pulsar.active_connections (gauge) | The number of active connections. Shown as connection |
pulsar.authentication_failures_count.count (count) | The number of failing authentication operations. |
pulsar.authentication_success_count.count (count) | The number of successful authentication operations. |
pulsar.bookie_DELETED_LEDGER_COUNT.count (count) | The total number of ledgers deleted since the bookie has started. |
pulsar.bookie_READ_BYTES.count (count) | The total number of bytes read from the bookie. Shown as byte |
pulsar.bookie_SERVER_STATUS (gauge) | The server status for bookie server. 1: the bookie is running in writable mode.0: the bookie is running in readonly mode. |
pulsar.bookie_WRITE_BYTES.count (count) | The total number of bytes written to the bookie. Shown as byte |
pulsar.bookie_entries_count (gauge) | The total number of entries stored in the bookie. |
pulsar.bookie_flush (gauge) | The table flush latency of bookie memory. |
pulsar.bookie_journal_JOURNAL_CB_QUEUE_SIZE (gauge) | The total number of callbacks pending in the callback queue. |
pulsar.bookie_journal_JOURNAL_FORCE_WRITE_QUEUE_SIZE (gauge) | The total number of force write (fsync) requests pending in the force-write queue. Shown as request |
pulsar.bookie_journal_JOURNAL_QUEUE_SIZE (gauge) | The total number of requests pending in the journal queue. Shown as request |
pulsar.bookie_journal_JOURNAL_SYNC_count.count (count) | The total number of journal fsync operations happening at the bookie. The success label is used to distinguish successes and failures. |
pulsar.bookie_ledger_writable_dirs (gauge) | The number of writable directories in the bookie. |
pulsar.bookie_ledgers_count (gauge) | The total number of ledgers stored in the bookie. |
pulsar.bookie_read_cache_size (gauge) | The bookie read cache size (in bytes). Shown as byte |
pulsar.bookie_throttled_write_requests.count (count) | The number of write requests to be throttled. Shown as request |
pulsar.bookie_write_cache_size (gauge) | The bookie write cache size (in bytes). Shown as byte |
pulsar.bookkeeper_server_ADD_ENTRY_count.count (count) | The total number of ADD_ENTRY requests received at the bookie. The success label is used to distinguish successes and failures. Shown as request |
pulsar.bookkeeper_server_BOOKIE_QUARANTINE_count.count (count) | The number of bookie clients to be quarantined. |
pulsar.bookkeeper_server_READ_ENTRY_count.count (count) | The total number of READ_ENTRY requests received at the bookie. The success label is used to distinguish successes and failures. Shown as request |
pulsar.brk_ml_cursor_nonContiguousDeletedMessagesRange (gauge) | The number of non-contiguous deleted messages ranges. |
pulsar.brk_ml_cursor_persistLedgerErrors (gauge) | The number of ledger errors occurred when acknowledgment states fail to be persistent to the ledger. Shown as error |
pulsar.brk_ml_cursor_persistLedgerSucceed (gauge) | The number of acknowledgment states that is persistent to a ledger. |
pulsar.brk_ml_cursor_persistZookeeperErrors (gauge) | The number of ledger errors occurred when acknowledgment states fail to be persistent to ZooKeeper. Shown as error |
pulsar.brk_ml_cursor_persistZookeeperSucceed (gauge) | The number of acknowledgment states that is persistent to ZooKeeper. |
pulsar.brk_ml_cursor_readLedgerSize (gauge) | The size of read from ledger. |
pulsar.brk_ml_cursor_writeLedgerLogicalSize (gauge) | The size of write to ledger (accounting for without replicas). |
pulsar.brk_ml_cursor_writeLedgerSize (gauge) | The size of write to ledger. |
pulsar.broker_load_manager_bundle_assignment (gauge) | The summary of latency of bundles ownership operations. |
pulsar.broker_lookup.count (count) | Number of samples of the latency of all lookup operations. |
pulsar.broker_lookup.quantle (count) | Latency of all lookup operations. |
pulsar.broker_lookup.sum (count) | Total latency of all lookup operations. |
pulsar.broker_lookup_answers.count (count) | The number of lookup responses (i.e. not redirected requests). Shown as response |
pulsar.broker_lookup_failures.count (count) | The number of lookup failures. |
pulsar.broker_lookup_pending_requests (gauge) | The number of pending lookups in broker. When it is up to the threshold, new requests are rejected. Shown as request |
