rdse.bdb_avg_latency (gauge) | Average latency of operations on the DB (seconds); returned only when there is traffic Shown as second |
rdse.bdb_avg_latency_max (gauge) | Highest value of average latency of operations on the DB (seconds); returned only when there is traffic Shown as second |
rdse.bdb_avg_read_latency (gauge) | Average latency of read operations (seconds); returned only when there is traffic Shown as second |
rdse.bdb_avg_read_latency_max (gauge) | Highest value of average latency of read operations (seconds);returned only when there is traffic Shown as second |
rdse.bdb_avg_write_latency (gauge) | Average latency of write operations (seconds); returned only when there is traffic Shown as second |
rdse.bdb_avg_write_latency_max (gauge) | Highest value of average latency of write operations (seconds); returned only when there is traffic Shown as second |
rdse.bdb_conns (gauge) | Number of client connections to DB Shown as connection |
rdse.bdb_egress_bytes (gauge) | Rate of outgoing network traffic from the DB (bytes/sec) Shown as second |
rdse.bdb_egress_bytes_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of outgoing network traffic from the DB (bytes/sec) Shown as second |
rdse.bdb_evicted_objects (gauge) | Rate of key evictions from DB (evictions/sec) Shown as eviction |
rdse.bdb_evicted_objects_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of key evictions from DB (evictions/sec) Shown as eviction |
rdse.bdb_expired_objects (gauge) | Rate keys expired in DB (expirations/sec) Shown as eviction |
rdse.bdb_expired_objects_max (gauge) | eventHighest value of rate keys expired in DB (expirations/sec) Shown as eviction |
rdse.bdb_fork_cpu_system (gauge) | % cores utilization in system mode for all redis shard fork child processes of this database Shown as cpu |
rdse.bdb_fork_cpu_system_max (gauge) | Highest value of % cores utilization in system mode for all redis shard fork child processes of this database Shown as cpu |
rdse.bdb_fork_cpu_user (gauge) | % cores utilization in user mode for all redis shard fork child processes of this database Shown as cpu |
rdse.bdb_fork_cpu_user_max (gauge) | Highest value of % cores utilization in user mode for all redis shard fork child processes of this database Shown as cpu |
rdse.bdb_ingress_bytes (gauge) | Rate of incoming network traffic to DB (bytes/sec) Shown as second |
rdse.bdb_ingress_bytes_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of incoming network traffic to DB (bytes/sec) Shown as second |
rdse.bdb_instantaneous_ops_per_sec (gauge) | Request rate handled by all shards of DB (ops/sec) Shown as operation |
rdse.bdb_main_thread_cpu_system (gauge) | % cores utilization in system mode for all redis shard main threas of this database Shown as cpu |
rdse.bdb_main_thread_cpu_system_max (gauge) | Highest value of % cores utilization in system mode for all redis shard main threas of this database Shown as cpu |
rdse.bdb_main_thread_cpu_user (gauge) | % cores utilization in user mode for all redis shard main threads of this database Shown as cpu |
rdse.bdb_main_thread_cpu_user_max (gauge) | Highest value of % cores utilization in user mode for all redis shard main threads of this database Shown as cpu |
rdse.bdb_mem_frag_ratio (gauge) | RAM fragmentation ratio (RSS / allocated RAM) Shown as percent |
rdse.bdb_mem_size_lua (gauge) | Redis lua scripting heap size (bytes) Shown as byte |
rdse.bdb_memory_limit (gauge) | Configured RAM limit for the database (bytes) Shown as byte |
rdse.bdb_monitor_sessions_count (gauge) | Number of client connected in monitor mode to the DB Shown as session |
rdse.bdb_no_of_keys (gauge) | Number of keys in DB Shown as key |
rdse.bdb_other_req (gauge) | Rate of other (non read/write) requests on DB (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.bdb_other_req_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of other (non read/write) requests on DB (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.bdb_other_res (gauge) | Rate of other (non read/write) responses on DB (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.bdb_other_res_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of other (non read/write) responses on DB (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.bdb_pubsub_channels (gauge) | Count the pub/sub channels with subscribed clients Shown as key |
rdse.bdb_pubsub_channels_max (gauge) | Highest value of count the pub/sub channels with subscribed clients Shown as key |
rdse.bdb_pubsub_patterns (gauge) | Count the pub/sub patterns with subscribed clients Shown as key |
rdse.bdb_pubsub_patterns_max (gauge) | Highest value of count the pub/sub patterns with subscribed clients Shown as key |
rdse.bdb_read_hits (gauge) | Rate of read operations accessing an existing key (ops/sec) Shown as hit |
rdse.bdb_read_hits_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of read operations accessing an existing key (ops/sec) Shown as hit |
rdse.bdb_read_misses (gauge) | Rate of read operations accessing a non-existing key (ops/sec) Shown as miss |
rdse.bdb_read_misses_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of read operations accessing a non-existing key (ops/sec) Shown as miss |
