- 필수 기능
- 시작하기
- Glossary
- 표준 속성
- Guides
- Agent
- 통합
- 개방형텔레메트리
- 개발자
- Administrator's Guide
- Datadog Mobile App
- CoScreen
- Cloudcraft
- 앱 내
- 서비스 관리
- 인프라스트럭처
- 애플리케이션 성능
- Continuous Profiler
- 스팬 시각화
- 데이터 스트림 모니터링
- 데이터 작업 모니터링
- 디지털 경험
- 소프트웨어 제공
- 보안
- AI Observability
- 로그 관리
- 관리
Supported OS
Operations: APIs dashboard
Operations: Infrastructure dashboard
Operations: Resources allocation and usage dashboard
Development: Optimizations dashboard
Executives: Cost optimization dashboard
Operations: Private space overview
IO Connect Services is a company specializing in Information Technology Consultancy Services. Our practices are Cloud Technologies, Systems Integration, Big Data, Cybersecurity, and Software Engineering. We provide services in all North America, Europe, and Latin America. Our headquarters are located in the NYC metropolitan area and we also have offices in Guadalajara, Mexico and Madrid, Spain.
The Datadog Mule® Integration is an Agent-based integration that collects metrics from MuleSoft products and uploads them into Datadog.
You can collect the following metrics from MuleSoft products:
You can use these metrics to take advantage of Datadog’s out-of-the-box dashboards and monitors, or you can create your own visualizations.
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.vcores_production.assigned (gauge) | Gets the vCores assigned to prod environments Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.vcores_production.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the vCores reassigned to prod environments Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.vcores_sandbox.assigned (gauge) | Gets the vCores assigned to sandbox environments Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.vcores_sandbox.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the vCores reassigned to sandbox environments Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.vcores_design.assigned (gauge) | Gets the vCores assigned to design environments Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.vcores_design.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the vCores reassigned to design environments Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.static_ips.assigned (gauge) | Gets the static ips assigned count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.static_ips.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the static ips reassigned count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.vpcs.assigned (gauge) | Gets the VPCs assigned count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.vpcs.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the VPCs reassigned count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.vpns.assigned (gauge) | Gets the VPNs assigned count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.vpns.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the VPNs reassigned count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.loadbalancer.assigned (gauge) | Gets the assigned load balancers count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.loadbalancer.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the reassigned load balancers count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.worker_clouds.assigned (gauge) | Gets the assigned worker clouds count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.worker_clouds.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the reassigned worker clouds count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.object_store_request_units.base (gauge) | Gets the Object Store requests units base count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.object_store_request_units.add_on (gauge) | Gets the Object Store requests units add-on count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.object_store_keys.base (gauge) | Gets the Object Store keys base count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.entitlements.object_store_keys.add_on (gauge) | Gets the Object Store keys add-on count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.vcores_production.assigned (gauge) | Gets the vCores assigned to prod environments in the subOrg Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.vcores_production.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the vCores reassigned to prod environments in the subOrg Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.vcores_sandbox.assigned (gauge) | Gets the vCores assigned to sandbox environments in the subOrg Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.vcores_sandbox.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the vCores reassigned to sandbox environments in the subOrg Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.vcores_design.assigned (gauge) | Gets the vCores assigned to design environments in the subOrg Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.vcores_design.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the vCores reassigned to design environments in the subOrg Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.static_ips.assigned (gauge) | Gets the assigned subOrg static ips assigned count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.static_ips.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the reassigned subOrg static ips assigned count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.vpcs.assigned (gauge) | Gets the assigned VPCs count per subOrg Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.vpcs.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the reassigned VPCs count per subOrg Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.vpns.assigned (gauge) | Gets the assigned VPNs count per subOrg Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.vpns.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the reassigned VPNs count per subOrg Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.loadbalancer.assigned (gauge) | Gets the assigned load balancers count per subOrg Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.loadbalancer.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the reassigned load balancers count per subOrg Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.worker_clouds.assigned (gauge) | Gets the assigned worker clouds count per subOrg Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.entitlements.worker_clouds.reassigned (gauge) | Gets the reassigned worker clouds count per subOrg Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.access_management.organization.sub_org.count (count) | Gets all the subOrganizations created on an AP account. Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.applications.message_count (gauge) | Gets the applications message count per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.applications.response_time (gauge) | Gets the applications(avg) message response time per environment Shown as time |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.applications.error_count (gauge) | Gets the applications event error count per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.aplications.flows.message_count (gauge) | Gets the flows message count per application Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.applications.flows.response_time (gauge) | Gets theflows message response time per application Shown as time |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.applications.flows.error_count (gauge) | Gets the flows event error count per application Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.cpu_usage (gauge) | Gets the targets CPU usage on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.memory_usage (gauge) | Gets the targets memory usage on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.memory_committed (rate) | Gets the targets memory committed on a period of time per environment Shown as byte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.memory_total (gauge) | Gets the targets memory total on a period of time per environment Shown as byte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.thread_count (gauge) | Gets the targets thread-count on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.load_average (gauge) | Gets the targets load-avg on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.eden_usage (gauge) | Gets the targets eden-usage on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.eden_committed (gauge) | Gets the targets eden-committed on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.eden_total (gauge) | Gets the targets eden-total on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.survivor_usage (gauge) | Gets the targets survivor-usage on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.survivor_committed (gauge) | Gets the targets survivor-committed on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.survivor_total (gauge) | Gets the targets survivor-total on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.metaspace_usage (gauge) | Gets the targets metaspace-usage on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.metaspace_committed (gauge) | Gets the targets metaspace-committed on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.metaspace_total (gauge) | Gets the targets metaspace-total on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.tenured_gen_usage (gauge) | Gets the targets tenured-gen-usage on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.tenured_gen_committed (gauge) | Gets the targets tenured-gen-committed on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.targets.tenured_gen_total (gauge) | Gets the targets tenured-gen-total on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.class_loading_loaded (gauge) | Gets the targets class-loading-loaded on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_monitoring_query.class_loading_total (gauge) | Gets the targets class-loading-total on a period of time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_mule_agent.applications.count (count) | Gets all the existing applications in the agent Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_mule_agent.applications.flows.count (count) | Gets all the existing flows of the applications in the agent Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_mule_agent.clusters.count (count) | Gets all the existing clusters in the agent Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_mule_agent.clusters.members.count (count) | Gets all the existing members in the agent Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_rest_services.applications.started (count) | Gets all the applications running Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_rest_services.applications.stopped (count) | Gets all the applications stopped Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_rest_services.servers.started (count) | Gets all the servers running Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_rest_services.servers.stopped (count) | Gets all the servers stopped Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_rest_services.clusters.started (count) | Gets all the clusters running Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_rest_services.clusters.stopped (count) | Gets all the clusters stopped Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_rest_services.alerts.critical (count) | Gets all the critical alerts Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_rest_services.alerts.info (count) | Gets all the info alerts Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.arm_rest_services.alerts.warning (count) | Gets all the warning alerts Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.started (count) | Gets the started CloudHub applications Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.stopped (count) | Gets the stopped CloudHub applications Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.workers.active (count) | Gets the active workers of CloudHub applications Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.workers.inactive (count) | Gets the inactive workers of CloudHub applications Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.dashboard.stats.memory.used (gauge) | Gets the average memory used in bytes within the specific interval Shown as byte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.dashboard.stats.memory.percentage.used (gauge) | Gets the average percentage of memory used within the specific interval Shown as percent |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.dashboard.stats.memory.total.max (gauge) | Gets the total memory in bytes of the worker. memoryTotalUsed/memoryTotalMax = memoryPercentageUsed Shown as byte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.dashboard.stats.cpu.used (gauge) | Gets the average percentage of CPU used within the specific interval Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.dashboard.stats.network_in (gauge) | Gets the average networkIn in bytes per minute within the specific interval Shown as byte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.dashboard.stats.network_out (gauge) | Gets the average networkOut in bytes per minute within the specific interval Shown as byte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.queues.queued (count) | Gets queued queues Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.schedules.count (count) | Gets scheduler(s) of an application Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.applications.queues.inflight (count) | Gets queues that are in transit Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.notifications.read (count) | Gets read applications notifications Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.notifications.unread (count) | Gets read applications notifications Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.alerts.count (count) | Gets alerts count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.alerts.history.count (count) | Gets alert history Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.versions.count (count) | Gets all supported Mule versions. The first version returned is the most recent, recommended version, and the last version returned is the oldest supported version. Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.plan.max_production_workers (count) | Gets plan information such as maximum prod workers Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.plan.max_sandbox_workers (count) | Gets plan information such as maximum Sandbox workers Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.plan.max_premium_connectors (count) | Gets plan information such as maximum Premium Connectors Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.plan.max_static_ips (count) | Gets plan information such as maximum Static Ips Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.plan.max_deployment_groups (count) | Gets plan information such as maximum Deployment Groups Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.premium_connectors (count) | Gets usage information of premium Connectors Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.production_applications (count) | Gets usage information of production Applications Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.sandbox_applications (count) | Gets usage information of sandbox Applications Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.design_applications (count) | Gets usage information of design Applications Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.production_workers (count) | Gets usage information of production Workers Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.sandbox_workers (count) | Gets usage information of sandbox Workers Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.design_workers (count) | Gets usage information of design Workers Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.static_ips (count) | Gets usage information of static Ips Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.vpcs (count) | Gets usage information of VPCs Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.vpns (count) | Gets usage information of VPNs Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.loadbalancers (count) | Gets usage information of load balancers Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.loadbalancer_workers (count) | Gets usage information of load balancer Workers Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub.organization.usage.deployment_groups (count) | Gets usage information of deployment Groups Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.exchange_experience.assets.count (count) | Gets the assets status Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.exchange_experience.categories.count (count) | Gets categories configurations available for the organization Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.exchange_experience.fields.count (count) | Gets fields available for the organization Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.exchange_experience.assets.public.count (count) | Gets the public asset versions Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.exchange_experience.assets.users.count (count) | Gets users assigned to the asset Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.exchange_experience.assets.portal.published.count (count) | Gets the asset portal Status [PUBLISHED, NOT_PUBLISHED] Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.exchange_experience.assets.rating.number (gauge) | Gets the asset rating Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.insight.cloudhub.applications.transactions.count (count) | Gets all the transactions for the specified domain Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.insight.cloudhub.applications.transactions.details.count (count) | Gets all the transaction details for the specified transaction id Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.object_store.stores.partitions.keys.defined (count) | Gets partitions for a given object store id Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.object_store_v2_stats.organizations.count (count) | Gets the request count of the organization Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.object_store_v2_stats.organizations.environments.count (count) | Gets the request count of an specific environment in an organization Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_events.events.hits (count) | API hits made in a certain period of time Shown as request |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_events.events.request.size (gauge) | Size of an API request Shown as byte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_events.events.response.size (gauge) | Size of the response of a requested API hit Shown as byte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_events.events.response.time (gauge) | Time an API response took to serve the request Shown as millisecond |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_events.events.status.code (count) | HTTP status code in the the API response Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.reserved_cpu (gauge) | Gets application CPU reserved Shown as millicore |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.cpu_limit (gauge) | Gets application CPU limit Shown as millicore |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.memory (gauge) | Gets application memory Shown as mebibyte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.replicas (gauge) | Gets application replicas number Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.status.running (count) | Gets applications running Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.status.not_running (count) | Gets applications with status not running Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.replicas.status.started (count) | Gets application replicas