(gauge) | PLACEHOLDER |
vault.core.mount_table.num_entries (gauge) | PLACEHOLDER |
vault.core.mount_table.size (gauge) | PLACEHOLDER |
vault.core.performance_standby (gauge) | PLACEHOLDER |
vault.core.replication.dr.primary (gauge) | PLACEHOLDER |
vault.core.replication.dr.secondary (gauge) | PLACEHOLDER |
vault.core.replication.performance.primary (gauge) | PLACEHOLDER |
vault.core.replication.performance.secondary (gauge) | PLACEHOLDER |
vault.core.unsealed (gauge) | PLACEHOLDER |
vault.database.Close.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.database.Close. |
vault.database.Close.error (count) | Number of database secrets engine close operation errors across all database secrets engines. Shown as error |
vault.database.Close.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to close a database secret engine across all database secrets engines quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.database.Close.sum (count) | Total time taken to close a database secret engine across all database secrets engines. Shown as millisecond |
vault.database.CreateUser.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.database.CreateUser. |
vault.database.CreateUser.error (count) | Number of user creation operation errors across all database secrets engines. Shown as error |
vault.database.CreateUser.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to create a user across all database secrets engine quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.database.CreateUser.sum (count) | Total time taken to create a user across all database secrets engine. Shown as millisecond |
vault.database.Initialize.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.database.Initialize. |
vault.database.Initialize.error (count) | Number of databases secrets engine initialization operation errors across all database secrets engines. Shown as error |
vault.database.Initialize.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to initialize a database secret engine across all database secrets engines quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.database.Initialize.sum (count) | Total time taken to initialize a database secret engine across all database secrets engines. Shown as millisecond |
vault.database.RenewUser.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.database.RenewUser. |
vault.database.RenewUser.error (count) | Number of user renewal operation errors across all database secrets engines. Shown as error |
vault.database.RenewUser.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to renew a user across all database secrets engines quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.database.RenewUser.sum (count) | Total time taken to renew a user across all database secrets engines. Shown as millisecond |
vault.database.RevokeUser.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.database.RevokeUser. |
vault.database.RevokeUser.error (count) | Number of user revocation operation errors across all database secrets engines. Shown as error |
vault.database.RevokeUser.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to revoke a user across all database secrets engines quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.database.RevokeUser.sum (count) | Total time taken to revoke a user across all database secrets engines. Shown as millisecond |
vault.expire.num_irrevocable_leases (gauge) | PLACEHOLDER |
vault.go.gc.duration.seconds.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.go.gc.duration.seconds. |
vault.go.gc.duration.seconds.quantile (gauge) | GC invocation duration quantile. Shown as second |
vault.go.gc.duration.seconds.sum (count) | GC invocation duration total. Shown as second |
vault.go.goroutines (gauge) | Number of goroutines that currently exist. | (gauge) | Information about the Go environment. |
vault.go.memstats.alloc.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes allocated and still in use. |
vault.go.memstats.alloc.bytes.count (count) | Total number of bytes allocated, even if freed. | (count) | [Legacy] Total number of bytes allocated, even if freed. |
vault.go.memstats.buck_hash.sys.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used by the profiling bucket hash table. |
vault.go.memstats.frees.count (count) | Total number of frees. | (count) | [Legacy] Total number of frees. |
vault.go.memstats.gc.cpu.fraction (gauge) | The fraction of this program's available CPU time used by the GC since the program started. |
vault.go.memstats.gc.sys.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used for garbage collection system metadata. |
vault.go.memstats.heap.alloc.bytes (gauge) | Number of heap bytes allocated and still in use. |
vault.go.memstats.heap.idle.bytes (gauge) | Number of heap bytes waiting to be used. |
vault.go.memstats.heap.inuse.bytes (gauge) | Number of heap bytes that are in use. |
vault.go.memstats.heap.objects (gauge) | Number of allocated objects. |
vault.go.memstats.heap.released.bytes (gauge) | Number of heap bytes released to OS. |
vault.go.memstats.heap.sys.bytes (gauge) | Number of heap bytes obtained from system. |
vault.go.memstats.last.gc.time.seconds (gauge) | Number of seconds since 1970 of last garbage collection. |
vault.go.memstats.lookups.count (count) | Total number of pointer lookups. | (count) | [Legacy] Total number of pointer lookups. |
vault.go.memstats.mallocs.count (count) | Total number of mallocs. | (count) | [Legacy] Total number of mallocs. |
vault.go.memstats.mcache.inuse.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes in use by mcache structures. |
vault.go.memstats.mcache.sys.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used for mcache structures obtained from system. |
vault.go.memstats.mspan.inuse.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes in use by mspan structures. |
vault.go.memstats.mspan.sys.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used for mspan structures obtained from system. | (gauge) | Number of heap bytes when next garbage collection will take place. |
vault.go.memstats.other.sys.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used for other system allocations. |
vault.go.memstats.stack.inuse.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes in use by the stack allocator. |
vault.go.memstats.stack.sys.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes obtained from system for stack allocator. |
vault.go.memstats.sys.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes obtained from system. |
vault.go.threads (gauge) | Number of OS threads created. |
vault.identity.upsert_entity_txn.count (count) | PLACEHOLDER |
vault.identity.upsert_entity_txn.sum (count) | PLACEHOLDER |
vault.is_leader (gauge) | 1 if leader 0 otherwise. |
vault.logshipper.streamWALs.guard_found (count) | Number of incidences where the starting Merkle Tree index used to begin streaming WAL entries is matched/found. Shown as unit |
vault.logshipper.streamWALs.missing_guard (count) | Number of incidences where the starting Merkle Tree index used to begin streaming WAL entries is not matched/found. Shown as unit |
vault.process.cpu.seconds.count (count) | Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds. | (count) | Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds. |
vault.process.max.fds (gauge) | Maximum number of open file descriptors. | (gauge) | Number of open file descriptors. |
vault.process.resident_memory.bytes (gauge) | Resident memory size in bytes. |
vault.process.start_time.seconds (gauge) | Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds. |
vault.process.virtual_memory.bytes (gauge) | Virtual memory size in bytes. |
vault.process.virtual_memory.max.bytes (gauge) | Maximum amount of virtual memory available in bytes. |
vault.replication.fetchRemoteKeys.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.fetchRemoteKeys. |
vault.replication.fetchRemoteKeys.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to fetch keys from a remote cluster participating in replication prior to Merkle Tree based delta generation quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.fetchRemoteKeys.sum (count) | Total time taken to fetch keys from a remote cluster participating in replication prior to Merkle Tree based delta generation. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.fsm.last_remote_wal (gauge) | The index of the last remote WAL. Shown as index |
vault.replication.merkle.commit_index (gauge) | The last committed index in the Merkle Tree. Shown as index |
vault.replication.merkleDiff.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.merkleDiff. |
vault.replication.merkleDiff.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to perform a Merkle Tree based delta generation between the clusters participating in replication quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.merkleDiff.sum (count) | Total time taken to perform a Merkle Tree based delta generation between the clusters participating in replication. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.merkleSync.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.merkleSync. |
vault.replication.merkleSync.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to perform a Merkle Tree based synchronization using the last delta generated between the clusters participating in replication quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.merkleSync.sum (count) | Total time taken to perform a Merkle Tree based synchronization using the last delta generated between the clusters participating in replication. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.conflicting_pages.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.client.conflicting_pages. |
vault.replication.rpc.client.conflicting_pages.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by client conflicting pages request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.conflicting_pages.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by client conflicting pages request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.fetch_keys.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.client.fetch_keys. |
vault.replication.rpc.client.fetch_keys.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by client fetch keys request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.fetch_keys.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by client fetch keys request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.forward.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.client.forward. |
