15. timestamp

Include custom tags on beta alerts

You can include custom tags with the “Use Custom Payload” option through New Relic’s Beta Alerts feature. To configure this, navigate to your New Relic account, and click the ‘Alerts Beta’ button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Then, select the ‘Notification channels’ section and find the Webhook you’ve setup for Datadog. From here there should be a section called ‘Use Custom Payload’, and once selected, it expands to reveal a JSON payload. You need to modify this payload by adding a “tags” attribute. For example, a modified payload might look like this:

    "account_id": "$ACCOUNT_ID",
    "account_name": "$ACCOUNT_NAME",
    "condition_id": "$CONDITION_ID",
    "condition_name": "$CONDITION_NAME",
    "current_state": "$EVENT_STATE",
    "details": "$EVENT_DETAILS",
    "event_type": "$EVENT_TYPE",
    "incident_acknowledge_url": "$INCIDENT_ACKNOWLEDGE_URL",
    "incident_id": "$INCIDENT_ID",
    "incident_url": "$INCIDENT_URL",
    "owner": "$EVENT_OWNER",
    "policy_name": "$POLICY_NAME",
    "policy_url": "$POLICY_URL",
    "runbook_url": "$RUNBOOK_URL",
    "severity": "$SEVERITY",
    "targets": "$TARGETS",
    "timestamp": "$TIMESTAMP",
    "tags": ["application:yourapplication", "host:yourhostname", "sometag"]

After your modifications are complete, select Update Channel to save your changes.


Need help? Contact Datadog support.

PREVIEWING: drodriguezhdez/add_public_docs_log_summarization