Ruby Compatibility Requirements
This documentation is for
gem v2.x. If you are looking for
gem v1.x documentation, see the legacy
Ruby Compatibility Requirements
The Ruby Datadog Trace library is open source. See the dd-trace-rb GitHub repository for more information.
OS | Support type | Package version |
Linux x86_64 | latest | Latest |
Linux aarch64 | latest | Latest |
macOS | Dev environments only | Latest |
MS Windows | Unimplemented | Latest |
Need linux support for a CPU architecture not listed? Contact our customer support team for special requests.
For a list of available integrations, and their configuration options, refer to the following:
Name | Key | Versions Supported: MRI | Versions Supported: JRuby | How to configure | Gem source |
Action Cable | action_cable | >= 5.0 | >= 5.0 | Link | Link |
Action Mailer | action_mailer | >= 5.0 | >= 5.0 | Link | Link |
Action Pack | action_pack | >= 4.0 | >= 4.0 | Link | Link |
Action View | action_view | >= 4.0 | >= 4.0 | Link | Link |
Active Job | active_job | >= 4.2 | >= 4.2 | Link | Link |
Active Model Serializers | active_model_serializers | >= 0.9 | >= 0.9 | Link | Link |
Active Record | active_record | >= 4.0 | >= 4.0 | Link | Link |
Active Support | active_support | >= 4.0 | >= 4.0 | Link | Link |
AWS | aws | >= 2.0 | >= 2.0 | Link | Link |
Concurrent Ruby | concurrent_ruby | >= 0.9 | >= 0.9 | Link | Link |
Dalli | dalli | >= 2.0 | >= 2.0 | Link | Link |
DelayedJob | delayed_job | >= 4.1 | >= 4.1 | Link | Link |
Elasticsearch | elasticsearch | >= 1.0 | >= 1.0 | Link | Link |
Ethon | ethon | >= 0.11 | >= 0.11 | Link | Link |
Excon | excon | >= 0.50 | >= 0.50 | Link | Link |
Faraday | faraday | >= 0.14 | >= 0.14 | Link | Link |
Grape | grape | >= 1.0 | >= 1.0 | Link | Link |
GraphQL | graphql | >= 2.2.6 , 2.1.11+ ,2.0.28+ , 1.13.21+ | >= 2.2.6 , 2.1.11+ ,2.0.28+ , 1.13.21+ | Link | Link |
gRPC | grpc | >= 1.7 | gem not available | Link | Link |
hanami | hanami | >= 1 , < 2 | >= 1 , < 2 | Link | Link |
http.rb | httprb | >= 2.0 | >= 2.0 | Link | Link |
httpclient | httpclient | >= 2.2 | >= 2.2 | Link | Link |
httpx | httpx | >= 0.11 | >= 0.11 | Link | Link |
Kafka | ruby-kafka | >= 0.7.10 | >= 0.7.10 | Link | Link |
Makara (via Active Record) | makara | >= 0.3.5 | >= 0.3.5 | Link | Link |
MongoDB | mongo | >= 2.1 | >= 2.1 | Link | Link |
MySQL2 | mysql2 | >= 0.3.21 | gem not available | Link | Link |
Net/HTTP | http | (Any supported Ruby) | (Any supported Ruby) | Link | Link |
OpenSearch | opensearch-ruby | >= 1.0.0 | >= 1.0.0 | Link | Link |
Postgres | pg | >= 0.18.4 | gem not available | Link | Link |
Presto | presto | >= 0.5.14 | >= 0.5.14 | Link | Link |
Que | que | >= 1.0.0.beta2 | >= 1.0.0.beta2 | Link | Link |
Racecar | racecar | >= 0.3.5 | >= 1.3.5 | Link | Link |
Rack | rack | >= 1.1 | >= 1.1 | Link | Link |
Rails | rails | >= 4.0 | >= 4.0 | Link | Link |
Rake | rake | >= 12.0 | >= 12.0 | Link | Link |
Redis | redis | >= 3.2 | >= 3.2 | Link | Link |
Resque | resque | >= 1.0 | >= 1.0 | Link | Link |
Rest Client | rest-client | >= 1.8 | >= 1.8 | Link | Link |
Roda | roda | >= 2.1, <4 | >= 2.1, <4 | Link | Link |
Sequel | sequel | >= 3.41 | >= 3.41 | Link | Link |
Shoryuken | shoryuken | >= 3.2 | >= 3.2 | Link | Link |
Sidekiq | sidekiq | >= 3.5.4 | >= 3.5.4 | Link | Link |
Sinatra | sinatra | >= 1.4 | >= 1.4 | Link | Link |
Sneakers | sneakers | >= 2.12.0 | >= 2.12.0 | Link | Link |
Stripe | stripe | >= 5.15.0 | >= 5.15.0 | Link | Link |
Sucker Punch | sucker_punch | >= 2.0 | >= 2.0 | Link | Link |
Datadog for Ruby is built upon dependencies defined in specific versions of the host operating system, Ruby
runtime, certain Ruby libraries, and the Datadog Agent/API. When these versions are no longer supported by their
maintainers, Datadog for Ruby limits its support for these as well.
Level | Support provided |
Unsupported | Possibly functional, but not tested or supported. Contact our customer support team for special requests. |
Unimplemented | No implementation. Contact our customer support team for special requests. |
Pre-release | Initial implementation. May not yet contain all features. Support for new features, bug & security fixes provided on a best-effort basis. |
Latest | Full implementation of all features. Full support for new features, bug & security fixes. |
Maintenance | Full implementation of existing features. Does not receive new features. Support for critical bug & security fixes only. |
End-of-life (EOL) | No support. The version can still be used but no bugfixes will be provided. |
Datadog for Ruby practices semantic versioning.
As this relates to downgrading runtime support, it implies:
- Major version updates (e.g.
to 2.0.0
) may change support for any runtime
from Beta/Latest
to Maintenance/EOL. - Minor version updates (e.g.
to 1.1.0
) may change support for any runtime
from Beta/Latest to Maintenance. - Patch version updates (e.g.
to 1.0.1
) will not change support for any runtime.
Datadog for Ruby will provide GA support for the latest major version and maintenance support for the previous major
version of the library. This support will be provided through the latest minor or patch version of the major version.
For example, if 1.21.0 is the latest version of the library with maintenance support, bug fixes will be provided via a
new release of 1.21.0 (or 1.20.1). Those bugfixes will not be backported as patches to previous minor versions of 1.x.