The overall cpu consumed by the service in nanoseconds (CPUUsageNSec), requires Systemd configuration CPUAccounting to be enabled and Systemd version >= 220 Shown as nanosecond
systemd.service.memory_usage (gauge)
The memory currently used by the service in bytes (MemoryCurrent), requires Systemd configuration MemoryAccounting to be enabled Shown as byte
systemd.service.restart_count (gauge)
The number of times the service has been restarted due to Restart= (NRestarts), requires Systemd version >= 235 Shown as time
systemd.service.task_count (gauge)
The current number of tasks in the service (TasksCurrent), requires Systemd configuration TasksAccounting to be enabled Shown as task
systemd.socket.connection_accepted_count (gauge)
The number of accepted socket connections (NAccepted) Shown as connection
systemd.socket.connection_count (gauge)
The current number of socket connections (NConnections) Shown as connection
systemd.socket.connection_refused_count (gauge)
The total number of refused socket connections (NRefused), requires Systemd version >= 239 Shown as connection (gauge)
Whether the unit is currently in active state
systemd.unit.loaded (gauge)
Whether the unit is currently in loaded state
systemd.unit.monitored (gauge)
Indicates that the unit is monitored (the value is always 1)
systemd.unit.uptime (gauge)
The unit uptime in seconds since it's activation Shown as second
systemd.can_connect Returns OK if Systemd is reachable, CRITICAL otherwise. Statuses: ok, critical
systemd.system.state Returns OK if Systemd’s system state is running. Returns CRITICAL if the state is degraded, maintenance, or stopping. Returns UNKNOWN if the state is initializing, starting, or other. Statuses: ok, critical, unknown
systemd.unit.state Returns OK if the unit active state is active. Returns CRITICAL if the state is inactive, deactivating, or failed. Returns UNKNOWN if the state is activating or other. Statuses: ok, critical, unknown
systemd.unit.substate Returns OKCRITICAL or UNKNOWN based on the substate of the unit and the user-provided mapping in systemd.d/conf.yaml. Statuses: ok, critical, unknown