pulsar.broker_lookup_redirects.count (count) | The number of lookup redirected requests. Shown as request |
pulsar.broker_throttled_connections (gauge) | The number of throttled connections. Shown as connection |
pulsar.broker_throttled_connections_global_limit (gauge) | The number of throttled connections because of per-connection limit. Shown as connection |
pulsar.broker_topic_load_pending_requests (gauge) | The load of pending topic operations. |
pulsar.bundle_consumer_count (gauge) | The consumer count of the topics in this bundle. |
pulsar.bundle_msg_rate_in (gauge) | The total message rate coming into the topics in this bundle (messages/second). |
pulsar.bundle_msg_rate_out (gauge) | The total message rate going out from the topics in this bundle (messages/second). |
pulsar.bundle_msg_throughput_in (gauge) | The total throughput coming into the topics in this bundle (bytes/second). |
pulsar.bundle_msg_throughput_out (gauge) | The total throughput going out from the topics in this bundle (bytes/second). |
pulsar.bundle_producer_count (gauge) | The producer count of the topics in this bundle. |
pulsar.bundle_topics_count (gauge) | The topic count in this bundle. |
pulsar.compaction_compacted_entries_count (gauge) | The total number of the compacted entries. |
pulsar.compaction_compacted_entries_size (gauge) | The total size of the compacted entries. |
pulsar.compaction_duration_time_in_mills (gauge) | The duration time of the compaction. |
pulsar.compaction_failed_count (gauge) | The total number of failures of the compaction. |
pulsar.compaction_read_throughput (gauge) | The read throughput of the compaction. |
pulsar.compaction_removed_event_count (gauge) | The total number of removed events of the compaction. |
pulsar.compaction_succeed_count (gauge) | The total number of successes of the compaction. |
pulsar.compaction_write_throughput (gauge) | The write throughput of the compaction. |
pulsar.connection_closed_total_count (gauge) | The total number of closed connections. Shown as connection |
pulsar.connection_create_fail_count (gauge) | The number of failed connections. Shown as connection |
pulsar.connection_create_success_count (gauge) | The number of successfully created connections. Shown as connection |
pulsar.connection_created_total_count (gauge) | The total number of connections. Shown as connection |
pulsar.consumer_available_permits (gauge) | The available permits for for a consumer. |
pulsar.consumer_blocked_on_unacked_messages (gauge) | Indicate whether a consumer is blocked on unacknowledged messages or not. 1 means the consumer is blocked on waiting unacknowledged messages to be acked.0 means the consumer is not blocked on waiting unacknowledged messages to be acked. |
pulsar.consumer_msg_rate_out (gauge) | The total message dispatch rate for a consumer (messages/second). |
pulsar.consumer_msg_rate_redeliver (gauge) | The total message rate for message being redelivered (messages/second). |
pulsar.consumer_msg_throughput_out (gauge) | The total message dispatch throughput for a consumer (bytes/second). |
pulsar.consumer_unacked_messages (gauge) | The total number of unacknowledged messages of a consumer (messages). Shown as message |
pulsar.consumers_count (gauge) | The number of active consumers of the namespace connected to this broker. |
pulsar.expired_token_count.count (count) | The number of expired tokens in Pulsar. |
pulsar.function_last_invocation (gauge) | The timestamp of the last invocation of the function. |
pulsar.function_processed_successfully_total.count (count) | The total number of messages processed successfully. Shown as message |
pulsar.function_processed_successfully_total_1min.count (count) | The total number of messages processed successfully in the last 1 minute. Shown as message |
pulsar.function_received_total.count (count) | The total number of messages received from source. Shown as message |
pulsar.function_received_total_1min.count (count) | The total number of messages received from source in the last 1 minute. Shown as message |
pulsar.function_system_exceptions_total.count (count) | The total number of system exceptions. |
pulsar.function_system_exceptions_total_1min.count (count) | The total number of system exceptions in the last 1 minute. |
pulsar.function_user_exceptions_total.count (count) | The total number of user exceptions. |