vault.replication.rpc.client.forward.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by client forward request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.forward.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by client forward request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.guard_hash.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.client.guard_hash. |
vault.replication.rpc.client.guard_hash.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by client guard hash request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.guard_hash.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by client guard hash request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.persist_alias.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.client.persist_alias. |
vault.replication.rpc.client.persist_alias.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by client persist alias request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.persist_alias.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by client persist alias request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.register_auth.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.client.register_auth. |
vault.replication.rpc.client.register_auth.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by client register auth request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.register_auth.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by client register auth request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.register_lease.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.client.register_lease. |
vault.replication.rpc.client.register_lease.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by client register lease request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.register_lease.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by client register lease request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.stream_wals.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.client.stream_wals. |
vault.replication.rpc.client.stream_wals.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by client stream wals request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.stream_wals.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by client stream wals request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.sub_page_hashes.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.client.subpagehashes. |
vault.replication.rpc.client.sub_page_hashes.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by client sub page hashes request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.sub_page_hashes.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by client sub page hashes request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.sync_counter.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.client.sync_counter. |
vault.replication.rpc.client.sync_counter.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by client sync counter request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.sync_counter.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by client sync counter request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.upsert_group.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.client.upsert_group. |
vault.replication.rpc.client.upsert_group.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by client upsert group request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.upsert_group.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by client upsert group request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.wrap_in_cubbyhole.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.client.wrapincubbyhole. |
vault.replication.rpc.client.wrap_in_cubbyhole.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by client wrap in cubbyhole request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.client.wrap_in_cubbyhole.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by client wrap in cubbyhole request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.dr.server.echo.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.dr.server.echo. |
vault.replication.rpc.dr.server.echo.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by DR echo request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.dr.server.echo.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by DR echo request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.dr.server.fetch_keys_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.dr.server.fetchkeysrequest. |
vault.replication.rpc.dr.server.fetch_keys_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by DR fetch keys request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.dr.server.fetch_keys_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by DR fetch keys request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.auth_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.server.auth_request. |
vault.replication.rpc.server.auth_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by auth request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.auth_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by auth request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.bootstrap_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.server.bootstrap_request. |
vault.replication.rpc.server.bootstrap_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by bootstrap request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.bootstrap_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by bootstrap request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.conflicting_pages_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.server.conflictingpagesrequest. |
vault.replication.rpc.server.conflicting_pages_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by conflicting pages request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.conflicting_pages_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by conflicting pages request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.echo.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.server.echo. |
vault.replication.rpc.server.echo.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by echo quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.echo.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by echo. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.forwarding_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.server.forwarding_request. |
vault.replication.rpc.server.forwarding_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by forwarding request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.forwarding_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by forwarding request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.guard_hash_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.server.guardhashrequest. |
vault.replication.rpc.server.guard_hash_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by guard hash request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.guard_hash_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by guard hash request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.persist_alias_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.server.persistaliasrequest. |
vault.replication.rpc.server.persist_alias_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time talen by persist alias request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.persist_alias_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time talen by persist alias request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.persist_persona_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.server.persistpersonarequest. |
vault.replication.rpc.server.persist_persona_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by persist persona request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.persist_persona_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by persist persona request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.stream_wals_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.server.streamwalsrequest. |
vault.replication.rpc.server.stream_wals_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by stream wals request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.stream_wals_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by stream wals request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.sub_page_hashes_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.server.subpagehashes_request. |
vault.replication.rpc.server.sub_page_hashes_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by sub page hashes request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.sub_page_hashes_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by sub page hashes request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.sync_counter_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.server.synccounterrequest. |
vault.replication.rpc.server.sync_counter_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by sync counter request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.sync_counter_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by sync counter request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.upsert_group_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.server.upsertgrouprequest. |
vault.replication.rpc.server.upsert_group_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by upsert group request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.server.upsert_group_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by upsert group request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.echo.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.echo. |
vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.echo.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by standby echo request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.echo.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by standby echo request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.register_auth_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.registerauthrequest. |
vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.register_auth_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by standby register auth request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.register_auth_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by standby register auth request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.register_lease_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.registerleaserequest. |
vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.register_lease_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by standby register lease request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.register_lease_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by standby register lease request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.wrap_token_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.wraptokenrequest. |
vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.wrap_token_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by standby wrap token request quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.rpc.standby.server.wrap_token_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by standby wrap token request. Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.wal.gc.count (count) | Time taken to complete one run of the WAL garbage collection process Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.wal.gc.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to complete one run of the WAL garbage collection process Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.wal.gc.sum (count) | Time taken to complete one run of the WAL garbage collection process Shown as millisecond |
vault.replication.wal.last_dr_wal (gauge) | The index of the last DR WAL. Shown as index |
vault.replication.wal.last_performance_wal (gauge) | The index of the last Performance WAL. Shown as index |
vault.replication.wal.last_wal (gauge) | The index of the last WAL. Shown as index |
vault.route.create.auth.jwt.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.route.create.auth.jwt. |
vault.route.create.auth.jwt.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time taken to perform a rollback operation for the JWT auth method quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.create.auth.jwt.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to perform a rollback operation for the JWT auth method. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.create.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.route.create. |
vault.route.create.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Quantile time taken to dispatch a create operation to a backend, and for that backend to process it. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.create.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to dispatch and process a create operation. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.delete.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.route.delete. |
vault.route.delete.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Quantile time taken to dispatch a delete operation to a backend, and for that backend to process it. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.delete.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to dispatch and process a delete operation. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.list.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.route.list. |
vault.route.list.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Quantile time taken to dispatch a list operation to a backend, and for that backend to process it. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.list.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to dispatch and process a list operation. Shown as millisecond | (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.route.auth.token | (gauge) | [Legacy] Quantile time taken to dispatch a read operation to a backend, and for that backend to process it. Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to dispatch and process a read operation. Shown as millisecond | (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of | (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of | (gauge) | [Legacy] Quantile time taken to dispatch a read operation to a backend, and for that backend to process it. Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to dispatch and process a read operation. Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [Legacy] Quantile time taken to dispatch a read operation to a backend, and for that backend to process it. Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to dispatch and process a read operation. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.rollback.auth.jwt.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.route.rollback.auth.jwt. |
vault.route.rollback.auth.jwt.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time taken to perform a rollback operation for the JWT auth method quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.rollback.auth.jwt.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to perform a rollback operation for the JWT auth method. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.rollback.auth.token.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.route.rollback.auth.token. |
vault.route.rollback.auth.token.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time taken to perform a route rollback operation for the token auth method quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.rollback.auth.token.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to perform a route rollback operation for the token auth method. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.rollback.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.route.rollback. |
vault.route.rollback.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Quantile time taken to dispatch a rollback operation to a backend, and for that backend to process it. Shown as millisecond |
vault.route.rollback.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to dispatch and process a rollback operation. Shown as millisecond |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.cert_store_current_entry (gauge) | The index of the current entry in the certificate store being verified by the tidy operation |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.cert_store_deleted_count (count) | Number of entries deleted from the certificate store |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.cert_store_total_entries (gauge) | Number of entries in the certificate store to verify during the tidy operation |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.cert_store_total_entries_remaining (gauge) | Number of entries in the certificate store that are left after the tidy operation (checked but not removed). |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.duration.count (count) | Duration of time taken by the PKI tidy operation |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.duration.sum (count) | Duration of time taken by the PKI tidy operation Shown as millisecond |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.failure (count) | Number of times the PKI tidy operation has not completed due to errors |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.revoked_cert_current_entry (gauge) | The index of the current revoked certificate entry in the certificate store being verified by the tidy operation |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.revoked_cert_deleted_count (count) | Number of entries deleted from the certificate store for revoked certificates |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.revoked_cert_total_entries (gauge) | Number of entries in the certificate store for revoked certificates to verify during the tidy operation |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.revoked_cert_total_entries_fixed_issuers (gauge) | Number of entries in the certificate store which had incorrect issuer information that was fixed during this tidy operation. |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.revoked_cert_total_entries_incorrect_issuers (gauge) | Number of entries in the certificate store which had incorrect issuer information (total). |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.revoked_cert_total_entries_remaining (gauge) | Number of entries in the certificate store for revoked certificates that are left after the tidy operation (checked but not removed). |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.start_time_epoch (gauge) | Start time (as seconds since Jan 1 1970) when the PKI tidy operation is active, 0 otherwise |
vault.secrets.pki.tidy.success (count) | Number of times the PKI tidy operation has been completed successfully |
vault.vault.audit.log.request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.audit.log.request. |
vault.vault.audit.log.request.failure (count) | Number of audit log request failures. Shown as unit |
vault.vault.audit.log.request.failure.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of audit log request failures. Shown as unit |
vault.vault.audit.log.request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by all audit log requests across all audit log devices. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.audit.log.request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by all audit log requests across all audit log devices. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.audit.log.response.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.audit.log.response. |
vault.vault.audit.log.response.failure (count) | Number of audit log response failures. Shown as unit |
vault.vault.audit.log.response.failure.count (count) | Number of audit log response failures. Shown as unit |
vault.vault.audit.log.response.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by audit log responses across all audit log devices quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.audit.log.response.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by audit log responses across all audit log devices. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Number of samples of | (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the Azure storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the Azure storage backend. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Number of samples of | (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the Azure storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the Azure storage backend. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Number of samples of | (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the Azure storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the Azure storage backend. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Number of samples of | (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against Azure storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against Azure storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.barrier.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.barrier.delete. |
