Amazon EventBridge

The Datadog for Government site does not support Amazon EventBridge.


Datadog’s integration with Amazon EventBridge offers the following features:

  • Create custom event buses across your integrated AWS accounts
  • Send Datadog alert notification events into the event buses of your choice
  • Within AWS, set up triggers on your event buses with services like Kinesis, Lambda, and more
  • Use the information within the alert event to execute auto-remediation pipelines and runbooks, run analytics queries, etc.
  • This integration is not supported in GovCloud
A monitor notification being sent to EventBridge


If you haven’t already, set up the Amazon Web Services integration first.


  1. Ensure that the main AWS integration is installed for each AWS account that receives alert notifications.
  2. Ensure the following permissions exist in the permissions policy for Datadog AWS Role(s): events:CreateEventBus and events:PutPartnerEvents.
  3. The Amazon EventBridge integration is automatically installed with the main AWS integration.

Note: You can also use the API or Terraform to set up an Amazon EventBridge source.


events:CreateEventBus and events:PutPartnerEvents permissions are required to send alert notifications to your event buses. If you do not have these permissions set, read the Datadog IAM permissions documentation to enable permissions prior to further configuration.

  1. Navigate to the Datadog - Amazon EventBridge integration tile to see a list of AWS accounts integrated in Datadog where you can create Event Bridges.
  2. Within the AWS account of choice, create a new event bus by providing a name and selecting the region where you want it to exist.
  3. Within Datadog alerts, use the @awseventbridge-<MY_EVENT_BUS> syntax to send alert notifications to your event buses.
  4. Within AWS, connect your event buses to targets such as Lambda, Kinesis, and many other services to create event-driven workflows. Note: Examples of Datadog use cases can be found on Datadog’s partner page in the AWS Console.
  5. After setting up an event bus in Datadog, navigate to the Amazon EventBridge console and select Rules in the navigation pane.
  6. Select Create Rule and add a name and description for your rule.
  7. Under Define Pattern, select Event Pattern. Select Predefined by service as the event matching pattern. For service provider, select Service partners. For service name, select Datadog. This populates the event buses that are in Datadog. Add any additional information for your rule., then Save the rule.
  8. To disconnect an event bus in Datadog, hover over the event bus of your choice and press the trash icon. Note: This action disconnects the event bus from AWS, but does not delete the event bus itself within AWS.

Note: EventBridge rules are not imported into Datadog unless the rule is active and has been triggered.

Automated actions

Set up new outbound notification channels for monitors and snapshots from Datadog with the Amazon EventBridge integration. With automated actions, you can configure your AWS resources to:

  • Restart a process if process ends for live process monitoring
  • Prompt EC2 reboots
  • Prompt ECS Task (kick off another task when one task ends)
  • Apply an Ansible Playbook (make any change on hosts)
  • Run remote patches
  • Run remote SSH scripts
  • Run Windows Updates or install applications

The full list of resources you can target is available on the AWS website.

Find below an example of how to send a snapshot to trigger this process. Once triggered, you can specify the actions receipt in AWS.

Data Collected


The Amazon EventBridge integration does not include any metrics.


The Amazon EventBridge integration does not include any events.

Service Checks

The Amazon EventBridge integration does not include any service checks.


Need help? Contact Datadog support.

PREVIEWING: drodriguezhdez/add_public_docs_log_summarization