rdse.bdb_read_req (gauge) | Rate of read requests on DB (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.bdb_read_req_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of read requests on DB (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.bdb_read_res (gauge) | Rate of read responses on DB (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.bdb_read_res_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of read responses on DB (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.bdb_shard_cpu_system (gauge) | % cores utilization in system mode for all redis shard processes of this database Shown as cpu |
rdse.bdb_shard_cpu_system_max (gauge) | Highest value of % cores utilization in system mode for all redis shard processes of this database Shown as cpu |
rdse.bdb_shard_cpu_user (gauge) | % cores utilization in user mode for the redis shard process Shown as cpu |
rdse.bdb_shard_cpu_user_max (gauge) | Highest value of % cores utilization in user mode for the redis shard process Shown as cpu |
rdse.bdb_total_connections_received (gauge) | Rate of new client connections to DB (connections/sec) Shown as connection |
rdse.bdb_total_connections_received_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of new client connections to DB (connections/sec) Shown as connection |
rdse.bdb_total_req (gauge) | Rate of all requests on DB (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.bdb_total_req_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of all requests on DB (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.bdb_total_res (gauge) | Rate of all responses on DB (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.bdb_total_res_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of all responses on DB (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.bdb_up (gauge) | Database is up and running Shown as service |
rdse.bdb_used_memory (gauge) | Memory used by db (in bigredis this includes flash) (bytes) Shown as byte |
rdse.bdb_write_hits (gauge) | Rate of write operations accessing an existing key (ops/sec) Shown as hit |
rdse.bdb_write_hits_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of write operations accessing an existing key (ops/sec) Shown as hit |
rdse.bdb_write_misses (gauge) | Rate of write operations accessing a non-existing key (ops/sec) Shown as miss |
rdse.bdb_write_misses_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of write operations accessing a non-existing key (ops/sec) Shown as miss |
rdse.bdb_write_req (gauge) | Rate of write requests on DB (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.bdb_write_req_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of write requests on DB (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.bdb_write_res (gauge) | Rate of write responses on DB (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.bdb_write_res_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of write responses on DB (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.no_of_expires (gauge) | Current number of volatile keys in the database Shown as key |
rdse.node_available_flash (gauge) | Available flash in node (bytes) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_available_flash_no_overbooking (gauge) | Available flash in node (bytes), without taking into account overbooking Shown as byte |
rdse.node_available_memory (gauge) | Amount of free memory in node (bytes) that is available for database provisioning Shown as byte |
rdse.node_available_memory_no_overbooking (gauge) | Available ram in node (bytes) without taking into account overbooking Shown as byte |
rdse.node_avg_latency (gauge) | Average latency of requests handled by endpoints on node (seconds); returned only when there is traffic Shown as second |
rdse.node_bigstore_free (gauge) | Sum of free space of back-end flash (used by flash DB's [BigRedis]) on all cluster nodes (bytes); returned only when BigRedis is enabled Shown as byte |
rdse.node_bigstore_iops (gauge) | Rate of i/o operations against back-end flash for all shards which are part of a flash based DB (BigRedis) in cluster (ops/sec) Shown as operation |
rdse.node_bigstore_kv_ops (gauge) | Rate of value read/write operations against back-end flash for all shards which are part of a flash based DB (BigRedis) in cluster (ops/sec) Shown as operation |
rdse.node_bigstore_throughput (gauge) | Throughput i/o operations against back-end flash for all shards which are part of a flash based DB (BigRedis) in cluster (bytes/sec) Shown as operation |
rdse.node_conns (gauge) | Number of clients connected to endpoints on node Shown as connection |