vault.vault.barrier.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by DELETE operations at the barrier quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.barrier.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by DELETE operations at the barrier. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.barrier.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.barrier.get. |
vault.vault.barrier.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by GET operations at the barrier quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.barrier.get.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by GET operations at the barrier. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.barrier.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.barrier.list. |
vault.vault.barrier.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by LIST operations at the barrier quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.barrier.list.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by LIST operations at the barrier. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.barrier.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.barrier.put. |
vault.vault.barrier.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by PUT operations at the barrier. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.barrier.put.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by PUT operations at the barrier. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cache.delete (count) | Number of times a value was deleted from the LRU cache. This does not count cache expirations. |
vault.vault.cache.hit (count) | [Legacy] Number of times a value was retrieved from the LRU cache. |
vault.vault.cache.hit.count (count) | Number of times a value was retrieved from the LRU cache. |
vault.vault.cache.miss (count) | [Legacy] Number of times a value was not in the LRU cache. The results in a read from the configured storage. |
vault.vault.cache.miss.count (count) | Number of times a value was not in the LRU cache. The results in a read from the configured storage. |
vault.vault.cache.write (count) | [Legacy] Number of times a value was written to the LRU cache. |
vault.vault.cache.write.count (count) | Number of times a value was written to the LRU cache. |
vault.vault.cassandra.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.cassandra.delete. |
vault.vault.cassandra.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the Cassandra storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cassandra.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the Cassandra storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cassandra.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.cassandra.get. |
vault.vault.cassandra.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the Cassandra storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cassandra.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the Cassandra storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cassandra.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.cassandra.list. |
vault.vault.cassandra.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the Cassandra storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cassandra.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the Cassandra storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cassandra.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.cassandra.put. |
vault.vault.cassandra.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the Cassandra storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cassandra.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the Cassandra storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cockroachdb.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.cockroachdb.delete. |
vault.vault.cockroachdb.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the CockroachDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cockroachdb.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the CockroachDB storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cockroachdb.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.cockroachdb.get. |
vault.vault.cockroachdb.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the CockroachDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cockroachdb.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the CockroachDB storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cockroachdb.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.cockroachdb.list. |
vault.vault.cockroachdb.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the CockroachDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cockroachdb.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the CockroachDB storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cockroachdb.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.cockroachdb.put. |
vault.vault.cockroachdb.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the CockroachDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.cockroachdb.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the CockroachDB storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.consul.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.consul.delete. |
vault.vault.consul.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of DELETE operation against the Consul storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.consul.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of DELETE operation against the Consul storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.consul.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.consul.get. |
vault.vault.consul.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the Consul storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.consul.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the Consul storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.consul.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.consul.list. |
vault.vault.consul.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the Consul storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.consul.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the Consul storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.consul.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.consul.put. |
vault.vault.consul.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the Consul storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.consul.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the Consul storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.check.token.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.core.check.token. |
vault.vault.core.check.token.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by token checks handled by Vault core quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.check.token.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by token checks handled by Vault core. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.fetch.acl_and_token.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.core.fetch.aclandtoken. |
vault.vault.core.fetch.acl_and_token.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by ACL and corresponding token entry fetches handled by Vault core quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.fetch.acl_and_token.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by ACL and corresponding token entry fetches handled by Vault core. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.handle.login_request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.core.handle.login_request. |
vault.vault.core.handle.login_request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by login requests handled by Vault core quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.handle.login_request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by login requests handled by Vault core. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.handle.request.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.core.handle.request. |
vault.vault.core.handle.request.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by requests handled by Vault core quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.handle.request.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by requests handled by Vault core. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.leadership.lost.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.core.leadership.lost. |
vault.vault.core.leadership.lost.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by cluster leadership losses which have occurred in a highly available Vault cluster quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.leadership.lost.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by cluster leadership losses which have occurred in a highly available Vault cluster. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.leadership.setup_failed.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.core.leadership.setup_failed. |
vault.vault.core.leadership.setup_failed.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by cluster leadership setup failures which have occurred in a highly available Vault cluster quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.leadership.setup_failed.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by cluster leadership setup failures which have occurred in a highly available Vault cluster. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.post_unseal (gauge) | Duration of time taken by post-unseal operations handled by Vault core. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.post_unseal.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.core.post_unseal. |
vault.vault.core.post_unseal.sum (count) | Duration of time taken by post-unseal operations handled by Vault core. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.pre_seal (gauge) | Duration of time taken by pre-seal operations. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.seal (gauge) | Duration of time taken by seal operations. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.seal_internal (gauge) | Duration of time taken by internal seal operations. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.seal_with_request (gauge) | Duration of time taken by requested seal operations. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.step_down.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.core.step_down. |
