(gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of starting and not yet connected cloud agents. |
teamcity.agents.connected.authorized (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of connected and authorized build agents. |
teamcity.agents.running.builds (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of build agents which are running builds. |
teamcity.artifacts_size (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The sum of all artifact file sizes in the artifact directory. Shown as byte | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of builds in the database. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of active build configurations. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of active composite configurations. | (count) | [OpenMetrics] Incoming build agent messages. | (count) | [OpenMetrics] Processed build agent messages. | (count) | [OpenMetrics] Build queue estimates processing. | (count) | [OpenMetrics] Builds added to queue. | (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Build queue optimization time (bucket). Shown as millisecond | (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Build queue optimization time (count). Shown as millisecond | (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Build queue optimization time (sum). Shown as millisecond | (count) | [OpenMetrics] Count of processing builds in build queue. | (count) | [OpenMetrics] Processed service messages. | (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Total time spent processing build triggers (bucket). Shown as millisecond | (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Total time spent processing build triggers (count). Shown as millisecond | (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Total time spent processing build triggers (sum). Shown as millisecond | (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time spent processing build triggers of given type (bucket). Shown as millisecond | (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time spent processing build triggers of given type (count). Shown as millisecond | (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time spent processing build triggers of given type (sum). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.build_duration (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The build duration (all build stages). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.build_duration.net_time (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The build steps' duration (excluding the checkout, artifact publishing time, and so on). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.build_stage_duration (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The duration of tagged build step. See Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.build_test_status (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Build test status. 1 - OK; 2 - UNKNOWN; 3 - FAILED. |
teamcity.building_hosted_agents (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of hosted agents running builds. |
teamcity.builds (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of builds in the database. |
teamcity.builds.finished.count (count) | [OpenMetrics] Number of finished builds. |
teamcity.builds.queued (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Build queue size. |
teamcity.builds.running (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of running builds. |
teamcity.builds.started.count (count) | [OpenMetrics] Number of started builds. |
teamcity.cache.InvestigationTestRunsHolder.projectScopes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of project scopes in the InvestigationTestRunsHolder scopes cache. |
teamcity.cache.InvestigationTestRunsHolder.testNames (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of tests in the InvestigationTestRunsHolder scopes cache. |
teamcity.cache.InvestigationTestRunsHolder.testRuns (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of test runs in the InvestigationTestRunsHolder cache. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Current number of active cloud-managed nodes. | (gauge) | Duration of time spent by managed agent between build finish and agent termination. Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | Duration of time spent by managed agent before build start. Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | Duration of time spent by managed agent between builds before agent termination. Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Duration of time managed agent spent idle. | (gauge) | Duration of time spent starting cloud agent. Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | Total build duration on managed agent. Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | Total build duration on managed agent before build finish. Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of builds stack in the canceling state. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of cloud images. | (count) | [OpenMetrics] Number of plugins failed to load. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of GC usage exceeded errors. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of high memory errors. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Flag indicating TeamCity Cloud Plugin is loaded and running. |
teamcity.code_coverage.blocks.covered (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of covered blocks. |
teamcity.code_coverage.blocks.pct (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Block-level code coverage percentage. Shown as percent | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Total number of blocks. |
teamcity.code_coverage.branches.covered (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of covered branches. |
teamcity.code_coverage.branches.pct (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Branch coverage percentage. Shown as percent | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Total number of branches. |
teamcity.code_coverage.classes.covered (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of covered classes. |
teamcity.code_coverage.classes.pct (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Class-level code coverage percentage. Shown as percent | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Total number of classes. |
teamcity.code_coverage.lines.covered (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of covered lines. |
teamcity.code_coverage.lines.pct (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Line-level code coverage percentage. Shown as percent | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Total number of lines. |
teamcity.code_coverage.methods.covered (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of covered methods. |
teamcity.code_coverage.methods.pct (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Method-level code coverage percentage. Shown as percent | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Total number of methods. |
teamcity.code_coverage.statements.covered (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of covered statements. |