rdse.node_cpu_idle (gauge) | CPU idle time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_idle_max (gauge) | Highest value of CPU idle time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_idle_median (gauge) | Average value of CPU idle time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_idle_min (gauge) | Lowest value of CPU idle time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_iowait (gauge) | CPU IO wait time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_iowait_max (gauge) | Highest value of CPU IO wait time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_iowait_median (gauge) | Average value of CPU IO wait time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_iowait_min (gauge) | Lowest value of CPU IO wait time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_irqs (gauge) | CPU IRQ time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_irqs_max (gauge) | Highest value of CPU IRQ time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_irqs_median (gauge) | Average value of CPU IRQ time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_irqs_min (gauge) | Lowest value of CPU IRQ time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_nice (gauge) | CPU nice time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_nice_max (gauge) | Highest value of CPU nice time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_nice_median (gauge) | Average value of CPU nice time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_nice_min (gauge) | Lowest value of CPU nice time portion (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_steal (gauge) | CPU time portion spent in kernel (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_steal_max (gauge) | Highest value of CPU time portion spent in kernel (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_steal_median (gauge) | Average value of CPU time portion spent in kernel (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_steal_min (gauge) | Lowest value of CPU time portion spent in kernel (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_system (gauge) | CPU time portion spent by kernel-space processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_system_max (gauge) | Highest value of CPU time portion spent by kernel-space processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_system_median (gauge) | Average value of CPU time portion spent by kernel-space processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_system_min (gauge) | Lowest value of CPU time portion spent by kernel-space processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_user (gauge) | CPU time portion spent by user-space processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_user_max (gauge) | Highest value of CPU time portion spent by user-space processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_user_median (gauge) | Average value of CPU time portion spent by user-space processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cpu_user_min (gauge) | Lowest value of CPU time portion spent by user-space processes (0-1, multiply by 100 to get percent) Shown as cpu |
rdse.node_cur_aof_rewrites (gauge) | Number of aof rewrites that are currently performed by shards on this node Shown as write |
rdse.node_egress_bytes (gauge) | Rate of outgoing network traffic to node (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_egress_bytes_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of outgoing network traffic to node (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_egress_bytes_median (gauge) | Average value of rate of outgoing network traffic to node (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_egress_bytes_min (gauge) | Lowest value of rate of outgoing network traffic to node (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_ephemeral_storage_avail (gauge) | Disk space available to RLEC processes on configured ephemeral disk (bytes) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_ephemeral_storage_free (gauge) | Free disk space on configured ephemeral disk (bytes) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_free_memory (gauge) | Free memory in node (bytes) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_ingress_bytes (gauge) | Rate of incoming network traffic to node (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_ingress_bytes_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of incoming network traffic to node (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_ingress_bytes_median (gauge) | Average value of rate of incoming network traffic to node (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_ingress_bytes_min (gauge) | Lowest value of rate of incoming network traffic to node (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_persistent_storage_avail (gauge) | Disk space available to RLEC processes on configured persistent disk (bytes) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_persistent_storage_free (gauge) | Free disk space on configured persistent disk (bytes) Shown as byte |
rdse.node_provisional_flash (gauge) | Amount of flash available for new shards on this node, taking into account overbooking, max redis servers, reserved flash and provision and migration thresholds Shown as byte |
rdse.node_provisional_flash_no_overbooking (gauge) | Amount of flash available for new shards on this node, without taking into account overbooking, max redis servers, reserved flash and provision and migration thresholds Shown as byte |
rdse.node_provisional_memory (gauge) | Amount of RAM that is available for provisioning to databases out of the total RAM allocated for databases Shown as byte |
rdse.node_provisional_memory_no_overbooking (gauge) | Amount of RAM that is available for provisioning to databases out of the total RAM allocated for databases, without taking into account overbooking Shown as byte |