vault.vault.core.step_down.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by cluster leadership step downs quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.step_down.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by cluster leadership step downs. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.unseal.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.core.unseal. |
vault.vault.core.unseal.quantile (gauge) | Duration of time taken by unseal operations quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.core.unseal.sum (count) | Total duration of time taken by unseal operations. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.couchdb.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.couchdb.delete. |
vault.vault.couchdb.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the CouchDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.couchdb.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the CouchDB storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.couchdb.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.couchdb.get. |
vault.vault.couchdb.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the CouchDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.couchdb.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the CouchDB storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.couchdb.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.couchdb.list. |
vault.vault.couchdb.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the CouchDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.couchdb.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the CouchDB storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.couchdb.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.couchdb.put. |
vault.vault.couchdb.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the CouchDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.couchdb.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the CouchDB storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.dynamodb.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.dynamodb.delete. |
vault.vault.dynamodb.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the DynamoDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.dynamodb.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the DynamoDB storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.dynamodb.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.dynamodb.get. |
vault.vault.dynamodb.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the DynamoDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.dynamodb.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the DynamoDB storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.dynamodb.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.dynamodb.list. |
vault.vault.dynamodb.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the DynamoDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.dynamodb.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the DynamoDB storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.dynamodb.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.dynamodb.put. |
vault.vault.dynamodb.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the DynamoDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.dynamodb.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the DynamoDB storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.etcd.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.etcd.delete. |
vault.vault.etcd.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the etcd storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.etcd.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the etcd storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.etcd.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.etcd.get. |
vault.vault.etcd.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the etcd storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.etcd.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the etcd storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.etcd.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.etcd.list. |
vault.vault.etcd.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the etcd storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.etcd.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the etcd storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.etcd.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.etcd.put. |
vault.vault.etcd.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the etcd storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.etcd.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the etcd storage backend. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Number of samples of | (gauge) | Time taken to fetch lease times by token quantile. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Total time taken to fetch lease times by token. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Number of samples of | (gauge) | Time taken to fetch lease times quantile. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Total time taken to fetch lease times. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.job_manager.queue_length (gauge) | Total pending revocation jobs by auth method. |
vault.vault.expire.job_manager.queue_length.count (count) | Total pending revocation jobs by auth method. |
vault.vault.expire.job_manager.queue_length.sum (count) | Total pending revocation jobs by auth method. |
vault.vault.expire.job_manager.total_jobs (gauge) | Total pending revocation jobs. |
vault.vault.expire.job_manager.total_jobs.count (count) | Total pending revocation jobs. |
vault.vault.expire.job_manager.total_jobs.sum (count) | Total pending revocation jobs. |
vault.vault.expire.lease_expiration (count) | Number of lease expirations. |
vault.vault.expire.lease_expiration.error (count) | Count of lease expiration errors. |
vault.vault.expire.lease_expiration.time_in_queue.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.expire.leaseexpiration.timein_queue. |
vault.vault.expire.lease_expiration.time_in_queue.quantile (gauge) | Time taken for lease to get to the front of the revoke queue. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.lease_expiration.time_in_queue.sum (count) | Time taken for lease to get to the front of the revoke queue. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.leases.by_expiration (gauge) | Number of leases set to expire grouped by a time interval. |
vault.vault.expire.num_leases (gauge) | vaultexpirenum_leases. Shown as unit |
vault.vault.expire.register.auth.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.expire.register.auth. |
vault.vault.expire.register.auth.quantile (gauge) | Time taken for register authentication operations which create lease entries without lease ID quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.register.auth.sum (count) | Total time taken for register authentication operations which create lease entries without lease ID. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.register.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.expire.register. |
vault.vault.expire.register.quantile (gauge) | Time taken for register operations quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.register.sum (count) | Total time taken for register operations. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.renew.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.expire.renew. |
vault.vault.expire.renew.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to renew a lease quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.renew.sum (count) | Total time taken to renew a lease. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.renew_token.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.expire.renew_token. |
vault.vault.expire.renew_token.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to renew a token which does not need to invoke a logical backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.renew_token.sum (count) | Total time taken to renew a token which does not need to invoke a logical backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.revoke.by_token.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.expire.revoke.by_token. |
vault.vault.expire.revoke.by_token.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to revoke all secrets issued with a given token quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.revoke.by_token.sum (count) | Total time taken to revoke all secrets issued with a given token. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.revoke.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.expire.revoke. |
vault.vault.expire.revoke.force.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.expire.revoke.force. |
vault.vault.expire.revoke.force.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to forcibly revoke a token quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.revoke.force.sum (count) | Total time taken to forcibly revoke a token. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.revoke.prefix.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.expire.revoke.prefix. |
vault.vault.expire.revoke.prefix.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to revoke tokens on a prefix quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.revoke.prefix.sum (count) | Total time taken to revoke tokens on a prefix. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.revoke.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to revoke a token quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.expire.revoke.sum (count) | Total time taken to revoke a token. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.gcs.delete. |
vault.vault.gcs.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.gcs.get. |
vault.vault.gcs.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.gcs.list. |
vault.vault.gcs.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.lock.lock.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.gcs.lock.lock. |
