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Use Observability Pipelines’ syslog destinations to send logs to rsyslog or syslog-ng.


Set up the rsyslog or syslog-ng destination and its environment variables when you set up a pipeline. The information below is configured in the pipelines UI.

Set up the destination

The rsyslog and syslog-ng destinations support the RFC5424 format.

The rsyslog and syslog-ng destinations match these log fields to the following Syslog fields:

Log EventSYSLOG FIELDDefault
log[“procid”]PROCIDThe running Worker’s process ID.
log[“facility”]FACILITY8 (log_user)
log[“timestamp”]TIMESTAMPCurrent UTC time.

The following destination settings are optional:

  1. Toggle the switch to enable TLS. If you enable TLS, the following certificate and key files are required:
    • Server Certificate Path: The path to the certificate file that has been signed by your Certificate Authority (CA) Root File in DER or PEM (X.509).
    • CA Certificate Path: The path to the certificate file that is your Certificate Authority (CA) Root File in DER or PEM (X.509).
    • Private Key Path: The path to the .key private key file that belongs to your Server Certificate Path in DER or PEM (PKCS#8) format.
  2. Enter the number of seconds to wait before sending TCP keepalive probes on an idle connection.

Set the environment variables

  • The rsyslog or syslog-ng endpoint URL. For example,
    • The Observability Pipelines Worker sends logs to this address and port.
    • Stored as the environment variable: DD_OP_DESTINATION_SYSLOG_ENDPOINT_URL.

How the destination works

Event batching

The rsyslog and syslog-ng destinations do not batch events.

PREVIEWING: gorkavicente/appsec-serverless-library-compatibility