Microsoft Azure SQL Elastic Pool
Les pools élastiques constituent une solution simple et économique pour gérer les performances de plusieurs bases de données.
Recueillez des métriques d’Azure SQL Elastic Pool pour :
- Visualiser les performances de vos pools élastiques SQL
- Corréler les performances de vos pools élastiques SQL avec vos applications
Liste des infrastructures
Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, configurez d’abord l’intégration Microsoft Azure. Aucune autre procédure d’installation n’est requise.
Real User Monitoring
Analyse d’entonnoirs
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.cpu_percent (gauge) | Average compute utilization in percentage of the limit of the pool Shown as percent |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.data_space_allocated (gauge) | Data space allocated Shown as byte |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.data_space_allocated_percent (gauge) | Data space allocated percent Shown as percent |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.dtu_consumption_percent (gauge) | Average eDTU utilization in percentage of eDTU limit for the pool Shown as percent |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.e_dtu_limit (gauge) | Current max elastic pool DTU setting for this elastic pool Shown as unit |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.e_dtu_used (gauge) | Average eDTUs used by the pool Shown as unit |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.in_memory_oltp_storage_percent (gauge) | In-Memory OLTP storage percent Shown as percent |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.log_write_percent (gauge) | Average write resource utilization in percentage of the limit of the pool Shown as percent |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.physical_data_read_percent (gauge) | Average I/O utilization in percentage based on the limit of the pool Shown as percent |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.sessions_percent (gauge) | Maximum concurrent sessions in percentage based on the limit of the pool Shown as percent |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.sql_instance_cpu_percent (gauge) | Maximum compute usage by all user and system workloads. Applies to elastic pools. Shown as percent |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.storage_limit (gauge) | Current max elastic pool storage limit setting for this elastic pool in megabytes during this interval Shown as byte |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.storage_percent (gauge) | Current max elastic pool storage limit setting for this elastic pool Shown as percent |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.storage_used (gauge) | Average storage used by the pool in this interval in bytes Shown as byte |
azure.sql_servers_elasticpools.workers_percent (gauge) | Maximum concurrent workers (requests) in percentage based on the limit of the pool Shown as percent |
L’intégration Azure SQL Elastic Pool n’inclut aucun événement.
L’intégration Azure SQL Elastic Pool n’inclut aucun check de service.
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