Cloud Dataflow est un service entièrement géré permettant de transformer et d’enrichir les données en mode flux (temps réel) ou lot (historique) avec une fiabilité et une expressivité égales.
Utilisez l’intégration Datadog/Google Cloud pour recueillir des métriques de Google Cloud Dataflow.
Collecte de métriques
Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, configurez d’abord l’intégration Google Cloud Platform. Aucune autre procédure d’installation n’est requise.
Collecte de logs
Les logs Google Cloud Dataflow sont recueillis avec Google Cloud Logging et envoyés à un Cloud Pub/Sub via un forwarder Push HTTP. Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, configurez un Cloud Pub/Sub à l’aide d’un forwarder Push HTTP.
Une fois cette opération effectuée, exportez vos logs Google Cloud Dataflow depuis Google Cloud Logging vers le Pub/Sub :
Accédez à la page Google Cloud Logging et filtrez les logs Google Cloud Dataflow.
Cliquez sur Create Sink et nommez le récepteur.
Choisissez Cloud Pub/Sub comme destination et sélectionnez le Pub/Sub créé à cette fin. Remarque : le Pub/Sub peut se situer dans un autre projet.
Cliquez sur Create et attendez que le message de confirmation s’affiche.
Données collectées
gcp.dataflow.job.billable_shuffle_data_processed (gauge) | The billable bytes of shuffle data processed by this Dataflow job. Shown as byte |
gcp.dataflow.job.current_num_vcpus (gauge) | The number of vCPUs currently being used by this Dataflow job. Shown as cpu |
gcp.dataflow.job.current_shuffle_slots (gauge) | The current shuffle slots used by this Dataflow job. |
gcp.dataflow.job.data_watermark_age (gauge) | The age (time since event timestamp) of the most recent item of data that has been fully processed by the pipeline. Shown as second |
gcp.dataflow.job.elapsed_time (gauge) | Duration that the current run of this pipeline has been in the Running state so far, in seconds. When a run completes, this stays at the duration of that run until the next run starts. Shown as second |
gcp.dataflow.job.element_count (count) | Number of elements added to the pcollection so far. Shown as item |
gcp.dataflow.job.estimated_byte_count (count) | An estimated number of bytes added to the pcollection so far. Shown as byte |
gcp.dataflow.job.is_failed (gauge) | Has this job failed. |
gcp.dataflow.job.system_lag (gauge) | The current maximum duration that an item of data has been awaiting processing, in seconds. Shown as second |
gcp.dataflow.job.total_memory_usage_time (gauge) | The total GB seconds of memory allocated to this Dataflow job. Shown as gibibyte |
gcp.dataflow.job.total_pd_usage_time (gauge) | The total GB seconds for all persistent disk used by all workers associated with this Dataflow job. Shown as gibibyte |
gcp.dataflow.job.total_shuffle_data_processed (gauge) | The total bytes of shuffle data processed by this Dataflow job. Shown as byte |
gcp.dataflow.job.total_streaming_data_processed (gauge) | The total bytes of streaming data processed by this Dataflow job. Shown as byte |
gcp.dataflow.job.total_vcpu_time (gauge) | The total vCPU seconds used by this Dataflow job. |
gcp.dataflow.job.user_counter (gauge) | A user-defined counter metric. |
gcp.dataflow.quota.region_endpoint_shuffle_slot.exceeded (count) | Number of attempts to exceed the limit on quota metric |
gcp.dataflow.quota.region_endpoint_shuffle_slot.limit (gauge) | Current limit on quota metric |
gcp.dataflow.quota.region_endpoint_shuffle_slot.usage (gauge) | Current usage on quota metric |
L’intégration Google Cloud Dataflow n’inclut aucun événement.
Checks de service
L’intégration Google Cloud Dataflow n’inclut aucun check de service.
Besoin d’aide ? Contactez l’assistance Datadog.