vault.vault.gcs.lock.lock.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LOCK operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend in HA mode quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.lock.lock.sum (count) | Total duration of a LOCK operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend in HA mode. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.lock.unlock.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.gcs.lock.unlock. |
vault.vault.gcs.lock.unlock.quantile (gauge) | Duration of an UNLOCK operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend in HA mode quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.lock.unlock.sum (count) | Total duration of an UNLOCK operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend in HA mode. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.lock.value.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.gcs.lock.value. |
vault.vault.gcs.lock.value.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a VALUE operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend in HA mode quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.lock.value.sum (count) | Total duration of a VALUE operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend in HA mode. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.gcs.put. |
vault.vault.gcs.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.gcs.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the Google Cloud Storage storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.identity.entity.alias.count (gauge) | Number of samples of vault.vault.identity.entity.alias. |
vault.vault.identity.entity.count (gauge) | Number of samples of vault.vault.identity.entity. |
vault.vault.identity.entity.creation (count) | [Legacy] A new entity was created either manually or automatically upon login. |
vault.vault.identity.entity.creation.count (count) | A new entity was created either manually or automatically upon login. |
vault.vault.merkle.flushdirty.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.merkle.flushdirty. |
vault.vault.merkle.flushdirty.quantile (gauge) | Time taken flush any dirty pages to cold storage quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.merkle.flushdirty.sum (count) | Total time taken flush any dirty pages to cold storage. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.merkle.savecheckpoint.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.merkle.savecheckpoint. |
vault.vault.merkle.savecheckpoint.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to save the checkpoint quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.merkle.savecheckpoint.sum (count) | Total time taken to save the checkpoint. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mssql.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.mssql.delete. |
vault.vault.mssql.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the MS-SQL storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mssql.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the MS-SQL storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mssql.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.mssql.get. |
vault.vault.mssql.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the MS-SQL storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mssql.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the MS-SQL storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mssql.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.mssql.list. |
vault.vault.mssql.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the MS-SQL storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mssql.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the MS-SQL storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mssql.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.mssql.put. |
vault.vault.mssql.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the MS-SQL storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mssql.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the MS-SQL storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mysql.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.mysql.delete. |
vault.vault.mysql.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the MySQL storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mysql.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the MySQL storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mysql.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.mysql.get. |
vault.vault.mysql.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the MySQL storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mysql.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the MySQL storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mysql.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.mysql.list. |
vault.vault.mysql.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the MySQL storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mysql.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the MySQL storage backend sum . Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mysql.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.mysql.put. |
vault.vault.mysql.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the MySQL storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.mysql.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the MySQL storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.policy.delete_policy.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.policy.delete_policy. |
vault.vault.policy.delete_policy.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to delete policy quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.policy.delete_policy.sum (count) | Total time taken to delete policy. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.policy.get_policy.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.policy.get_policy. |
vault.vault.policy.get_policy.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to get a policy quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.policy.get_policy.sum (count) | Total time taken to get a policy. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.policy.list_policies.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.policy.list_policies. |
vault.vault.policy.list_policies.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to list policies quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.policy.list_policies.sum (count) | Total time taken to list policies. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.policy.set_policy.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.policy.set_policy. |
vault.vault.policy.set_policy.quantile (gauge) | Time to set a policy quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.policy.set_policy.sum (count) | Total time to set a policy. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.postgres.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.postgres.delete. |
vault.vault.postgres.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the PostgreSQL storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.postgres.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the PostgreSQL storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.postgres.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.postgres.get. |
vault.vault.postgres.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the PostgreSQL storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.postgres.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the PostgreSQL storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.postgres.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.postgres.list. |
vault.vault.postgres.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the PostgreSQL storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.postgres.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the PostgreSQL storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.postgres.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.postgres.put. |
vault.vault.postgres.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the PostgreSQL storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.postgres.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the PostgreSQL storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.quota.lease_count.violation (count) | Total number of lease count quota violations |
vault.vault.quota.rate_limit.violation (count) | Total number of rate limit quota violations |
vault.vault.raft.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.raft.delete. |
vault.vault.raft.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of DELETE operation against the Raft storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.raft.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of DELETE operation against the Raft storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.raft.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.raft.get. |
vault.vault.raft.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the Raft storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.raft.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the Raft storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.raft.leader.lastContact.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.raft.leader.lastContact. |
vault.vault.raft.leader.lastContact.quantile (gauge) | Duration since the leader was last able to contact the follower nodes when checking its leader lease Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.raft.leader.lastContact.sum (count) | Total duration since the leader was last able to contact the follower nodes when checking its leader lease Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.raft.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.raft.list. |
vault.vault.raft.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the Raft storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.raft.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the Raft storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.raft.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.raft.put. |
vault.vault.raft.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the CouchDB storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.raft.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the Raft storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.raft.state.candidate (count) | Increments whenever raft server starts an election |
