proxysql.active_transactions (gauge) | The number of client connections currently processing a transaction. Shown as transaction |
proxysql.backend.query_time_pct (gauge) | Time spent (as a percentage of total time) making network calls to communicate with the backends. Shown as percent |
proxysql.backends.count (gauge) | Number of mysql servers connected. Shown as node |
proxysql.client.connections_aborted (gauge) | Client failed or improperly closed connections per second. Shown as connection |
proxysql.client.connections_connected (gauge) | Client connections that are currently connected. Shown as connection |
proxysql.client.connections_created (gauge) | The number of client connections created per second. Shown as connection |
proxysql.client.connections_non_idle (gauge) | The number of client connections that are currently handled by the main worker threads. Shown as connection |
proxysql.client.statements.active_total (gauge) | The number of prepared statements that are in use by clients. Shown as unit |
proxysql.client.statements.active_unique (gauge) | The number of unique prepared statements currently in use by clients. Shown as unit |
proxysql.frontend.user_connections (gauge) | Current number of frontend connections by user. Shown as connection |
proxysql.frontend.user_max_connections (gauge) | Max number of frontend connections the user can create (as defined in mysqlusers.maxconnections). Shown as connection |
proxysql.memory.auth_memory (gauge) | Memory used by the authentication module to store user credentials and attributes. Shown as byte |
proxysql.memory.jemalloc_active (gauge) | Bytes in pages allocated by the application. Shown as byte |
proxysql.memory.jemalloc_allocated (gauge) | Bytes allocated by the application. Shown as byte |
proxysql.memory.jemalloc_mapped (gauge) | Bytes in extents mapped by the allocator. Shown as byte |
proxysql.memory.jemalloc_metadata (gauge) | Bytes dedicated to metadata. Shown as byte |
proxysql.memory.jemalloc_resident (gauge) | Bytes in physically resident data pages mapped by the allocator. Shown as byte |
proxysql.memory.jemalloc_retained (gauge) | Bytes allocated by the application. Shown as byte |
proxysql.memory.query_digest_memory (gauge) | Memory used to store data related to statsmysqlquery_digest. Shown as byte |
proxysql.memory.sqlite3_memory_bytes (gauge) | Memory used by the embedded SQLite. Shown as byte |
proxysql.memory.stack_memory_admin_threads (gauge) | Memory used by the stack of the admin threads. Shown as byte |
proxysql.memory.stack_memory_cluster_threads (gauge) | Memory used by the stack of the cluster threads. Shown as byte |
proxysql.memory.stack_memory_mysql_threads (gauge) | Memory used by the stack of the MySQL threads. Shown as byte |
proxysql.mysql.backend_buffers_bytes (gauge) | Memory use of buffers related to backend connections. Shown as byte |
proxysql.mysql.frontend_buffers_bytes (gauge) | Memory use of buffers related to frontend connections (read/write buffers and other queues). Shown as byte |
proxysql.mysql.monitor_workers (gauge) | The number of monitor threads. Shown as worker |
proxysql.mysql.session_internal_bytes (gauge) | Other memory used by ProxySQL to handle MySQL Sessions. Shown as byte |
proxysql.mysql.thread_workers (gauge) | The number of MySQL Thread workers i.e. 'mysql-threads'. Shown as worker |
proxysql.performance.command.cnt_100ms (count) | The number of commands of a type which executed within 100 milliseconds., but more than 50 milliseconds Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.cnt_100us (count) | The number of commands of a type which executed within 100 microseconds. Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.cnt_10ms (count) | The number of commands of a type which executed within 10 milliseconds., but more than 5 milliseconds Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.cnt_10s (count) | The number of commands of a type which executed within 10 seconds., but more than 5 seconds Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.cnt_1ms (count) | The number of commands of a type which executed within 1 milliseconds., but more than 500 microseconds Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.cnt_1s (count) | The number of commands of a type which executed within 1 second., but more than 500 milliseconds Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.cnt_500ms (count) | The number of commands of a type which executed within 500 milliseconds., but more than 100 milliseconds Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.cnt_500us (count) | The number of commands of a type which executed within 500 microseconds., but more than 100 microseconds Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.cnt_50ms (count) | The number of commands of a type which executed within 50 milliseconds., but more than 10 milliseconds Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.cnt_5ms (count) | The number of commands of a type which executed within 5 milliseconds., but more than 1 milliseconds Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.cnt_5s (count) | The number of commands of a type which executed within 5 seconds., but more than 1 second Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.cnt_infs (count) | The number of commands whose execution exceeded 10 seconds. Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.total_count (count) | The number of commands of a type executed. Shown as command |