teamcity.code_coverage.statements.pct (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Statement coverage percentage. Shown as percent | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Total number of statements. |
teamcity.cpu.count (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The number of processors available to the Java Virtual Machine. |
teamcity.cpu.usage.process (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The recent cpu usage for the Java Virtual Machine process. |
teamcity.cpu.usage.system (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The recent cpu usage for the whole system. |
teamcity.current_full_agent_wait_instances (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Current full agent waiting instances. |
teamcity.current_full_agent_wait_time_max (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Current max full agent waiting time. |
teamcity.current_full_agent_wait_time_total (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Current total full agent waiting time. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of active database connections. |
teamcity.db.table.writes.count (count) | [OpenMetrics] Writes to build_data_storage DB table. |
teamcity.disk_usage.artifacts.bytes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Artifacts disk usage. |
teamcity.disk_usage.logs.bytes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Build logs disk usage. |
teamcity.duplicator_stats (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of code duplicates found. |
teamcity.executors.asyncXmlRpc.activeTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Running executor tasks for asyncXmlRpc . |
teamcity.executors.asyncXmlRpc.completedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Completed executor tasks for asyncXmlRpc . |
teamcity.executors.asyncXmlRpc.maxQueueCapacity (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Queue capacity for asyncXmlRpc . |
teamcity.executors.asyncXmlRpc.poolSize (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Pool size for asyncXmlRpc . |
teamcity.executors.asyncXmlRpc.queuedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of queued tasks for asyncXmlRpc . |
teamcity.executors.asyncXmlRpc.rejectsCount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Rejection count for adding tasks to asyncXmlRpc . |
teamcity.executors.baseVcsExecutor.activeTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Running executor tasks for baseVcsExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.baseVcsExecutor.completedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Completed executor tasks for baseVcsExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.baseVcsExecutor.maxQueueCapacity (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Queue capacity for baseVcsExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.baseVcsExecutor.poolSize (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Pool size for baseVcsExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.baseVcsExecutor.queuedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of queued tasks for baseVcsExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.baseVcsExecutor.rejectsCount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Rejection count for adding tasks to baseVcsExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.cleanupExecutor.activeTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Running executor tasks for cleanupExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.cleanupExecutor.completedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Completed executor tasks for cleanupExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.cleanupExecutor.maxQueueCapacity (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Queue capacity for cleanupExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.cleanupExecutor.poolSize (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Pool size for cleanupExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.cleanupExecutor.queuedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of queued tasks for cleanupExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.cleanupExecutor.rejectsCount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Rejection count for adding tasks to cleanupExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.lowPriorityExecutor.activeTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Running executor tasks for lowPriorityExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.lowPriorityExecutor.completedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Completed executor tasks for lowPriorityExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.lowPriorityExecutor.maxQueueCapacity (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Queue capacity for lowPriorityExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.lowPriorityExecutor.poolSize (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Pool size for lowPriorityExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.lowPriorityExecutor.queuedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of queued tasks for lowPriorityExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.lowPriorityExecutor.rejectsCount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Rejection count for adding tasks to lowPriorityExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.normalExecutor.activeTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Running executor tasks for normalExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.normalExecutor.completedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Completed executor tasks for normalExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.normalExecutor.maxQueueCapacity (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Queue capacity for normalExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.normalExecutor.poolSize (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Pool size for normalExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.normalExecutor.queuedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of queued tasks for normalExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.normalExecutor.rejectsCount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Rejection count for adding tasks to normalExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.periodicalVcsExecutor.activeTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Running executor tasks for periodicalVcsExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.periodicalVcsExecutor.completedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Completed executor tasks for periodicalVcsExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.periodicalVcsExecutor.maxQueueCapacity (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Queue capacity for periodicalVcsExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.periodicalVcsExecutor.poolSize (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Pool size for periodicalVcsExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.periodicalVcsExecutor.queuedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of queued tasks for periodicalVcsExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.periodicalVcsExecutor.rejectsCount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Rejection count for adding tasks to periodicalVcsExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.tomcatHttpThreadPool.activeTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of Apache Tomcat HTTP thread pool active threads. |