vault.vault.raft.state.leader (count) | Increments whenever raft server becomes a leader |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.auth.jwt.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.rollback.attempt.auth.jwt. |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.auth.jwt.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to perform a rollback operation for the JWT auth method quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.auth.jwt.sum (count) | Total time taken to perform a rollback operation for the JWT auth method. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.auth.ldap.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.rollback.attempt.auth.ldap. |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.auth.ldap.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to perform a rollback operation for the LDAP auth method quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.auth.ldap.sum (count) | Total time taken to perform a rollback operation for the LDAP auth method. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.auth.token.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.rollback.attempt.auth.token. |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.auth.token.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to perform a rollback operation for the token auth method quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.auth.token.sum (count) | Total time taken to perform a rollback operation for the token auth method. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.cubbyhole.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.rollback.attempt.cubbyhole. |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.cubbyhole.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to perform a rollback operation for the Cubbyhole secret backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.cubbyhole.sum (count) | Total time taken to perform a rollback operation for the Cubbyhole secret backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.identity.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.rollback.attempt.identity. |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.identity.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to perform a rollback operation for the identity backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.identity.sum (count) | Total time taken to perform a rollback operation for the identity backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.secret.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.rollback.attempt.secret. |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.secret.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to perform a rollback operation for the K/V secret backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.secret.sum (count) | Total time taken to perform a rollback operation for the K/V secret backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.sys.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.rollback.attempt.sys. |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.sys.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to perform a rollback operation for the system backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.rollback.attempt.sys.sum (count) | Total time taken to perform a rollback operation for the system backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.create.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.route.create. |
vault.vault.route.create.quantile (gauge) | Quantile time taken to dispatch a create operation to a backend, and for that backend to process it. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.create.sum (count) | Total time taken to dispatch and process a create operation. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.route.delete. |
vault.vault.route.delete.quantile (gauge) | Quantile time taken to dispatch a delete operation to a backend, and for that backend to process it. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.delete.sum (count) | Total time taken to dispatch and process a delete operation. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.route.list. |
vault.vault.route.list.quantile (gauge) | Quantile time taken to dispatch a list operation to a backend, and for that backend to process it. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.list.sum (count) | Total time taken to dispatch and process a list operation. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Number of samples of | (gauge) | Quantile time taken to dispatch a read operation to a backend, and for that backend to process it. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Total time taken to dispatch and process a read operation. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.auth.jwt.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.vault.route.rollback.auth.jwt. |
vault.vault.route.rollback.auth.jwt.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time taken to perform a rollback operation for the JWT auth method quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.auth.jwt.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to perform a rollback operation for the JWT auth method. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.auth.ldap.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.vault.route.rollback.auth.ldap. |
vault.vault.route.rollback.auth.ldap.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time taken to perform a rollback operation for the LDAP auth method quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.auth.ldap.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to perform a rollback operation for the LDAP auth method. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.auth.token.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.vault.route.rollback.auth.token. |
vault.vault.route.rollback.auth.token.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time taken to perform a route rollback operation for the token auth method quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.auth.token.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to perform a route rollback operation for the token auth method. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.route.rollback. |
vault.vault.route.rollback.cubbyhole.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.vault.route.rollback.cubbyhole. |
vault.vault.route.rollback.cubbyhole.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time taken to perform a route rollback operation for the Cubbyhole secret backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.cubbyhole.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to perform a route rollback operation for the Cubbyhole secret backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.identity.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.vault.route.rollback.identity. |
vault.vault.route.rollback.identity.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time taken to perform a route rollback operation for the identity backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.identity.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to perform a route rollback operation for the identity backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.quantile (gauge) | Quantile time taken to dispatch a rollback operation to a backend, and for that backend to process it. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.secret.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.vault.route.rollback.secret. |
vault.vault.route.rollback.secret.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time taken to perform a route rollback operation for the K/V secret backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.secret.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to perform a route rollback operation for the K/V secret backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.sum (count) | Total time taken to dispatch and process a rollback operation. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.sys.count (count) | [Legacy] Number of samples of vault.vault.route.rollback.sys. |
vault.vault.route.rollback.sys.quantile (gauge) | [Legacy] Time taken to perform a route rollback operation for the system backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.route.rollback.sys.sum (gauge) | [Legacy] Total time taken to perform a route rollback operation for the system backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.runtime.alloc.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes allocated by the Vault process. Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of samples of Shown as object |
vault.vault.runtime.gc.pause_ns.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.runtime.gc.pause_ns. |
vault.vault.runtime.gc.pause_ns.quantile (gauge) | The garbage collector pause time since Vault was last started quantile. Shown as nanosecond |
vault.vault.runtime.gc.pause_ns.sum (count) | Total the garbage collector pause time since Vault was last started. Shown as nanosecond |
vault.vault.runtime.heap.objects (gauge) | Number of objects on the heap. Shown as object |
vault.vault.runtime.malloc.count (gauge) | Number of samples of vault.vault.runtime.malloc. Shown as object |
vault.vault.runtime.num_goroutines (gauge) | Number of goroutines. Shown as unit |
vault.vault.runtime.sys.bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes allocated to Vault. Shown as byte | (gauge) | The total garbage collector pause time since Vault was last started. Shown as nanosecond | (gauge) | Total number of garbage collection runs since Vault was last started. Shown as operation |
vault.vault.s3.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.s3.delete. |
vault.vault.s3.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the Amazon S3 storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.s3.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the Amazon S3 storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.s3.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.s3.get. |
vault.vault.s3.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the Amazon S3 storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.s3.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the Amazon S3 storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.s3.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.s3.list. |
vault.vault.s3.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the Amazon S3 storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.s3.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the Amazon S3 storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.s3.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.s3.put. |
