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Versioning of the Datadog Node.js tracing library follows semver. When a new major version is released it becomes the primary release line, where all new features, bug fixes and security patches land. Here’s an outline of what constitutes each type of semver change:
Changes that are incompatible with previous versions.
Adding anything that is compatible with previous versions (does not break them).
Security fixes
API changes incompatible with previous versions.
API additions
Bug fixes
Functionality changes incompatible with previous versions.
Functionality additions
Dropping support for anything such as Node.js versions, supported libraries, or other features.
Adding tested support for anything, such as Node.js versions, supported libraries, or other features.
When a release has changes that could go in multiple semver categories, the highest one is chosen. Release notes are posted with each GitHub release.
Maintenance mode is a period during which a release gets only security and bug fixes whenever possible, but not new features except on a case-by-case basis. Major versions of dd-trace enter maintenance mode upon the release of the subsequent major version of dd-trace. The maintenance mode period lasts for one year after the release date of that subsequent version.
For example, if version 5.0.0 of dd-trace is released on May 4, 2023, the 4.x.x release line is supported on a maintenance mode basis until May 4, 2024. During this maintenance mode period, security and bug patches will be applied whenever possible.
If you have any questions or concerns about our support for a particular version of dd-trace-js, contact Support to discuss.
When the Node.js project drops support for an LTS major release line (when it goes EOL), support for it is dropped in the next major version of dd-trace.
The last major supporting release line of dd-trace library supports that EOL version of Node.js for at least another year on a maintenance mode basis.
Some issues cannot be solved in dd-trace and instead must be solved in Node.js. When this happens and the Node.js release in question is EOL, it’s not possible to solve the issue without moving to another non-EOL release.
Datadog does not make new releases of dd-trace to provide specific support for non-LTS Node.js major release lines (odd numbered versions).
For the best level of support, always run the latest LTS release of Node.js, and the latest major version of dd-trace. Whatever release line of Node.js you use, also use the latest version of Node.js on that release line, to ensure you have the latest security fixes.
The following operating systems are officially supported by dd-trace. Any operating system not listed is still likely to work, but with some features missing, for example ASM, profiling, and runtime metrics. Generally speaking, operating systems that are actively maintained at the time of initial release for a major version are supported.
APM provides out-of-the-box instrumentation for many popular frameworks and libraries by using a plugin system. To request support for a module that is not listed, contact our awesome support team.
For details about how to how to toggle and configure plugins, check out the API documentation.
The tracer supports the following Next.js features:
Standalone (output: 'standalone')
App Router
Middleware: Not traced, use tracer versions 4.18.0 and 3.39.0 or higher for best experience.
Note: Next.js is under heavy active development, and it is not uncommon for patch releases to break compatibility with dd-trace. Test automations alert Datadog to these issues, but it can often take a few days to fix compatibility with the latest Next.js release.
Some modern complex Node.js frameworks, such as Next.js and Nest.js, provide their own entry-point into an application. For example, instead of running node app.js, you may need to run next start. In these cases, the entry point is a file that ships in the framework package, not a local application file (app.js).
Loading the Datadog tracer early in your application code isn’t effective because the framework could have already loaded modules that should be instrumented.
To load the tracer before the framework, use one of the following methods:
Prefix all commands you run with an environment variable:
NODE_OPTIONS='--require dd-trace/init' npm start
Or, modify the package.json file if you typically start an application with npm or yarn run scripts:
Note: The previous examples use Next.js, but the same approach applies to other frameworks with custom entry points, such as Nest.js. Adapt the commands to fit your specific framework and setup. Either command should work, but using NODE_OPTIONS also applies to any child Node.js processes.
fibers is incompatible with async_hooks, a Node.js module that is used by dd-trace-js to track asynchronous contexts thereby ensuring accurate tracing. Interactions between fibers and async_hooks may lead to unpreventable crashes and undefined behavior. So, the use of dd-trace-js with applications that invoke fibers directly or indirectly through frameworks such as Meteor may result in instability (crashes) or incorrect tracing.