rdse.node_total_req (gauge) | Request rate handled by endpoints on node (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.node_up (gauge) | Node is part of the cluster and is connected Shown as service |
rdse.redis_active_defrag_running (rate) | Automatic memory defragmentation current aggressiveness (% cpu) Shown as cpu |
rdse.redis_allocator_active (gauge) | Total used memory including external fragmentation Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_allocator_allocated (gauge) | Total allocated memory Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_allocator_resident (gauge) | Total resident memory (RSS) Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_aof_last_cow_size (gauge) | Last AOFR, CopyOnWrite memory Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_aof_rewrite_in_progress (gauge) | The number of simultaneous AOF rewrites that are in progress Shown as check |
rdse.redis_aof_rewrites (gauge) | Number of AOF rewrites this process executed Shown as write |
rdse.redis_aof_delayed_fsync (gauge) | Number of times an AOF fsync caused delays in the redis main thread (inducing latency); This can indicate that the disk is slow or overloaded Shown as operation |
rdse.redis_blocked_clients (gauge) | Count the clients waiting on a blocking call Shown as connection |
rdse.redis_connected_clients (gauge) | Number of client connections to the specific shard Shown as connection |
rdse.redis_connected_slaves (gauge) | Number of connected slaves Shown as connection |
rdse.redis_db0_avg_ttl (gauge) | Average TTL of all volatile keys Shown as key |
rdse.redis_db0_expires (gauge) | Total count of volatile keys Shown as key |
rdse.redis_db0_keys (gauge) | Total key count Shown as key |
rdse.redis_evicted_keys (gauge) | Keys evicted so far (since restart) Shown as key |
rdse.redis_expire_cycle_cpu_milliseconds (gauge) | The cumulative amount of time spent on active expiry cycles Shown as second |
rdse.redis_expired_keys (gauge) | Keys expired so far (since restart) Shown as key |
rdse.redis_forwarding_state (gauge) | Shard forwarding state (on or off) Shown as check |
rdse.redis_keys_trimmed (gauge) | The number of keys that were trimmed in the current or last resharding process Shown as key |
rdse.redis_keyspace_read_hits (gauge) | Number of read operations accessing an existing keyspace Shown as hit |
rdse.redis_keyspace_read_misses (gauge) | Number of read operations accessing an non-existing keyspace Shown as miss |
rdse.redis_keyspace_write_hits (gauge) | Number of write operations accessing an existing keyspace Shown as hit |
rdse.redis_keyspace_write_misses (gauge) | Number of write operations accessing an non-existing keyspace Shown as miss |
rdse.redis_master_link_status (gauge) | Indicates if the replica is connected to its master Shown as check |
rdse.redis_master_repl_offset (gauge) | Number of bytes sent to replicas by the shard; Calculate the throughput for a time period by comparing the value at different times Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_master_sync_in_progress (gauge) | The master shard is synchronizing (1 true Shown as check |
rdse.redis_max_process_mem (gauge) | Current memory limit configured by redis_mgr according to node free memory Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_maxmemory (gauge) | Current memory limit configured by redis_mgr according to db memory limits Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_mem_aof_buffer (gauge) | Current size of AOF buffer Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_mem_clients_normal (gauge) | Current memory used for input and output buffers of non-replica clients Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_mem_clients_slaves (gauge) | Current memory used for input and output buffers of replica clients Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_mem_fragmentation_ratio (gauge) | Memory fragmentation ratio (1.3 means 30% overhead) Shown as percent |
rdse.redis_mem_not_counted_for_evict (gauge) | Portion of used_memory (in bytes) that's not counted for eviction and OOM error Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_mem_replication_backlog (gauge) | Size of replication backlog Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_module_fork_in_progress (gauge) | A binary value that indicates if there is an active fork spawned by a module (1) or not (0) Shown as check |
rdse.redis_process_cpu_system_seconds_total (gauge) | Shard Process system CPU time spent in seconds Shown as cpu |
rdse.redis_process_cpu_usage_percent (gauge) | Shard Process cpu usage precentage Shown as cpu |
rdse.redis_process_cpu_user_seconds_total (gauge) | Shard user CPU time spent in seconds Shown as cpu |
rdse.redis_process_main_thread_cpu_system_seconds_total (gauge) | Shard main thread system CPU time spent in seconds Shown as cpu |
rdse.redis_process_main_thread_cpu_user_seconds_total (gauge) | Shard main thread user CPU time spent in seconds Shown as second |
rdse.redis_process_max_fds (gauge) | Shard Maximum number of open file descriptors Shown as file |
rdse.redis_process_open_fds (gauge) | Shard Number of open file descriptors Shown as file |
