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The Datadog Mobile app enables you to view alerts from Datadog on your mobile device. When receiving an alert through On-Call, Slack, or email, you can investigate issues by opening monitor graphs and dashboards on your mobile device.
Download the app from the Apple App Store for your iOS device, or from the Google Play store for your Android device.
You can log in using standard authentication, Google authentication, or SAML - for both the US and the EU region.
SAML login requires you to set up and authenticate your SAML provider with Datadog. For SAML IdP-initiated login, refer to the end of this section. To authenticate SAML:
Optionally, you may also authenticate through a QR Code or manual entry, outlined below.
Note: If you click the Log in to Mobile App button of an organization you are not currently logged into, the org UUID is automatically inserted into the login screen. You still have to provide authentication using your standard method.
By clicking Authorize when logging in, you link the mobile device you’re using to your account. For security purposes, you will have to go through this flow once per month.
If you keep getting errors while trying to login with SAML, your identity provider may enforce IdP-initiated login. For more information regarding enabling IdP initiated SAML, please see our IdP initiated SAML page IdP Initiated SAML page
On the Monitors page, you can view and search all of the monitors that you have access to in your Datadog org. You can specify by field name and build-specific search queries based on your tagging strategy. For more information about search, see the Manage Monitors Search section.
For example, to filter on metric monitors related to the SRE team that is being alerted, use the query "status:Alert type:Metric team:sre"
. Click into individual alerts to see details, which can be filtered by type and by alert time. You can also mute the alert. Your ten most recent searches are saved so that you have faster access previous queries. Furthermore, you can filter your monitor list using saved views, which surface when you activate the search bar. Lastly, view and run synthetic tests when viewing your synthetic monitors.
Note: To set up or edit monitors, notifications, or saved views, you need to do it in the Datadog web app. All monitors set up in the web app are visible in the mobile app. For more information, see Creating monitors.
On the Dashboards page, you can view and search all of the dashboards that you have access to in your Datadog org, and filter them using the same template variables you have set up in the Datadog web app. Quickly filter your dashboards using template variable saved views. For more information about template variable saved views, see Dashboard Saved Views. Click on an individual dashboard to view it.
Note: To set up or edit a dashboard, you need to login to the Datadog browser app. For more information, see Dashboards.
On the Incidents page, you can view, search and filter all incidents that you have access to in your Datadog account from the Datadog Mobile App to ensure quick response and resolution from anywhere. You can also declare and edit incidents and seamlessly communicate to your teams through integrations with Slack, Zoom, and many more. For more information about Incidents, see the Datadog Incident Management documentation.
View your open incidents from your mobile home screen with Datadog widgets.
To dive deeper into issues, tap any open incident displayed in the widget to have it open with more details in the Datadog mobile app.
Also, you can customize your Open Incidents widgets by filtering on:
You can display open incidents from multiple organizations on your mobile home screen.
Delete a widget by tapping the - button at the top left of the widget when editing your home screen, or by long pressing the widget and selecting Remove Widget.
Delete a widget by long pressing, dragging, and dropping the widget to the Remove button.
View your SLOs from your mobile home screen with Datadog widgets. You can add any SLOs from your organization as a widget, along with a timeframe.
Timeframe options are:
You can also specify a dashboard that opens by default when you tap on an SLOs widget, allowing you to quickly investigate further into your metrics.
Note: If you do not specify a dashboard that opens by default, tapping an SLOs widget opens the Datadog app.
You can display SLOs from multiple organizations on your mobile home screen.
All organizations you’ve logged into are displayed in the configuration screen. If you do not see your organization, sign into it again.
Delete a widget by tapping the “-” button at the top left of the widget when editing your home screen, or by long pressing on the widget and selecting “Remove Widget”.
Delete a widget by long pressing, dragging, and dropping the widget to the “Remove” button.
View your monitors from your home screen with Datadog widgets. Tap any cell to open the Monitor Search screen in the app, with your monitors already filled in.
Note: If you do not have any monitor saved views, the widget shows you all monitors by default.
You can display Monitors from multiple organizations within the same widget.
All organizations you’ve logged-in are displayed in the configuration screen. If you do not see your organization, you may need to sign in again.
Delete a widget pressing the “-” button at the top left of the widget when editing your home screen, or by long pressing on the widget and then selecting “Remove Widget”.
Delete a widget by long pressing, dragging, and dropping the widget on the “Remove” button.
On the Traces page, you can view and search all of the traces that you have access to in your Datadog org. You can narrow the list through saved views or build specific search queries based on your tagging strategy. For more information about search, see Trace Explorer Query Syntax.
For example, to filter on traces with the tag #env:prod
or the tag #test
, use the query "env:prod" OR test
. Click into individual services to expand associated spans, and select spans to view info, errors, and related logs. You can also open traces from services and logs.
The mobile app is able to send out regular as well as critical notifications. Critical notifications can circumvent your Do Not Disturb (DnD) mode, but you must explicitly grant Datadog permission to do so on your device. Critical notifications are only supported in the context of Datadog On-Call.
To set up your mobile device for On-Call, follow this guide. After you’ve set up your mobile device, navigate to your On-Call profile and select the device in your notification preferences.
To stay up to date on new and ongoing incidents, Incident Management allows you to receive push notifications using Incident Notification Rules. To receive push notifications:
For more information on configuring Incident Notification Rules, see the Incidents settings docs.
It is also possible to trigger push notifications directly from Workflows using the Send mobile push notification message action. Provide the target user and the body of the push notification. Before the user can receive push notifications, they must log into the Datadog Mobile application and allow the Datadog mobile application to receive push notifications.
Long-press the app icon to display a quick-action sheet of your top five Frequently Viewed By Me dashboards for iOS (measured by view count and recency), or your five most opened dashboards on mobile for Android. Tap a result to open the dashboard in-app.
iOS only: Within iPhone Search, filter and search for the name of any desired dashboard. Press on a result to open the dashboard view directly on the mobile app, or press the “Search in App” button to open the search query in the in-app Dashboard List page.
Android: Create shortcut icons for your dashboards by touching and holding the Datadog app icon, then lift your finger. If the app has shortcuts, it displays a list. Touch and hold the desired shortcut, then drag and drop it to another location on your screen to create a unique shortcut icon.
iOS: Create Siri Shortcuts for Datadog dashboards and monitors through the Shortcuts App. For a shortcut to be available for creation, you must execute the desired action at least once in the app. For example, to create an “Open AWS Overview Dashboard” shortcut, open the AWS Overview Dashboard in your mobile app at least once.
With the shortcut, you can access your dashboards and monitors through three key actions:
For more information about Siri shortcuts and suggestions, read the Apple Siri documentation.
iOS Only: Use Apple Handoff to continue your task across Apple devices. While in use, the icon of the Datadog mobile app appears on your Mac at the left end of the Dock. Click on the icon to open your current dashboard or monitor on your Mac.
For Handoff to work, each device must:
For more information about Handoff, read the Apple Handoff documentation.
Switch organizations or log out from the Account page.
For help with troubleshooting, contact Datadog support. You can also send a message in the Datadog public Slack #mobile-app channel.