teamcity.executors.tomcatHttpThreadPool.poolSize (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Apache Tomcat HTTP thread pool size. |
teamcity.executors.triggersExecutor.activeTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Running executor tasks for triggersExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.triggersExecutor.completedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Completed executor tasks for triggersExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.triggersExecutor.maxQueueCapacity (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Queue capacity for triggersExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.triggersExecutor.poolSize (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Pool size for triggersExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.triggersExecutor.queuedTasks (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of queued tasks for triggersExecutor . |
teamcity.executors.triggersExecutor.rejectsCount (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Rejection count for adding tasks to triggersExecutor . |
teamcity.failed_test_count (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The number of failed tests in the build. |
teamcity.finishingBuild.buildFinishDelay.milliseconds.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time spent since the server received buildFinish from the agent and a moment when the build has been finished by the server (bucket). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.finishingBuild.buildFinishDelay.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time spent since the server received buildFinish from the agent and a moment when the build has been finished by the server (count). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.finishingBuild.buildFinishDelay.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time spent since the server received buildFinish from the agent and a moment when the build has been finished by the server (sum). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.full.agent.waiting.time.milliseconds.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Full agent waiting time (bucket). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.full.agent.waiting.time.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Full agent waiting time (count). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.full.agent.waiting.time.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Full agent waiting time (sum). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.full_agent_wait_time.quantile (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Full agent waiting time quantiles. |
teamcity.http.requests.duration.milliseconds.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Duration of http requests to the server (bucket). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.http.requests.duration.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Duration of http requests to the server (count). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.http.requests.duration.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Duration of http requests to the server (sum). Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of active HTTP sessions. |
teamcity.ignored_test_count (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of ignored tests in the build. |
teamcity.inspection_stats_e (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The number of inspection errors in the build. |
teamcity.inspection_stats_w (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The number of inspection warnings in the build. | (count) | [OpenMetrics] Build log read bytes count. Shown as byte | (count) | [OpenMetrics] Build log written bytes count. Shown as byte | (count) | [OpenMetrics] An estimate of the memory that the Java Virtual Machine is using for this buffer pool. Shown as byte |
teamcity.jvm.buffer.memory.used.bytes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Estimated memory used by the Java Virtual Machine for this buffer pool. Shown as byte | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] An estimate of the total capacity of the buffers in this pool. Shown as byte |
teamcity.jvm.buffers_count (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Estimated number of buffers in the pool. |
teamcity.jvm.gc.count (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of GC calls. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Total GC duration since JVM start. Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Size of old generation memory pool after a full GC. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Max size of old generation memory pool. |
teamcity.jvm.gc.memory.allocated.bytes.count (count) | [OpenMetrics] Count incremented for an increase in the size of the young generation memory pool between GC calls. |
teamcity.jvm.gc.memory.promoted.bytes.count (count) | [OpenMetrics] Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool between GC calls. |
teamcity.jvm.memory.committed.bytes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use. |
teamcity.jvm.memory.max.bytes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management. |
teamcity.jvm.memory.used.bytes (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The amount of used memory. |
teamcity.jvm.threads (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The current number of live threads including both daemon and non-daemon threads. |
teamcity.jvm.threads.daemon (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The current number of live daemon threads. | (count) | [OpenMetrics] Number of multi-node events processing. | (count) | [OpenMetrics] Number of multi-node events publishing. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Current number of unprocessed multi-node events. |
teamcity.node.tasks.accepted.count (count) | [OpenMetrics] Multi-node tasks accepted. |
teamcity.node.tasks.finished.count (count) | [OpenMetrics] Multi-node tasks finished. |
teamcity.node.tasks.pending (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Current number of pending multi-node tasks. |
teamcity.passed_test_count (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The number of successfully passed tests in the build. |
teamcity.process.queue.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Count of time to process build queue and start builds. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.process.queue.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Sum of time to process build queue and start builds. Shown as millisecond | (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Count of time spent on builds optimization while processing the build queue. Shown as millisecond | (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Sum of time spent on builds optimization while processing the build queue. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.process.websocket.send.pending.messages.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Count of time to send all pending WebSocket messages to UI. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.process.websocket.send.pending.messages.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Sum of time to send all pending WebSocket messages to UI. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.projects (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of projects. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of active projects. |