rdse.redis_process_resident_memory_bytes (gauge) | Shard Resident memory size in bytes Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_process_start_time_seconds (gauge) | Shard Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds Shown as second |
rdse.redis_process_virtual_memory_bytes (gauge) | Shard virtual memory in bytes Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_rdb_bgsave_in_progress (gauge) | Indication if bgsave is currently in progress Shown as check |
rdse.redis_rdb_last_cow_size (gauge) | Last bgsave (or SYNC fork) used CopyOnWrite memory Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_rdb_saves (gauge) | Total count of bgsaves since process was restarted (including replica fullsync and persistence) Shown as operation |
rdse.redis_repl_touch_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes sent to replicas as TOUCH commands by the shard as a result of a READ command that was processe Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_total_commands_processed (gauge) | Number of commands processed by the shard; Calculate the number of commands for a time period by comparing the value at different times Shown as command |
rdse.redis_total_connections_received (gauge) | Number of connections received by the shard; Calculate the number of connections for a time period by comparing the value at different times Shown as connection |
rdse.redis_total_net_input_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes received by the shard; Calculate the throughput for a time period by comparing the value at different times Shown as request |
rdse.redis_total_net_output_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes sent by the shard; Calculate the throughput for a time period by comparing the value at different times Shown as response |
rdse.redis_up (gauge) | Shard is up and running Shown as service |
rdse.redis_used_memory (gauge) | Memory used by shard (in bigredis this includes flash) (bytes) Shown as byte |
rdse.bdb_crdt_syncer_ingress_bytes (gauge) | Rate of compressed incoming network traffic to Replica Of DB (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.bdb_crdt_syncer_ingress_bytes_decompressed (gauge) | Rate of decompressed incoming network traffic to Replica Of DB (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.bdb_crdt_syncer_local_ingress_lag_time (gauge) | Lag time between the source and the destination for Replica Of traffic (ms) Shown as second |
rdse.bdb_crdt_syncer_status (gauge) | Syncer status for Replica Of traffic: 0 = in-sync; 1 = syncing; 2 = out of sync Shown as service |
rdse.bdb_crdt_syncer_egress_bytes (gauge) | Rate of compressed outgoing network traffic from CRDB (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.bdb_crdt_syncer_egress_bytes_decompressed (gauge) | Rate of outgoing incoming network traffic from CRDB (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.bdb_crdt_syncer_egress_bytes_decompressed_max (gauge) | Maximum rate of outgoing incoming network traffic from CRDB (bytes/sec Shown as byte |
rdse.bdb_crdt_syncer_egress_bytes_max (gauge) | Maximum rate of compressed outgoing network traffic from CRDB (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.bdb_replicaof_syncer_ingress_bytes (gauge) | Rate of compressed incoming network traffic to CRDB (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.bdb_replicaof_syncer_ingress_bytes_decompressed (gauge) | Rate of decompressed incoming network traffic to CRDB (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.bdb_replicaof_syncer_local_ingress_lag_time (gauge) | Lag time between the source and the destination (ms) for CRDB traffic Shown as second |
rdse.bdb_replicaof_syncer_status (gauge) | Syncer status for CRDB traffic: 0 = in-sync; 1 = syncing; 2 = out of sync Shown as service |
rdse.redis_crdt_backlog_histlen (gauge) | Replication backlog history length Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_backlog_idx (gauge) | Current backlog index Shown as index |
rdse.redis_crdt_backlog_master_offset (gauge) | Replication backlog master offset Shown as offset |
rdse.redis_crdt_backlog_offset (gauge) | Replication backlog offset Shown as offset |
rdse.redis_crdt_backlog_refs (gauge) | Replication backlog references Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_backlog_size (gauge) | Replication backlog size Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_clock (gauge) | Replication clock Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_effect_reqs (gauge) | Replication effective requests Shown as request |
rdse.redis_crdt_gc_attempted (gauge) | Garbage collection attempted Shown as garbage collection |
rdse.redis_crdt_gc_collected (gauge) | Garbage collected Shown as garbage collection |
rdse.redis_crdt_gc_elements_attempted (gauge) | Garbage collection elements atttempted Shown as garbage collection |
rdse.redis_crdt_gc_elements_collected (gauge) | Garbage collection elements collected Shown as garbage collection |
rdse.redis_crdt_gc_pending (gauge) | Garbag collection pending Shown as garbage collection |
rdse.redis_crdt_gc_skipped (gauge) | Garbage collection skipped Shown as garbage collection |