proxysql.performance.command.total_time_pct (gauge) | Total time spent executing commands of a type as a percentage of total time. Shown as percent |
proxysql.pool.bytes_data_recv (gauge) | The amount of data received from the backend. Shown as byte |
proxysql.pool.bytes_data_sent (gauge) | The amount of data sent to the backend. Shown as byte |
proxysql.pool.conn_failure (gauge) | The number of requests per second where a connection was not available in the connection pool and either: a new connection had to be created or no backend was available. Shown as connection |
proxysql.pool.conn_immediate (gauge) | The number of connections per second that a MySQL Thread obtained from its own local connection pool cache. Shown as connection |
proxysql.pool.conn_success (gauge) | The number of requests per second where a connection was already available in the connection pool. Shown as connection |
proxysql.pool.connections_error (gauge) | How many connections aren't established successfully. Shown as connection |
proxysql.pool.connections_free (gauge) | How many connections are currently free. They are kept open in order to minimize the time cost of sending a query to the backend server. Shown as connection |
proxysql.pool.connections_ok (gauge) | How many connections are established successfully. Shown as connection |
proxysql.pool.connections_used (gauge) | How many connections are currently used by ProxySQL for sending queries to the backend server. Shown as connection |
proxysql.pool.latency_ms (gauge) | The current ping time as reported from Monitor. Shown as millisecond |
proxysql.pool.latency_us (gauge) | The current ping time as reported from Monitor. Shown as microsecond |
proxysql.pool.memory_bytes (gauge) | Memory used by the connection pool to store connections metadata. Shown as byte |
proxysql.pool.queries (gauge) | The number of queries routed towards this particular backend server. Shown as query |
proxysql.query_cache.bytes_in (gauge) | The number of bytes per second sent into the Query Cache. Shown as byte |
proxysql.query_cache.bytes_out (gauge) | The number of bytes per second read from the Query Cache. Shown as byte |
proxysql.query_cache.entries (gauge) | The number of entries currently stored in the query cache. Shown as entry |
proxysql.query_cache.get.count (gauge) | The number of read requests per second to the Query Cache. Shown as query |
proxysql.query_cache.get_ok.count (gauge) | The number of successful read requests per second to the Query Cache. Shown as query |
proxysql.query_cache.memory_bytes (gauge) | Memory usage of the query cache. Shown as byte |
proxysql.query_cache.purged (gauge) | The number of entries purged per second by the Query Cache due to TTL expiration. Shown as entry |
proxysql.query_cache.set.count (gauge) | The number of write requests per second to the Query Cache. Shown as query |
proxysql.query_processor_time_pct (gauge) | The time (as a percentage of total time) spent inside the query processor determining the action to take with the query (internal module). Shown as percent |
proxysql.query_rules.rule_hits (gauge) | The number of times query rules matched traffic. Shown as hit |
proxysql.questions (gauge) | The number of client requests / statements executed per second. Shown as question |
proxysql.server.connections_aborted (gauge) | Backend failed or improperly closed connections per second. Shown as connection |
proxysql.server.connections_connected (gauge) | Backend connections that are currently connected. Shown as connection |
proxysql.server.connections_created (gauge) | The number of backend connections created per second. Shown as connection |
proxysql.server.statements.active_total (gauge) | The number of prepared statements currently available across all backend connections. Shown as unit |
proxysql.server.statements.active_unique (gauge) | The number of unique prepared statements currently available across all backend connections. Shown as unit |
proxysql.slow_queries (gauge) | The number of queries per second with an execution time greater than 'mysql-longquerytime' milliseconds. Shown as query |
proxysql.statements.cached (gauge) | The number of global prepared statements for which proxysql has metadata. Shown as unit |
proxysql.uptime (gauge) | The total uptime of ProxySQL in seconds. Shown as second |