Enable Auditing for Processes Which Start Prior to the Audit Daemon

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To ensure all processes can be audited, even those which start prior to the audit daemon, add the argument audit=1 to the default GRUB 2 command line for the Linux operating system. To ensure that audit=1 is added as a kernel command line argument to newly installed kernels, add audit=1 to the default Grub2 command line for Linux operating systems. Modify the line within /etc/default/grub as shown below:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="... audit=1 ..."

Run the following command to update command line for already installed kernels:

# update-grub


Each process on the system carries an “auditable” flag which indicates whether its activities can be audited. Although auditd takes care of enabling this for all processes which launch after it does, adding the kernel argument ensures it is set for every process during boot.


Shell script

The following script can be run on the host to remediate the issue.


# Remediation is applicable only in certain platforms
if [ ! -f /.dockerenv ] && [ ! -f /run/.containerenv ] && { dpkg-query --show --showformat='${db:Status-Status}\n' 'grub2-common' 2>/dev/null | grep -q installed; }; then

# Correct the form of default kernel command line in GRUB
if grep -q '^\s*GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=.*audit=.*"'  '/etc/default/grub' ; then
       # modify the GRUB command-line if an audit= arg already exists
       sed -i "s/\(^\s*GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\".*\)audit=[^[:space:]]\+\(.*\"\)/\1audit=1\2/"  '/etc/default/grub'
# Add to already existing GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX parameters
elif grep -q '^\s*GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX='  '/etc/default/grub' ; then
       # no audit=arg is present, append it
       sed -i "s/\(^\s*GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\".*\)\"/\1 audit=1\"/"  '/etc/default/grub'
# Add GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX parameters line
       echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"audit=1\"" >> '/etc/default/grub'

    >&2 echo 'Remediation is not applicable, nothing was done'
PREVIEWING: esther/docs-7422-add-rsyslog-note