rdse.redis_crdt_key_headers (gauge) | Replication key headers Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_list_trimmed_vertices (gauge) | Replication trimmed vertices Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_merge_reqs (gauge) | Replication merge requests Shown as request |
rdse.redis_crdt_oom_latch (gauge) | Replication out-of-memory latch Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_ovc_filtered_effect_reqs (gauge) | OVC filtered effect requests Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_peer_dst_id (gauge) | Peer destination Id Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_peer_id (gauge) | Peer Id Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_peer_lag (gauge) | Peer lag Shown as second |
rdse.redis_crdt_peer_offset (gauge) | Peer offset Shown as offset |
rdse.redis_crdt_peer_peer_state (gauge) | Peer-to-peer state Shown as service |
rdse.redis_crdt_pending_list_trimmed_vertices (gauge) | Pending trimmed vertice list Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_raw_dbsize (gauge) | Replication raw database size Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_replica_config_version (gauge) | Replica config version Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_replica_max_ops_lag (gauge) | Replica maximum operations lag Shown as second |
rdse.redis_crdt_replica_min_ops_lag (gauge) | Replica minimum operations lag Shown as second |
rdse.redis_crdt_replica_shards (gauge) | Replica shards Shown as shard |
rdse.redis_crdt_replica_slot_coverage_by_any_ovc (gauge) | Slots covered by any OVC Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_replica_slot_coverage_by_only_ovc (gauge) | Slots covered by only OVC Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_replica_slots (gauge) | Replication slots Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_stale_replica (gauge) | Replication stale replica Shown as byte |
rdse.redis_crdt_ts_key_headers (gauge) | Key timestamp headers Shown as byte |
rdse.dmcproxy_process_cpu_system_seconds_total (gauge) | Total proxy cpu system usage seconds Shown as second |
rdse.dmcproxy_process_cpu_usage_percent (gauge) | Total proxy cpu user usage percent Shown as percent |
rdse.dmcproxy_process_cpu_user_seconds_total (gauge) | Total proxy cpu user usage seconds Shown as second |
rdse.dmcproxy_process_main_thread_cpu_system_seconds_total (gauge) | Proxy main thread system usage seconds Shown as second |
rdse.dmcproxy_process_main_thread_cpu_user_seconds_total (gauge) | Proxy main thread user usage seconds Shown as second |
rdse.dmcproxy_process_max_fds (gauge) | Proxy maximum file descriptors Shown as inode |
rdse.dmcproxy_process_open_fds (gauge) | Proxy open file descriptors Shown as inode |
rdse.dmcproxy_process_resident_memory_bytes (gauge) | Proxy resident memory Shown as byte |
rdse.dmcproxy_process_start_time_seconds (gauge) | Proxy process start time Shown as second |
rdse.dmcproxy_process_virtual_memory_bytes (gauge) | Proxy virtual memory Shown as byte |
rdse.listener_acc_latency (gauge) | Accumulative latency (sum of the latencies) of all types of commands on DB. For the average latency divide this value by listenertotalres Shown as second |
rdse.listener_acc_latency_max (gauge) | Highest value of accumulative latency of all types of commands on DB Shown as second |
rdse.listener_acc_other_latency (gauge) | Accumulative latency (sum of the latencies) of commands that are type "other" on DB. For the average latency divide this value by listenerotherres Shown as second |
rdse.listener_acc_other_latency_max (gauge) | Highest value of accumulative latency of commands that are type "other" on DB Shown as second |
rdse.listener_acc_read_latency (gauge) | Accumulative latency (sum of the latencies) of commands that are type "read" on DB. For the average latency divide this value by listenerreadres Shown as second |
rdse.listener_acc_read_latency_max (gauge) | Highest value of accumulative latency of commands that are type "read" on DB Shown as second |
rdse.listener_acc_write_latency (gauge) | Accumulative latency (sum of the latencies) of commands that are type "write" on DB. For the average latency divide this value by listenerwriteres Shown as second |
rdse.listener_acc_write_latency_max (gauge) | Highest value of accumulative latency of commands that are type "write" on DB Shown as second |
rdse.listener_auth_cmds (gauge) | Number of memcached AUTH commands sent to the DB Shown as command |
rdse.listener_auth_cmds_max (gauge) | Highest value of number of memcached AUTH commands sent to the DB Shown as command |
rdse.listener_auth_errors (gauge) | Number of error responses to memcached AUTH commands Shown as error |
rdse.listener_auth_errors_max (gauge) | Highest value of number of error responses to memcached AUTH commands Shown as error |
rdse.listener_cmd_flush (gauge) | Number of memcached FLUSH_ALL commands sent to the DB Shown as command |
rdse.listener_cmd_flush_max (gauge) | Highest value of number of memcached FLUSH_ALL commands sent to the DB Shown as command |
rdse.listener_cmd_get (gauge) | Number of memcached GET commands sent to the DB Shown as command |
rdse.listener_cmd_get_max (gauge) | Highest value of number of memcached GET commands sent to the DB Shown as command |