pulsar.function_user_exceptions_total_1min.count (count) | The total number of user exceptions in the last 1 minute. |
pulsar.in_bytes_total (gauge) | The number of messages in bytes received for this topic. Shown as byte |
pulsar.in_messages_total (gauge) | The total number of messages received for this topic. Shown as message |
pulsar.jetty_async_dispatches_total.count (count) | Number of requested that have been asynchronously dispatched. |
pulsar.jetty_async_requests_total.count (count) | Total number of async requests. Shown as request |
pulsar.jetty_async_requests_waiting (gauge) | Currently waiting async requests. Shown as request |
pulsar.jetty_async_requests_waiting_max (gauge) | Maximum number of waiting async requests. Shown as request |
pulsar.jetty_dispatched_active (gauge) | Number of dispatches currently active. |
pulsar.jetty_dispatched_active_max (gauge) | Maximum number of active dispatches being handled. |
pulsar.jetty_dispatched_time_max (gauge) | Maximum time spent in dispatch handling. |
pulsar.jetty_dispatched_time_seconds_total.count (count) | Total time spent in dispatch handling. Shown as second |
pulsar.jetty_dispatched_total.count (count) | Number of dispatches. |
pulsar.jetty_expires_total.count (count) | Number of async requests requests that have expired. Shown as request |
pulsar.jetty_request_time_max_seconds (gauge) | Maximum time spent handling requests. Shown as second |
pulsar.jetty_request_time_seconds_total.count (count) | Total time spent in all request handling. Shown as second |
pulsar.jetty_requests_active (gauge) | Number of requests currently active. Shown as request |
pulsar.jetty_requests_active_max (gauge) | Maximum number of requests that have been active at once. Shown as request |
pulsar.jetty_requests_total.count (count) | Number of requests. Shown as request |
pulsar.jetty_responses_bytes_total.count (count) | Total number of bytes across all responses. Shown as byte |
pulsar.jetty_responses_total.count (count) | Number of responses, labeled by status code. The code label can be "1xx", "2xx", "3xx", "4xx", or "5xx". Shown as response |
pulsar.jetty_stats_seconds (gauge) | Time in seconds stats have been collected for. Shown as second |
pulsar.lb_bandwidth_in_usage (gauge) | The broker inbound bandwith usage (in percent). |
pulsar.lb_bandwidth_out_usage (gauge) | The broker outbound bandwith usage (in percent). |
pulsar.lb_bundles_split_count.count (count) | bundle split count in this bundle splitting check interval |
pulsar.lb_cpu_usage (gauge) | The broker cpu usage (in percent). |
pulsar.lb_directMemory_usage (gauge) | The broker process direct memory usage (in percent). |
pulsar.lb_memory_usage (gauge) | The broker process memory usage (in percent). |
pulsar.lb_unload_broker_count.count (count) | Unload broker count in this bundle unloading |
pulsar.lb_unload_bundle_count.count (count) | Bundle unload count in this bundle unloading |
pulsar.ml_AddEntryBytesRate (gauge) | The bytes/s rate of messages added |
pulsar.ml_AddEntryErrors (gauge) | The number of addEntry requests that failed Shown as request |
pulsar.ml_AddEntryMessagesRate (gauge) | The msg/s rate of messages added |
pulsar.ml_AddEntrySucceed (gauge) | The number of addEntry requests that succeeded Shown as request |
pulsar.ml_AddEntryWithReplicasBytesRate (gauge) | The bytes/s rate of messages added with replicas |
pulsar.ml_MarkDeleteRate (gauge) | The rate of mark-delete ops/s |
pulsar.ml_NumberOfMessagesInBacklog (gauge) | The number of backlog messages for all the consumers Shown as message |
pulsar.ml_ReadEntriesBytesRate (gauge) | The bytes/s rate of messages read |
pulsar.ml_ReadEntriesErrors (gauge) | The number of readEntries requests that failed Shown as request |
pulsar.ml_ReadEntriesRate (gauge) | The msg/s rate of messages read |
pulsar.ml_ReadEntriesSucceeded (gauge) | The number of readEntries requests that succeeded Shown as request |
pulsar.ml_StoredMessagesSize (gauge) | The total size of the messages in active ledgers (accounting for the multiple copies stored) |
pulsar.ml_cache_evictions (gauge) | The number of cache evictions during the last minute. Shown as eviction |
pulsar.ml_cache_hits_rate (gauge) | The number of cache hits per second on the broker side. Shown as hit |
pulsar.ml_cache_hits_throughput (gauge) | The amount of data is retrieved from the cache on the broker side (in byte/s). |
