nvidia.jetson.cpu.freq (gauge) | CPU frequency Shown as megahertz |
nvidia.jetson.cpu.inactive_count (gauge) | Number of inactive cores Shown as unit |
nvidia.jetson.cpu.total_count (gauge) | Total number of cores Shown as unit |
nvidia.jetson.cpu.usage (gauge) | Load statistics of the CPU core relative to the current running frequency or 'off' in case a core is currently powered down Shown as percent |
nvidia.jetson.emc.freq (gauge) | EMC frequency Shown as megahertz |
nvidia.jetson.emc.usage (gauge) | Percent of EMC memory bandwidth being used relative to the current running frequency Shown as percent |
nvidia.jetson.gpu.freq (gauge) | GR3D frequency Shown as megahertz |
nvidia.jetson.gpu.usage (gauge) | Percent of the GR3D that is being used relative to the current running frequency Shown as percent |
nvidia.jetson.iram.lfb (gauge) | Size of the largest free block Shown as byte |
nvidia.jetson.iram.total (gauge) | Total amount of IRAM memory available Shown as byte |
nvidia.jetson.iram.used (gauge) | Amount of IRAM memory in use Shown as byte |
nvidia.jetson.mem.lfb (gauge) | Size of the largest free block Shown as byte |
nvidia.jetson.mem.n_lfb (gauge) | The number of free blocks of the largest size Shown as unit |
nvidia.jetson.mem.total (gauge) | Total amount of RAM available for applications Shown as byte |
nvidia.jetson.mem.used (gauge) | Amount of RAM in use Shown as byte |
nvidia.jetson.power.average (gauge) | Average power consumption Shown as milliwatt |
nvidia.jetson.power.instant (gauge) | Current power consumption Shown as milliwatt |
nvidia.jetson.swap.cached (gauge) | Amount of SWAP cached in megabytes Shown as byte |
nvidia.jetson.swap.total (gauge) | Total amount of SWAP available for applications Shown as byte |
nvidia.jetson.swap.used (gauge) | Amount of SWAP in use in megabytes Shown as byte |
nvidia.jetson.temp (gauge) | Temperature Shown as degree celsius |