Amazon Elastic Block Store


Amazon EBS는 AWS 클라우드에서 Amazon EC2 인스턴스 블록 저장 물량을 제공했습니다.

이 통합을 활성화하여 Datadog에서 모든 EBS 메트릭을 확인합니다.



아직 설치하지 않았다면, Amazon Web Services 통합을 먼저 설치하세요.

메트릭 수집

  1. AWS 통합 페이지Metric Collection 탭 아래에서 EBS를 확인할 수 있습니다.
  2. Datadog - Amazon EBS를 소개합니다.4

참고: 이 통합은 모니터링되는 EC2 에 연결된 EBS 볼륨에 대해 메트릭 을 수집합니다. 모든 EBS 메트릭 를 수집하려면 AWS 통합 페이지에서 EC2가 체크되어 있고 리소스 수집 제한 설정으로 EC2가 모니터링 에서 제외되지 않았는지 확인합니다.

로그 수집

로깅 활성화

설정하다 Amazon EBS로 로그 를 S3 버킷 또는 클라우드와치(CloudWatch) 으로 전송합니다.

Note: If you log to a S3 bucket, make sure that amazon_ebs is set as Target prefix.

Datadog에 로그 전송

  1. 이미 하지 않은 경우 Datadog 포워더 람다 함수를 설정하세요.

  2. 람다 함수가 설치되면 AWS 콘솔에서 Amazon EBS 로그를 포함하는 S3 버킷 또는 클라우드와치(CloudWatch) 로그 그룹에 수동 트리거를 추가합니다.

수집한 데이터


Balance available in the burst bucket. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
Shown as percent
Balance available in the burst bucket. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Shown as percent
Time since the most recent complete snapshot was created
Shown as second
The number of EBS volumes with the impaired status.
The number of EBS volumes with the insufficient-data status.
The number of EBS volumes with the ok status.
The number of EBS volumes with the warning status.
The total amount of read and write operations (normalized to 256K capacity units). Only for io1 volume types.
The total number of seconds in a specified period of time when no read or write operations were submitted. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
Shown as second
The total number of seconds in a specified period of time when no read or write operations were submitted. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Shown as second
The number of read and write operation requests waiting to be completed. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
The number of read and write operation requests waiting to be completed. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Average size of each read operation. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
Shown as byte
Average size of each read operation. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Shown as byte
Total number of bytes read by read operations. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
Shown as byte
Total number of bytes read by read operations. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Shown as byte
The total number of read operations. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
Shown as operation
The total number of read operations. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Shown as operation
The percentage of I/O operations per second (IOPS) delivered of the total IOPS provisioned for an Amazon EBS volume. Only for io1 volume types.
Shown as percent
The Average time spent by read operations. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
Shown as second
The Average time spent by read operations. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Shown as second
The total number of seconds spent for read operations. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
Shown as second
The total number of seconds spent for read operations. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Shown as second
The average time spent by write operations. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
Shown as second
The average time spent by write operations. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Shown as second
The total number of seconds spent for write operations. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
Shown as second
The total number of seconds spent for write operations. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Shown as second
Average size of each write operation. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
Shown as byte
Average size of each write operation. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Shown as byte
Total amount of bytes written by write operations. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
Shown as byte
Total amount of bytes written by write operations. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Shown as byte
The total number of write operations. This metric contains values for all volume types including io1.
Shown as operation
The total number of write operations. Better granularity but only for io1 volumes.
Shown as operation

AWS에서 검색된 각 메트릭에는 호스트 이름, 보안 그룹 등을 포함하되 이에 국한되지 않고 AWS 콘솔에 표시되는 동일한 태그가 할당됩니다.


Amazon EBS 통합은 이벤트를 포함하지 않습니다.

서비스 검사

Amazon EBS에는 서비스 점검이 포함되지 않았습니다.


도움이 필요하신가요? Datadog 지원팀에 문의하세요.

참고 자료

PREVIEWING: drodriguezhdez/add_public_docs_log_summarization