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Upstash Redis Database Metrics
Upstash Kafka Metrics
Upstash is a serverless data provider enabling Redis®, Kafka, and messaging/scheduling solutions for a diverse range of applications that provides speed, simplicity, and a seamless developer experience. Upstash uses the Redis and Kafka APIs, and is designed for:
To centralize your monitoring stack and enable a comprehensive view of your data, the Upstash integration sends the following metrics to Datadog: * Hit/Miss Rate * Read/Write Latency (p99) * Keyspace * Number of Connections * Bandwidth * Total Data Size * Throughput
Visit Upstash to sign up for free. Once registered, visit the Upstash integration tile in Datadog and install the integration. Once installed, navigate to the Configure tab and click Connect Accounts. This guides you through the Datadog OAuth flow to grant Upstash access to your database metrics.
To remove the Datadog integration from Upstash, navigate to the Upstash integrations page and click Remove. Additionally, uninstall this integration from Datadog by clicking the Uninstall Integration button on the integration tile. Once you uninstall this integration, any previous authorizations are revoked.
Additionally, ensure that all API keys associated with this integration have been disabled by searching for upstash
on the API Keys management page.
upstash.db.totaldatasize (gauge) | The size of total data that you stored. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.missrate (rate) | Miss rate of read requests. Shown as miss |
upstash.db.hitrate (rate) | Hit rate of read requests. Shown as hit |
upstash.db.writelatencyp99 (gauge) | Write latency details p99 in ms. Shown as millisecond |
upstash.db.readlatencyp99 (gauge) | Read latency details p99 in ms. Shown as millisecond |
upstash.db.dailybandwidth (gauge) | Daily bandwidth usage. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.monthlycost (gauge) | Monthly cost of database. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.dailyprocessedcommands (gauge) | Number of daily processed commands. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.dailywritecommands (gauge) | Number of daily write commands. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.dailyreadcommands (gauge) | Number of daily read commands. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.throughput (gauge) | Database throughput metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.readpersecond (gauge) | Read per second metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.writepersecond (gauge) | Write per second metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.keyspace (gauge) | Database keyspace metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.connections (gauge) | Database connection count. Shown as connection |
upstash.db.restconnections (gauge) | Database rest connection count. Shown as connection |
upstash.kafkacluster.daily_storage (gauge) | The size of total data that you stored. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.total_throughput (gauge) | Kafka Cluster Total throughput metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.consume_throughput (gauge) | Kafka Cluster Consume throughput metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.produce_throughput (gauge) | Kafka Cluster Produce throughput metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.monthly_cost (gauge) | Number of monthly cost per Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.consumed_daily_messages (gauge) | Number of daily consumed messages per Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.produced_daily_messages (gauge) | Number of daily produced messages to Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.consumed_monthly_messages (gauge) | Number of monthly consumed messages per Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.produced_monthly_messages (gauge) | Number of monthly produced messages to Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.replication (gauge) | Replication count of certain Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.topic_count (gauge) | Topic count of certain Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.partitions_count (gauge) | Partition count of Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.topic.daily_produced (gauge) | The size of total data that you stored. Shown as unit |
upstash.topic.daily_consumed (gauge) | The size of total data consumed by certain Kafka topic. Shown as unit |
upstash.topic.daily_bytes (gauge) | The amount of byte transmitted by certain Kafka topics. Shown as unit |
upstash.topic.monthly_produced (gauge) | The amount of byte produced by certain Kafka topics. Shown as unit |
upstash.topic.monthly_consumed (gauge) | The amount of byte consumed by certain Kafka topics. Shown as unit |
upstash.topic.monthly_bytes (gauge) | The amount of byte transmitted for certain Kafka topics. Shown as unit |
upstash.metadata.metric_publish (gauge) | The healthcheck metrics for upstash integration. Shown as unit |
The Upstash integration does not include any events.
The Upstash integration does not include any service checks.
Need help? Contact Upstash support.
Upstash Redis Database Metrics
Upstash Kafka Metrics