rdse.listener_cmd_set (gauge) | Number of memcached SET commands sent to the DB Shown as command |
rdse.listener_cmd_set_max (gauge) | Highest value of number of memcached SET commands sent to the DB Shown as command |
rdse.listener_cmd_touch (gauge) | Number of memcached TOUCH commands sent to the DB Shown as command |
rdse.listener_cmd_touch_max (gauge) | Highest value of number of memcached TOUCH commands sent to the DB Shown as command |
rdse.listener_conns (gauge) | Number of clients connected to the endpoint Shown as connection |
rdse.listener_egress_bytes (gauge) | Rate of outgoing network traffic to the endpoint (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.listener_egress_bytes_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of outgoing network traffic to the endpoint (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.listener_ingress_bytes (gauge) | Rate of incoming network traffic to the endpoint (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.listener_ingress_bytes_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of incoming network traffic to the endpoint (bytes/sec) Shown as byte |
rdse.listener_last_req_time (gauge) | Time of last command sent to the DB Shown as second |
rdse.listener_last_res_time (gauge) | Time of last response sent from the DB Shown as second |
rdse.listener_max_connections_exceeded (gauge) | Number of times the Number of clients connected to the db at the same time has exeeded the max limit Shown as connection |
rdse.listener_max_connections_exceeded_max (gauge) | Highest value of number of times the Number of clients connected to the db at the same time has exeeded the max limit Shown as connection |
rdse.listener_monitor_sessions_count (gauge) | Number of client connected in monitor mode to the endpoint Shown as session |
rdse.listener_other_req (gauge) | Rate of other (non read/write) requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.listener_other_req_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of other (non read/write) requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.listener_other_res (gauge) | Rate of other (non read/write) responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.listener_other_res_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of other (non read/write) responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.listener_other_started_res (gauge) | Number of responses sent from the DB of type "other" Shown as response |
rdse.listener_other_started_res_max (gauge) | Highest value of number of responses sent from the DB of type "other" Shown as response |
rdse.listener_read_req (gauge) | Rate of read requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.listener_read_req_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of read requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.listener_read_res (gauge) | Rate of read responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.listener_read_res_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of read responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.listener_read_started_res (gauge) | Number of responses sent from the DB of type "read" Shown as response |
rdse.listener_read_started_res_max (gauge) | Highest value of number of responses sent from the DB of type "read" Shown as response |
rdse.listener_total_connections_received (gauge) | Rate of new client connections to the endpoint (connections/sec) Shown as connection |
rdse.listener_total_connections_received_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of new client connections to the endpoint (connections/sec) Shown as connection |
rdse.listener_total_req (gauge) | Request rate handled by the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.listener_total_req_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of all requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.listener_total_res (gauge) | Rate of all responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.listener_total_res_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of all responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.listener_total_started_res (gauge) | Number of responses sent from the DB of all types Shown as response |
rdse.listener_total_started_res_max (gauge) | Highest value of number of responses sent from the DB of all types Shown as response |
rdse.listener_write_req (gauge) | Rate of write requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.listener_write_req_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of write requests on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as request |
rdse.listener_write_res (gauge) | Rate of write responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.listener_write_res_max (gauge) | Highest value of rate of write responses on the endpoint (ops/sec) Shown as response |
rdse.listener_write_started_res (gauge) | Number of responses sent from the DB of type "write" Shown as response |
rdse.listener_write_started_res_max (gauge) | Highest value of number of responses sent from the DB of type "write" Shown as response |
rdse.namedprocess_namegroup_thread_cpu_seconds_total (gauge) | Number of CPU seconds that some specific threads has used Shown as second |