upstash.db.totaldatasize (gauge) | The size of total data that you stored. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.missrate (rate) | Miss rate of read requests. Shown as miss |
upstash.db.hitrate (rate) | Hit rate of read requests. Shown as hit |
upstash.db.writelatencyp99 (gauge) | Write latency details p99 in ms. Shown as millisecond |
upstash.db.readlatencyp99 (gauge) | Read latency details p99 in ms. Shown as millisecond |
upstash.db.dailybandwidth (gauge) | Daily bandwidth usage. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.monthlycost (gauge) | Monthly cost of database. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.dailyprocessedcommands (gauge) | Number of daily processed commands. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.dailywritecommands (gauge) | Number of daily write commands. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.dailyreadcommands (gauge) | Number of daily read commands. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.throughput (gauge) | Database throughput metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.readpersecond (gauge) | Read per second metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.writepersecond (gauge) | Write per second metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.keyspace (gauge) | Database keyspace metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.db.connections (gauge) | Database connection count. Shown as connection |
upstash.db.restconnections (gauge) | Database rest connection count. Shown as connection |
upstash.kafkacluster.daily_storage (gauge) | The size of total data that you stored. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.total_throughput (gauge) | Kafka Cluster Total throughput metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.consume_throughput (gauge) | Kafka Cluster Consume throughput metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.produce_throughput (gauge) | Kafka Cluster Produce throughput metric. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.monthly_cost (gauge) | Number of monthly cost per Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.consumed_daily_messages (gauge) | Number of daily consumed messages per Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.produced_daily_messages (gauge) | Number of daily produced messages to Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.consumed_monthly_messages (gauge) | Number of monthly consumed messages per Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.produced_monthly_messages (gauge) | Number of monthly produced messages to Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.replication (gauge) | Replication count of certain Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.topic_count (gauge) | Topic count of certain Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.kafkacluster.partitions_count (gauge) | Partition count of Kafka Cluster. Shown as unit |
upstash.topic.daily_produced (gauge) | The size of total data that you stored. Shown as unit |
upstash.topic.daily_consumed (gauge) | The size of total data consumed by certain Kafka topic. Shown as unit |
upstash.topic.daily_bytes (gauge) | The amount of byte transmitted by certain Kafka topics. Shown as unit |
upstash.topic.monthly_produced (gauge) | The amount of byte produced by certain Kafka topics. Shown as unit |
upstash.topic.monthly_consumed (gauge) | The amount of byte consumed by certain Kafka topics. Shown as unit |
upstash.topic.monthly_bytes (gauge) | The amount of byte transmitted for certain Kafka topics. Shown as unit |
upstash.metadata.metric_publish (gauge) | The healthcheck metrics for upstash integration. Shown as unit |