with started state Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.replicas.status.starting (count) | Gets application replicas with starting state Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.replicas.status.stopped (count) | Gets application replicas with stopped state Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.replicas.status.pending (count) | Gets application replicas with pending state Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.replicas.status.unschedulable (count) | Gets application replicas with unschedulable state (On prem only) Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.sidecar.reserved_cpu (gauge) | Gets application sidecars reserved CPU Shown as millicore |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.sidecar.cpu_limit (gauge) | Gets application sidecars CPU limit Shown as millicore |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.sidecar.memory (gauge) | Gets application sidecars memory Shown as mebibyte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.clustered.enabled (count) | Gets application configured with clustered setting enabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.clustered.disabled (count) | Gets application configured with clustered setting disabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.replicas_across_nodes.enabled (count) | Gets application configured with replicas across nodes setting enabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.replicas_across_nodes.disabled (count) | Gets application configured with replicas across nodes setting disabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.update_strategy.rolling (count) | Gets application configured with rolgling update strategy setting Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.update_strategy.recreate (count) | Gets application configured with recreate update strategy setting Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.last_mile_security.enabled (count) | Gets application configured with last mile security setting enabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.last_mile_security.disabled (count) | Gets application configured with last mile security setting disabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.am_log_forwarding.enabled (count) | Gets application configured with log forwarding to anypoint monitoring setting enabled (On prem only) Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.am_log_forwarding.disabled (count) | Gets application configured with log forwarding to anypoint monitoring setting disabled (On prem only) Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.external_log_forwarding.enabled (count) | Gets application configured with external log forwarding setting enabled (On prem only) Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.external_log_forwarding.disabled (count) | Gets application configured with external log forwarding setting disabled (On prem only) Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.forward_ssl_session.enabled (count) | Gets application configured with forward ssl session enabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.applications.settings.forward_ssl_session.disabled (count) | Gets application configured with forward ssl session disabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.workers (count) | Get RTF application nodes with worker role Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.controllers (count) | Get RTF application nodes with controller role Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.capacity.cpu (gauge) | Get RTF application nodes CPU capacity Shown as millicore |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.capacity.memory (gauge) | Get RTF application nodes memory capacity Shown as mebibyte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.capacity.pods (gauge) | Get RTF application nodes pods capacity Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.capacity.request.cpu (gauge) | Get RTF application nodes CPU allocated request capacity Shown as millicore |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.capacity.request.memory (gauge) | Get RTF application nodes memory allocated request capacity Shown as mebibyte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.capacity.request.pods (gauge) | Get RTF application nodes pods allocated request capacity Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.capacity.limit.cpu (gauge) | Get RTF application nodes CPU allocated limit capacity Shown as millicore |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.capacity.limit.memory (gauge) | Get RTF application nodes memory allocated limit capacity Shown as mebibyte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.capacity.limit.pods (gauge) | Get RTF application nodes pods allocated limit capacity Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.status.active (count) | Gets RTF application clusters with status active Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.status.disconnected (count) | Gets RTF application clusters with status disconnected Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.status.degraded (count) | Gets RTF application clusters with status degraded Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.status.healthy (count) | Gets RTF application nodes with status healthy Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.status.not_healthy (count) | Gets RTF application nodes with not healthy status Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.status.ready (count) | Gets RTF application nodes with ready status Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.status.not_ready (count) | Gets RTF application nodes with status not ready Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.status.schedulable (count) | Gets RTF application nodes with status schedulable Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.rtf.node.status.not_schedulable (count) | Gets RTF application nodes with status not schedulable Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.active (count) | Gets the number of APIs with status active Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.unregistered (count) | Gets the number of APIs with status unregistered Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.apis (count) | Total number of APIs on API Manager regardless of their status. Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.apis.policies (count) | Gets the APIs policies Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.apis.tiers (count) | Gets the APIs tiers Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.apis.contracts (count) | Gets the number of contracts in the API instance Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.apis.alerts (count) | Gets the number of alerts in the API instance Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.group_instances (count) | Gets the number of group instances of APIs on API manager Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.group_instances.contracts (count) | Gets number of contracts in the Group of API instance Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.group_instances.tiers (count) | Gets number of tiers in the Group of API instance Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.group_instances.api_instances (count) | Gets number of API instances in the Group of API instance Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.groups (count) | Gets all groups Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.policiy_templates (count) | Gets the policies templates Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.api_manager.custom_policy_templates (count) | Gets custom policies templates Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.status.active (count) | Gets the active private spaces Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.status.inactive (count) | Gets unavailable private spaces Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.provisioning.status.success (count) | Gets private space provisioning success status Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.provisioning.status.failed (count) | Get private space provisioning with failed status Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.managed_firewall_rules.type.inbound (count) | Gets private space managed firewall inbound rules Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.managed_firewall_rules.type.outbound (count) | Gets private space managed firewall outbound rules Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.firewall_rules.type.inbound (count) | Gets private space firewall inbound rules Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.firewall_rules.type.outbound (count) | Gets private space firewall outbound rules Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.log_forwarding.anypoint_monitoring.enabled (count) | Gets log forwarding enabled setting from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.log_forwarding.anypoint_monitoring.disabled (count) | Gets log forwarding disabled setting from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.ingress_configuration.deployment.status.applied (count) | Gets the status of the ingress configuration deployment's applied from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.ingress_configuration.deployment.status.not_applied (count) | Gets the status of the ingress configuration deployment's not applied from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.global_space.status.active (count) | Gets the status of the global space's active from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.global_space.status.inactive (count) | Gets the status of the global space's inactive from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.global_space.cluster.infra.status.success (count) | Gets the status of the global space's cluster infrastructure success from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.global_space.cluster.infra.status.failed (count) | Gets the status of the global space's cluster infrastructure failed from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.global_space.cluster.fabric.status.active (count) | Gets the status of the global space's cluster fabric active from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.global_space.cluster.fabric.status.inactive (count) | Gets the status of the global space's cluster fabric inactive from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.global_space.cluster.ingress.status.applied (count) | Gets the status of the global space's cluster ingress applied from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.global_space.cluster.ingress.status.not_applied (count) | Gets the status of the global space's cluster ingress not applied from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.global_space.network.status.success (count) | Gets the status of the global space's network success from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.global_space.network.status.failed (count) | Gets the status of the global space's network failed from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.connections.vpn.status.available (count) | Gets the status of the vpn's status available from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.connections.vpn.status.unavailable (count) | Gets the status of the vpn's status unavailable from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.connections.vpn.tunnel.status.up (count) | Gets the status of the vpn tunnel up from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.connections.vpn.tunnel.status.down (count) | Gets the status of the vpn tunnel down from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.transit_gateway.gateway.status.available (count) | Gets the status of the transit gateway's gateway available from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.transit_gateway.gateway.status.unavailable (count) | Gets the status of the transit gateway's gateway unavailable from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.transit_gateway.attachment.status.available (count) | Gets the status of the transit gateway's attachment available from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.transit_gateway.attachment.status.unavailable (count) | Gets the status of the transit gateway's attachment unavailable from the private space Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.cloudhub20.private_space.transit_gateway.status.routes.count (count) | Gets the routes ip from the transit gateway Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.status.started (count) | Gets all the CloudHub CloudHub2.0 and On-Premise applications running Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.status.stopped (count) | Gets all the CloudHub CloudHub2.0 and On-Premise applications stopped Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.memory.usage (gauge) | Gets the average memory used in bytes within the specific interval Shown as byte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.memory.percentage.usage (gauge) | Gets the average percentage of memory used within the specific interval Shown as percent |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.memory.total.max (gauge) | Gets the total memory in bytes of the worker. memoryTotalUsed/memoryTotalMax = memoryPercentageUsed Shown as byte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.cpu.usage (gauge) | Gets the average percentage of CPU used within the specific interval Shown as cpu |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.network_in (gauge) | Gets the average networkIn in bytes per minute within the specific interval Shown as byte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.network_out (gauge) | Gets the average networkOut in bytes per minute within the specific interval Shown as byte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.queues.queued (count) | Gets queued queues Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.queues.inflight (count) | Gets queues that are in transit Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.schedules.count (count) | Gets scheduler(s) of an application Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.workers (count) | Gets the workers count Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.workers.started (count) | Gets the active workers of CloudHub applications Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.workers.starting (count) | Gets the starting workers of CloudHub applications Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.workers.stopped (count) | Gets the inactive workers of CloudHub applications Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.reserved_cpu (gauge) | Gets application CPU reserved Shown as millicore |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.cpu_limit (gauge) | Gets application CPU limit Shown as millicore |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.memory (gauge) | Gets application memory Shown as mebibyte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.replicas (gauge) | Gets application replicas number Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.replicas.status.started (count) | Gets application replicas with started state Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.replicas.status.starting (count) | Gets application replicas with starting state Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.replicas.status.stopped (count) | Gets application replicas with stopped state Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.replicas.status.pending (count) | Gets application replicas with pending state Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.sidecar.reserved_cpu (gauge) | Gets application sidecars reserved CPU Shown as millicore |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.sidecar.cpu_limit (gauge) | Gets application sidecars CPU limit Shown as millicore |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.sidecar.memory (gauge) | Gets application sidecars memory Shown as mebibyte |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.clustered.enabled (count) | Gets application configured with clustered setting enabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.clustered.disabled (count) | Gets application configured with clustered setting disabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.replicas_across_nodes.enabled (count) | Gets application configured with replicas across nodes setting enabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.replicas_across_nodes.disabled (count) | Gets application configured with replicas across nodes setting disabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.update_strategy.rolling (count) | Gets application configured with rolgling update strategy setting Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.update_strategy.recreate (count) | Gets application configured with recreate update strategy setting Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.last_mile_security.enabled (count) | Gets application configured with last mile security setting enabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.last_mile_security.disabled (count) | Gets application configured with last mile security setting disabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.am_log_forwarding.enabled (count) | Gets application configured with log forwarding to anypoint monitoring setting enabled (On prem only) Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.am_log_forwarding.disabled (count) | Gets application configured with log forwarding to anypoint monitoring setting disabled (On prem only) Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.forward_ssl_session.enabled (count) | Gets application configured with forward ssl session enabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.forward_ssl_session.disabled (count) | Gets application configured with forward ssl session disabled Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.external_log_forwarding.enabled (count) | Gets application configured with external log forwarding setting enabled (On prem only) Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.settings.external_log_forwarding.disabled (count) | Gets application configured with external log forwarding setting disabled (On prem only) Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.message_count (gauge) | Gets the applications message count per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.response_time (gauge) | Gets the applications(avg) message response time per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.error_count (gauge) | Gets the applications event error count per environment Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.flows.message_count (gauge) | Gets the flows message count per application Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.flows.response_time (gauge) | Gets theflows message response time per application Shown as unit |
ioconnect.mulesoft.anypoint.applications.flows.error_count (gauge) | Gets the flows event error count per application Shown as unit |
The Datadog Mule® Integration does not include any events.
Take a moment to learn about Datadog Mule® Integration configuration process here: Prerequisites and Installation
For support or feature requests, contact IO Connect Services Support through the following channels:
This application is made available through the Datadog Marketplace and is supported by a Datadog Technology Partner. To use it, purchase this application in the Marketplace.
Operations: APIs dashboard
Operations: Infrastructure dashboard
Operations: Resources allocation and usage dashboard
Development: Optimizations dashboard
Executives: Cost optimization dashboard
Operations: Private space overview