teamcity.pullRequests.batch.time.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Count of pull request retrieval, batch, duration. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.pullRequests.batch.time.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Sum of pull request retrieval, batch, duration. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.pullRequests.single.time.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Count of pull request retrieval, individual, duration. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.pullRequests.single.time.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Sum of pull request retrieval, individual, duration. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.queue_wait_reason (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Queue wait time tagged by wait reason. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.queuedBuild.waitingTime.milliseconds.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time spent by a build waiting in the queue due to a particular reason (bucket). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.queuedBuild.waitingTime.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time spent by a build waiting in the queue due to a particular reason (count). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.queuedBuild.waitingTime.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time spent by a build waiting in the queue due to a particular reason (sum). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.runningBuilds.UnprocessedMessages (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The number of build log messages received from the build agents but not yet processed. |
teamcity.server.cleanup.lastFinished.finishTimestamp.milliseconds (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] When the last finished cleanup was finished. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.server.cleanup.lastFinished.startTimestamp.milliseconds (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] When the last finished cleanup was started. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.server.cleanup.lastStarted.startTimestamp.milliseconds (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] When the last cleanup was started. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.server.uptime.milliseconds (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Time since the server process started initializing. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.server_side_build_finishing (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The duration of server side build finishing. |
teamcity.startingBuild.buildStartDelay.milliseconds.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time passed after the build was removed from the queue but before the start of the checking for changes operation (bucket). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.startingBuild.buildStartDelay.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time passed after the build was removed from the queue but before the start of the checking for changes operation (count). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.startingBuild.buildStartDelay.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time passed after the build was removed from the queue but before the start of the checking for changes operation (sum). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.startingBuild.runBuildDelay.milliseconds.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time spent while preparing the starting build data and passing it to an agent (bucket). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.startingBuild.runBuildDelay.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time spent while preparing the starting build data and passing it to an agent (count). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.startingBuild.runBuildDelay.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Time spent while preparing the starting build data and passing it to an agent (sum). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.success_rate (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] An indicator of the build's success. 0 - failed, 1 - successful. |
teamcity.system.load.average.1m (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The sum of the number of runnable entities queued to available processors and the number of runnable entities. |
teamcity.time_spent_in_queue (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Duration of time the build was staying in the queue. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.total_test_count (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] The total number of tests in the build. | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of unique user sessions within the preceding hour. |
teamcity.vcs.changes.checking.milliseconds.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Duration of checking for changes operation (bucket). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.vcs.changes.checking.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Duration of checking for changes operation (count). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.vcs.changes.checking.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Duration of checking for changes operation (sum). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.vcs.get.current.state.calls.count (count) | [OpenMetrics] VCS state requests. |
teamcity.vcs.git.fetch.duration.milliseconds.bucket (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Git fetch operations duration (bucket). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.vcs.git.fetch.duration.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Git fetch operations duration (count). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.vcs.git.fetch.duration.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Git fetch operations duration (sum). Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.vcsChangesCollection.delay.milliseconds.count (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Count of delay of the checking for changes operations invoked by: Starting build or build chain. Shown as millisecond |
teamcity.vcsChangesCollection.delay.milliseconds.sum (count) | [OpenMetrics - TeamCity v2022.10+] Sum of delay of the checking for changes operations invoked by: Starting build or build chain. Shown as millisecond | (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of active VCS root instances. |
teamcity.vcsRoots (gauge) | [OpenMetrics] Number of VCS roots. |