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Language: JavaScript
Severity: Notice
Category: Best Practices
JavaScript’s alert, confirm, and prompt functions present obtrusive UI elements that prevent further user actions by taking control of the focus. These UI elements cannot be styled.
a[o.k](1)foo.alert(foo)foo.confirm(foo)foo.prompt(foo)// global overrides are not recommened
// and wont be supported by this rule
// function alert() {} alert();
// var alert = function() {}; alert();
// function foo() { var alert = bar; alert(); }
// function foo(alert) { alert(); }
// var alert = function() {}; function test() { alert(); }
// function foo() { var alert = function() {}; function test() { alert(); } }
// function confirm() {} confirm();
// function prompt() {} prompt();
window[alert]();// function foo() { this.alert(); }
// function foo() { var window = bar; window.alert(); }
// globalThis.alert();
// globalThis['alert']();
// globalThis.alert();
// var globalThis = foo; globalThis.alert();
// function foo() { var globalThis = foo; globalThis.alert(); }
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