Ce check permet de surveiller Boundary via l’Agent Datadog. Boundary est pris en charge à partir de la version 0.8.0
Suivez les instructions ci-dessous pour installer et configurer ce check lorsque l’Agent est exécuté sur un host. Consultez la documentation relative aux modèles d’intégration Autodiscovery pour découvrir comment appliquer ces instructions à des environnements conteneurisés.
Le check Boundary est inclus avec le package de l’Agent Datadog. Vous n’avez donc rien d’autre à installer sur votre serveur.
Un écouteur avec le purpose ops
doit être configuré dans le fichier config.hcl
afin d’activer la collecte de métriques. Voici un exemple de configuration d’un écouteur :
controller {
name = "boundary-controller"
database {
url = "postgresql://<nom_utilisateur>:<mot_de_passe>@<nom_base_de_données>"
listener "tcp" {
purpose = "api"
tls_disable = true
listener "tcp" {
purpose = "ops"
tls_disable = true
Le check de service
envoie le statut WARNING
lorsque le contrôleur est en cours d’arrêt. Pour bénéficier de ce délai supplémentaire avant l’arrêt du contrôleur, modifiez dans le bloc controller
la durée d’attente définie :
controller {
name = "boundary-controller"
database {
url = "env://BOUNDARY_PG_URL"
graceful_shutdown_wait_duration = "10s"
Agent Datadog
Modifiez le fichier boundary.d/conf.yaml
dans le dossier conf.d/
à la racine du répertoire de configuration de votre Agent pour commencer à recueillir vos données de performance Boundary. Consultez le fichier d’exemple boundary.d/conf.yaml pour découvrir toutes les options de configuration disponibles.
Redémarrez l’Agent.
Lancez la sous-commande status de l’Agent et cherchez boundary
dans la section Checks.
Données collectées
boundary.cluster.client.grpc.request_duration_seconds.bucket (count) | Histogram of latencies for gRPC requests between the cluster and any of its clients. Shown as second |
boundary.cluster.client.grpc.request_duration_seconds.count (count) | Histogram of latencies for gRPC requests between the cluster and any of its clients. Shown as second |
boundary.cluster.client.grpc.request_duration_seconds.sum (count) | Histogram of latencies for gRPC requests between the cluster and any of its clients. Shown as second |
boundary.controller.api.http.request_duration_seconds.bucket (count) | Histogram of latencies for HTTP requests. Shown as second |
boundary.controller.api.http.request_duration_seconds.count (count) | Histogram of latencies for HTTP requests. Shown as second |
boundary.controller.api.http.request_duration_seconds.sum (count) | Histogram of latencies for HTTP requests. Shown as second |
boundary.controller.api.http.request_size_bytes.bucket (count) | Histogram of request sizes for HTTP requests. Shown as byte |
boundary.controller.api.http.request_size_bytes.count (count) | Histogram of request sizes for HTTP requests. Shown as byte |
boundary.controller.api.http.request_size_bytes.sum (count) | Histogram of request sizes for HTTP requests. Shown as byte |
boundary.controller.api.http.response_size_bytes.bucket (count) | Histogram of response sizes for HTTP responses. Shown as byte |
boundary.controller.api.http.response_size_bytes.count (count) | Histogram of response sizes for HTTP responses. Shown as byte |
boundary.controller.api.http.response_size_bytes.sum (count) | Histogram of response sizes for HTTP responses. Shown as byte |
boundary.controller.cluster.grpc.request_duration_seconds.bucket (count) | Histogram of latencies for gRPC requests. Shown as second |
boundary.controller.cluster.grpc.request_duration_seconds.count (count) | Histogram of latencies for gRPC requests. Shown as second |
boundary.controller.cluster.grpc.request_duration_seconds.sum (count) | Histogram of latencies for gRPC requests. Shown as second |
boundary.worker.proxy.http.write_header_duration_seconds.bucket (count) | Histogram of time elapsed after the TLS connection is established to when the first http header is written back from the server. Shown as second |
boundary.worker.proxy.http.write_header_duration_seconds.count (count) | Histogram of time elapsed after the TLS connection is established to when the first http header is written back from the server. Shown as second |
boundary.worker.proxy.http.write_header_duration_seconds.sum (count) | Histogram of time elapsed after the TLS connection is established to when the first http header is written back from the server. Shown as second |
boundary.worker.proxy.websocket.active_connections (gauge) | Count of open websocket proxy connections (to Boundary workers). Shown as connection |
boundary.worker.proxy.websocket.received_bytes.count (count) | Count of received bytes for Worker proxy websocket connections. Shown as byte |
boundary.worker.proxy.websocket.sent_bytes.count (count) | Count of sent bytes for Worker proxy websocket connections. Shown as byte |
L’intégration Boundary n’inclut aucun événement.
Checks de service
if the Agent is unable to connect to the OpenMetrics endpoint, otherwise returns OK
Statuses: ok, critical
if the Agent is unable to connect to the controller’s health endpoint, WARNING
if the controller received a shutdown signal, otherwise returns OK
Statuses: ok, warning, critical
Besoin d’aide ? Contactez l’assistance Datadog.