vault.vault.s3.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the Amazon S3 storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.s3.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the Amazon S3 storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.secret.kv.count (gauge) | Number of samples of vault.vault.secret.kv. | (count) | A lease was created by a secret engine (excluding leases created internally for token expiration). |
vault.vault.spanner.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.spanner.delete. |
vault.vault.spanner.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the Google Cloud Spanner storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the Google Cloud Spanner storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.spanner.get. |
vault.vault.spanner.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the Google Cloud Spanner storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the Google Cloud Spanner storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.spanner.list. |
vault.vault.spanner.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the Google Cloud Spanner storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the Google Cloud Spanner storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.lock.lock.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.spanner.lock.lock. |
vault.vault.spanner.lock.lock.quantile (gauge) | Duration of an LOCK operation against the Google Cloud Spanner storage backend in HA mode quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.lock.lock.sum (count) | Total duration of an LOCK operation against the Google Cloud Spanner storage backend in HA mode. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.lock.unlock.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.spanner.lock.unlock. |
vault.vault.spanner.lock.unlock.quantile (gauge) | Duration of an UNLOCK operation against the Google Cloud Spanner storage backend in HA mode. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.lock.unlock.sum (count) | Total duration of an UNLOCK operation against the Google Cloud Spanner storage backend in HA mode. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.lock.value.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.spanner.lock.value. |
vault.vault.spanner.lock.value.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a VALUE operation against the Google Cloud Spanner backend in HA mode quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.lock.value.sum (count) | Total duration of a VALUE operation against the Google Cloud Spanner backend in HA mode. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.spanner.put. |
vault.vault.spanner.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the Google Cloud Spanner storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.spanner.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the Google Cloud Spanner storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.swift.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.swift.delete. |
vault.vault.swift.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the Swift storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.swift.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the Swift storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.swift.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.swift.get. |
vault.vault.swift.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the Swift storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.swift.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the Swift storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.swift.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.swift.list. |
vault.vault.swift.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the Swift storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.swift.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the Swift storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.swift.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.swift.put. |
vault.vault.swift.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the Swift storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.swift.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the Swift storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.token.count (gauge) | Number of samples of vault.vault.token. |
vault.vault.token.count.by_auth (gauge) | Number of existing tokens broken down by auth method used to create them. |
vault.vault.token.count.by_policy (gauge) | Number of existing tokens counted in each policy assigned (so this metric adds to >=100% of tokens). |
vault.vault.token.count.by_ttl (gauge) | Number of existing tokens aggregated by their TTL at creation. |
vault.vault.token.create.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.token.create. |
vault.vault.token.create.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to create a token quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.token.create.sum (count) | Total time taken to create a token. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.token.createAccessor.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.token.createAccessor. |
vault.vault.token.createAccessor.quantile (gauge) | Time taken create a token accessor quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.token.createAccessor.sum (count) | Total time taken create a token accessor. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.token.creation (count) | [Legacy] A new service or batch token was created. (Always 1. Name chosen to be distinct from vault.token.create - an existing sample metric.) |
vault.vault.token.creation.count (count) | A new service or batch token was created. (Always 1. Name chosen to be distinct from vault.token.create - an existing sample metric.) |
vault.vault.token.lookup.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.token.lookup. |
vault.vault.token.lookup.quantile (gauge) | The time taken to look up a token quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.token.lookup.sum (count) | Total the time taken to look up a token. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.token.revoke.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.token.revoke. |
vault.vault.token.revoke.quantile (gauge) | The time taken to revoke a token quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.token.revoke.sum (count) | Total the time taken to revoke a token. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.token.revoke.tree.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.token.revoke.tree. |
vault.vault.token.revoke.tree.quantile (gauge) | The time taken to revoke a token tree quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.token.revoke.tree.sum (count) | Total the time taken to revoke a token tree. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Number of samples of | (gauge) | The time taken to store an updated token entry without writing to the secondary index quantile. Shown as millisecond | (count) | Total the time taken to store an updated token entry without writing to the secondary index. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.wal.deletewals.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.wal.deletewals. |
vault.vault.wal.deletewals.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to delete a Write Ahead Log (WAL) quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.wal.deletewals.sum (count) | Total time taken to delete a Write Ahead Log (WAL). Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.wal.flushready.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.wal.flushready. |
vault.vault.wal.flushready.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to flush a ready Write Ahead Log (WAL) to storage quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.wal.flushready.sum (count) | Total time taken to flush a ready Write Ahead Log (WAL) to storage. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.wal.gc.deleted (gauge) | Number of Write Ahead Logs (WAL) deleted during each garbage collection run. Shown as unit | (gauge) | Total Number of Write Ahead Logs (WAL) on disk. Shown as unit |
vault.vault.wal.loadWAL.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.wal.loadWAL. |
vault.vault.wal.loadWAL.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to load a Write Ahead Log (WAL) quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.wal.loadWAL.sum (count) | Total time taken to load a Write Ahead Log (WAL). Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.wal.persistwals.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.wal.persistwals. |
vault.vault.wal.persistwals.quantile (gauge) | Time taken to persist a Write Ahead Log (WAL) quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.wal.persistwals.sum (count) | Total time taken to persist a Write Ahead Log (WAL). Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.zookeeper.delete.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.zookeeper.delete. |
vault.vault.zookeeper.delete.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a DELETE operation against the ZooKeeper storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.zookeeper.delete.sum (count) | Total duration of a DELETE operation against the ZooKeeper storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.zookeeper.get.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.zookeeper.get. |
vault.vault.zookeeper.get.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a GET operation against the ZooKeeper storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.zookeeper.get.sum (count) | Total duration of a GET operation against the ZooKeeper storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.zookeeper.list.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.zookeeper.list. |
vault.vault.zookeeper.list.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a LIST operation against the ZooKeeper storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.zookeeper.list.sum (count) | Total duration of a LIST operation against the ZooKeeper storage backend. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.zookeeper.put.count (count) | Number of samples of vault.vault.zookeeper.put. |
vault.vault.zookeeper.put.quantile (gauge) | Duration of a PUT operation against the ZooKeeper storage backend quantile. Shown as millisecond |
vault.vault.zookeeper.put.sum (count) | Total duration of a PUT operation against the ZooKeeper storage backend. Shown as millisecond |