pulsar.ml_cache_misses_rate (gauge) | The number of cache misses per second on the broker side. Shown as miss |
pulsar.ml_cache_misses_throughput (gauge) | The amount of data is not retrieved from the cache on the broker side (in byte/s). |
pulsar.ml_cache_pool_active_allocations (gauge) | The number of currently active allocations in direct arena |
pulsar.ml_cache_pool_active_allocations_huge (gauge) | The number of currently active huge allocation in direct arena |
pulsar.ml_cache_pool_active_allocations_normal (gauge) | The number of currently active normal allocations in direct arena |
pulsar.ml_cache_pool_active_allocations_small (gauge) | The number of currently active small allocations in direct arena |
pulsar.ml_cache_pool_allocated (gauge) | The total allocated memory of chunk lists in direct arena |
pulsar.ml_cache_pool_used (gauge) | The total used memory of chunk lists in direct arena |
pulsar.ml_cache_used_size (gauge) | The size in byte used to store the entries payloads Shown as byte |
pulsar.ml_count (gauge) | The number of currently opened managed ledgers |
pulsar.out_bytes_total (gauge) | The total number of messages in bytes read from this topic. Shown as byte |
pulsar.out_messages_total (gauge) | The total number of messages read from this topic. Shown as message |
pulsar.producers_count (gauge) | The number of active producers of the namespace connected to this broker. |
pulsar.proxy_active_connections (gauge) | Number of connections currently active in the proxy. Shown as connection |
pulsar.proxy_binary_bytes.count (count) | Counter of proxy bytes. Shown as byte |
pulsar.proxy_binary_ops.count (count) | Counter of proxy operations. |
pulsar.proxy_new_connections.count (count) | Counter of connections being opened in the proxy. Shown as connection |
pulsar.proxy_rejected_connections.count (count) | Counter for connections rejected due to throttling. Shown as connection |
pulsar.rate_in (gauge) | The total message rate of the namespace coming into this broker (messages/second). |
pulsar.rate_out (gauge) | The total message rate of the namespace going out from this broker (messages/second). |
pulsar.replication_backlog (gauge) | The total backlog of the namespace replicating to remote cluster (messages). Shown as message |
pulsar.replication_connected_count (gauge) | The count of replication-subscriber up and running to replicate to remote cluster. |
pulsar.replication_delay_in_seconds (gauge) | Time in seconds from the time a message was produced to the time when it is about to be replicated. Shown as second |
pulsar.replication_rate_expired (gauge) | Total rate of messages expired (messages/second). |
pulsar.replication_rate_in (gauge) | The total message rate of the namespace replicating from remote cluster (messages/second). |
pulsar.replication_rate_out (gauge) | The total message rate of the namespace replicating to remote cluster (messages/second). |
pulsar.replication_throughput_in (gauge) | The total throughput of the namespace replicating from remote cluster (bytes/second). |
pulsar.replication_throughput_out (gauge) | The total throughput of the namespace replicating to remote cluster (bytes/second). |
pulsar.sink_last_invocation (gauge) | The timestamp of the last invocation of the sink. |
pulsar.sink_received_total.count (count) | The total number of records that a sink has received from Pulsar topics. |
pulsar.sink_received_total_1min.count (count) | The total number of messages that a sink has received from Pulsar topics in the last 1 minute. Shown as message |
pulsar.sink_sink_exception (gauge) | The exception from a sink. |
pulsar.sink_sink_exceptions_total.count (count) | The total number of sink exceptions. |
pulsar.sink_sink_exceptions_total_1min.count (count) | The total number of sink exceptions in the last 1 minute. |
pulsar.sink_system_exception (gauge) | The exception from system code. |
pulsar.sink_system_exceptions_total.count (count) | The total number of system exceptions. |
pulsar.sink_system_exceptions_total_1min.count (count) | The total number of system exceptions in the last 1 minute. |
pulsar.sink_written_total.count (count) | The total number of records processed by a sink. |
pulsar.sink_written_total_1min.count (count) | The total number of records processed by a sink in the last 1 minute. |
