Do not use empty array as default parameter

이 페이지는 아직 한국어로 제공되지 않으며 번역 작업 중입니다. 번역에 관한 질문이나 의견이 있으시면 언제든지 저희에게 연락해 주십시오.


ID: python-security/no-empty-array-as-parameter

Language: Python

Severity: Warning

Category: Security


We should never pass an empty array parameter to a function. Instead, use None and check the value if defined. This can cause unwanted behavior as the value of the argument is only evaluated once.

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Non-Compliant Code Examples

def newFunction(arg1, arg2: int, arg3 = [], arg4: MyType = []):  # do not use empty array/list as default parameter

Compliant Code Examples

def newFunction(arg1, arg2: int, arg3 = None):  # do not use empty array/list as default parameter
  print("bla") jetbrains

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