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This page describes how to merge your AWS Step Functions traces with related AWS Lambda traces or nested Step Functions traces. These instructions assume that you have already instrumented these AWS Step Functions and Lambda functions to send traces to Datadog.
Datadog recommends using JSONata to define your Step Function payloads for the most complete end-to-end tracing experience. If you are using JSONPath to define your Step Function payloads, see the below sections for supported configurations.
Merge upstream traces with Step Functions and downstream Lambda traces
Node.js (layer v116+) or Python (layer v103+) runtimes.
Your State Machine Definition must be using JSONata as the query language. This can be enabled by setting "QueryLanguage": "JSONata" at the top-level of the State Machine Definition.
On the Lambda Task, set the Arguments key as follows:
The JSONata expression merges the upstream service’s context with the current Step Functions context object and the Lambda state’s input payload.
Alternatively, if you have business logic defined in the payload, you can replace $states.input at the end of the JSONata expression with your intended value for the Payload key.
Merge upstream traces with Step Functions and nested Step Functions traces
Your State Machine Definition must be using JSONata as the query language. This can be enabled by setting "QueryLanguage": "JSONata" at the top-level of the State Machine Definition.
On the Step Functions Task, set the _datadog field in the Input key as follows:
Ensure you have deployed the Datadog Lambda Forwarder, a Lambda function that ships logs from AWS to Datadog, and that you are using v3.130.0+. You might need to update your Forwarder.
Replace <DATADOG_SITE> with (ensure the correct SITE is selected on the right).
Replace <DATADOG_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN> with the ARN of the AWS secret where your Datadog API key is securely stored. The key needs to be stored as a plaintext string (not a JSON blob). The secretsmanager:GetSecretValue permission is required. For quick testing, you can instead use apiKey and set the Datadog API key in plaintext.
Replace <FORWARDER_ARN> with the ARN of your Datadog Lambda Forwarder. This step configures the log stream subscription for the Forwarder. Ensure that the Step Function log group name begins with “/aws/vendedlogs/states/”. If it does not, you will need to set it up manually.
If you have not already, install the Datadog CLI v2.18.0+.
npm install -g @datadog/datadog-ci
Ensure you have deployed the Datadog Lambda Forwarder, a Lambda function that ships logs from AWS to Datadog, and that you are using v3.130.0+. You may need to update your Forwarder.
Replace <STEP_FUNCTION_ARN> with the ARN of your Step Function. Repeat the --step-function flag for each Step Function you wish to instrument.
Replace <FORWARDER_ARN> with the ARN of your Datadog Lambda Forwarder, as noted previously. This step configures the log stream subscription for the Forwarder. Ensure that the Step Function log group name begins with “/aws/vendedlogs/states/”. If it does not, you will need to set it up manually.
Replace <ENVIRONMENT> with the environment tag you would like to apply to your Step Functions.
The JsonMergeintrinsic function merges the Step Functions context object ($$) with the original Lambda’s input payload ($). Fields of the original payload overwrite the Step Functions context object if their keys are the same.
"Lambda Read From DynamoDB":{"Type":"Task","Resource":"arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke","Parameters":{"Payload.$":"States.JsonMerge($$, $, false)","FunctionName":"${lambdaArn}"},"End":true}
Alternatively, if you have business logic defined in the payload, you can also use the following format:
"Lambda Read From DynamoDB":{"Type":"Task","Resource":"arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke","Parameters":{"Payload":{..."Execution.$":"$$.Execution","State.$":"$$.State","StateMachine.$":"$$.StateMachine"},"FunctionName":"${lambdaArn}"},"End":true}
Merge upstream Lambda traces with Step Functions traces
For Node.js: Datadog Lambda Library for Node.js layer v112+ ordd-trace-js v3.58.0, v4.37.0, v5.13.0.
For Python: Datadog Lambda Library for Python layer 99+ ordd-trace-py v2.13.0.
If the layer or tracer version requirements are fulfilled, no further setup is required.
To ensure proper trace merging, provide input to the Step Functions Start Execution command, even if the input is an empty JSON object.
Merge Step Functions traces with nested Step Functions traces
To link your Step Function traces to nested Step Function traces, configure your task according to the following example:
"Step Functions StartExecution":{"Type":"Task","Resource":"arn:aws:states:::states:startExecution","Parameters":{"StateMachineArn":"${stateMachineArn}","Input":{"StatePayload":"Hello from Step Functions!","CONTEXT":{"Execution.$":"$$.Execution","State.$":"$$.State","StateMachine.$":"$$.StateMachine"}}},"End":true}