pulsar.source_last_invocation (gauge) | The timestamp of the last invocation of the source. |
pulsar.source_received_total.count (count) | The total number of records received from source. |
pulsar.source_received_total_1min.count (count) | The total number of records received from source in the last 1 minute. |
pulsar.source_source_exception (gauge) | The exception from a source. |
pulsar.source_source_exceptions_total.count (count) | The total number of source exceptions. |
pulsar.source_source_exceptions_total_1min.count (count) | The total number of source exceptions in the last 1 minute. |
pulsar.source_system_exception (gauge) | The exception from system code. |
pulsar.source_system_exceptions_total.count (count) | The total number of system exceptions. |
pulsar.source_system_exceptions_total_1min.count (count) | The total number of system exceptions in the last 1 minute. |
pulsar.source_written_total.count (count) | The total number of records written to a Pulsar topic. |
pulsar.source_written_total_1min.count (count) | The total number of records written to a Pulsar topic in the last 1 minute. |
pulsar.split_bytes_read.count (count) | Number of bytes read from BookKeeper. Shown as byte |
pulsar.split_num_messages_deserialized.count (count) | Number of messages deserialized. Shown as message |
pulsar.split_num_record_deserialized.count (count) | Number of records deserialized. |
pulsar.storage_backlog_quota_limit (gauge) | The total amount of the data in this topic that limit the backlog quota (bytes). Shown as byte |
pulsar.storage_backlog_size (gauge) | The total backlog size of the topics of this namespace owned by this broker (messages). |
pulsar.storage_logical_size (gauge) | The storage size of topics in the namespace owned by the broker without replicas (in bytes). |
pulsar.storage_offloaded_size (gauge) | The total amount of the data in this namespace offloaded to the tiered storage (bytes). |
pulsar.storage_read_rate (gauge) | The total message batches (entries) read from the storage for this namespace (message batches / second). |
pulsar.storage_size (gauge) | The total storage size of the topics in this namespace owned by this broker (bytes). |
pulsar.storage_write_rate (gauge) | The total message batches (entries) written to the storage for this namespace (message batches / second). |
pulsar.subscription_back_log (gauge) | The total backlog of a subscription (messages). Shown as message |
pulsar.subscription_blocked_on_unacked_messages (gauge) | Indicate whether a subscription is blocked on unacknowledged messages or not. 1 means the subscription is blocked on waiting unacknowledged messages to be acked.0 means the subscription is not blocked on waiting unacknowledged messages to be acked. |
pulsar.subscription_delayed (gauge) | The total message batches (entries) are delayed for dispatching. |
pulsar.subscription_msg_rate_out (gauge) | The total message dispatch rate for a subscription (messages/second). |
pulsar.subscription_msg_rate_redeliver (gauge) | The total message rate for message being redelivered (messages/second). |
pulsar.subscription_msg_throughput_out (gauge) | The total message dispatch throughput for a subscription (bytes/second). |
pulsar.subscription_unacked_messages (gauge) | The total number of unacknowledged messages of a subscription (messages). Shown as message |
pulsar.subscriptions_count (gauge) | The number of Pulsar subscriptions of the namespace served by this broker. |
pulsar.throughput_in (gauge) | The total throughput of the namespace coming into this broker (bytes/second). |
pulsar.throughput_out (gauge) | The total throughput of the namespace going out from this broker (bytes/second). |
pulsar.topics_count (gauge) | The number of Pulsar topics of the namespace owned by this broker. |
pulsar.txn_aborted_count.count (count) | Number of aborted transactions of this coordinator. Shown as transaction |
pulsar.txn_active_count (gauge) | Number of active transactions. Shown as transaction |
pulsar.txn_append_log_count.count (count) | Number of append transaction logs. |
pulsar.txn_committed_count.count (count) | Number of committed transactions. Shown as transaction |
pulsar.txn_created_count.count (count) | Number of created transactions. Shown as transaction |
pulsar.txn_timeout_count.count (count) | Number of timeout transactions. Shown as transaction |