mongodb.asserts.msgps (gauge) | Number of message assertions raised per second. Shown as assertion |
mongodb.asserts.regularps (gauge) | Number of regular assertions raised per second. Shown as assertion |
mongodb.asserts.rolloversps (gauge) | Number of times that the rollover counters roll over per second. The counters rollover to zero every 2^30 assertions. Shown as assertion |
mongodb.asserts.userps (gauge) | Number of user assertions raised per second. Shown as assertion |
mongodb.asserts.warningps (gauge) | Number of warnings raised per second. Shown as assertion |
mongodb.backgroundflushing.average_ms (gauge) | Average time for each flush to disk. (deprecated in MongoDB 4.0) Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.backgroundflushing.flushesps (gauge) | Number of times the database has flushed all writes to disk. (deprecated in MongoDB 4.0) Shown as flush |
mongodb.backgroundflushing.last_ms (gauge) | Amount of time that the last flush operation took to complete. (deprecated in MongoDB 4.0) Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.backgroundflushing.total_ms (gauge) | Total number of time that the mongod processes have spent writing (i.e. flushing) data to disk. (deprecated in MongoDB 4.0) Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.chunks.jumbo (gauge) | Total number of 'jumbo' chunks in the mongo cluster. | (gauge) | Total number of chunks in the mongo cluster. |
mongodb.collection.avgobjsize (gauge) | The size of the average object in the collection in bytes. Shown as byte |
mongodb.collection.capped (gauge) | Whether or not the collection is capped. Shown as record |
mongodb.collection.collectionscans.nontailable (gauge) | Number of times the collection was scanned without tailable cursor (deprecated). Shown as scan |
mongodb.collection.collectionscans.nontailableps (gauge) | Number of times the collection was scanned without tailable cursor per second. Shown as scan | (gauge) | Total number of times the collection was scanned (deprecated). Shown as scan |
mongodb.collection.collectionscans.totalps (gauge) | Total number of times the collection was scanned per second. Shown as scan |
mongodb.collection.commands.latency (gauge) | Total latency for commands on the collection. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.collection.commands.latency.avg (gauge) | Average latency for commands on the collection. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.collection.commands.opsps (gauge) | Number of command operations per second on the collection. Shown as operation |
mongodb.collection.count (gauge) | Total number of objects in the collection. Shown as item |
mongodb.collection.indexes.accesses.ops (gauge) | Number of time the index was used. Shown as event |
mongodb.collection.indexes.accesses.opsps (gauge) | Number of time the index was used per second. Shown as event |
mongodb.collection.indexsizes (gauge) | Size of index in bytes. Shown as byte |
mongodb.collection.max (gauge) | Maximum number of documents in a capped collection. Shown as document |
mongodb.collection.maxsize (gauge) | Maximum size of a capped collection in bytes. Shown as byte |
mongodb.collection.nindexes (gauge) | Total number of indices on the collection. Shown as index |
mongodb.collection.reads.latency (gauge) | Total latency for read operations on the collection. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.collection.reads.latency.avg (gauge) | Average latency for read operations on the collection. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.collection.reads.opsps (gauge) | Number of read operations per second on the collection. Shown as operation |
mongodb.collection.size (gauge) | The total uncompressed size in memory of all records in a collection. The size does not include the size of any indexes associated with the collection. Shown as byte |
mongodb.collection.storagesize (gauge) | Total storage space allocated to this collection for document storage. Shown as byte |
mongodb.collection.totalindexsize (gauge) | Total disk space used by all indexes created on this collection. Shown as byte |
mongodb.collection.transactions.latency (gauge) | Total latency for transactions on the collection. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.collection.transactions.latency.avg (gauge) | Average latency for transactions on the collection. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.collection.transactions.opsps (gauge) | Number of transaction operations per second on the collection. Shown as operation |
mongodb.collection.writes.latency (gauge) | Total latency for write operations on the collection. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.collection.writes.latency.avg (gauge) | Average latency for write operations on the collection. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.collection.writes.opsps (gauge) | Number of write operations per second on the collection. Shown as operation |
mongodb.connection_pool.numascopedconnections (gauge) | Number of active and stored outgoing scoped synchronous connections from the current mongos instance to other members of the sharded cluster or replica set. Shown as connection |
mongodb.connection_pool.numclientconnections (gauge) | Reports the number of active and stored outgoing synchronous connections from the current mongos instance to other members of the sharded cluster or replica set. Shown as connection |
mongodb.connection_pool.totalavailable (gauge) | Reports the total number of available outgoing connections from the current mongos instance to other members of the sharded cluster or replica set. Shown as connection |
mongodb.connection_pool.totalcreatedps (gauge) | Reports the total number of outgoing connections created per second by the current mongos instance to other members of the sharded cluster or replica set. Shown as connection |
mongodb.connection_pool.totalinuse (gauge) | Reports the total number of outgoing connections from the current mongod/mongos instance to other members of the sharded cluster or replica set that are currently in use. Shown as connection |
mongodb.connection_pool.totalrefreshing (gauge) | Reports the total number of outgoing connections from the current mongos instance to other members of the sharded cluster or replica set that are currently being refreshed. Shown as connection |
mongodb.connections.available (gauge) | Number of unused available incoming connections the database can provide. Shown as connection |
mongodb.connections.current (gauge) | Number of connections to the database server from clients. Shown as connection |
mongodb.connections.totalcreated (gauge) | Total number of connections created. Shown as connection |
mongodb.cursors.timedout (gauge) | Total number of cursors that have timed out since the server process started. Shown as cursor |
mongodb.cursors.totalopen (gauge) | Number of cursors that MongoDB is maintaining for clients Shown as cursor |
mongodb.dbs (gauge) | Total number of existing databases Shown as item |
mongodb.dur.commits (gauge) | Number of transactions written to the journal during the last journal group commit interval. Shown as transaction |
mongodb.dur.commitsinwritelock (gauge) | Count of the commits that occurred while a write lock was held. Shown as commit |
mongodb.dur.compression (gauge) | Compression ratio of the data written to the journal. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.dur.earlycommits (gauge) | Number of times MongoDB requested a commit before the scheduled journal group commit interval. Shown as commit |
mongodb.dur.journaledmb (gauge) | Amount of data written to journal during the last journal group commit interval. Shown as mebibyte |
mongodb.dur.timems.commits (gauge) | Amount of time spent for commits. Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.dur.timems.commitsinwritelock (gauge) | Amount of time spent for commits that occurred while a write lock was held. Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.dur.timems.dt (gauge) | Amount of time over which MongoDB collected the dur.timeMS data. Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.dur.timems.preplogbuffer (gauge) | Amount of time spent preparing to write to the journal. Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.dur.timems.remapprivateview (gauge) | Amount of time spent remapping copy-on-write memory mapped views. Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.dur.timems.writetodatafiles (gauge) | Amount of time spent writing to data files after journaling. Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.dur.timems.writetojournal (gauge) | Amount of time spent writing to the journal Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.dur.writetodatafilesmb (gauge) | Amount of data written from journal to the data files during the last journal group commit interval. Shown as mebibyte |
mongodb.extra_info.heap_usage_bytesps (gauge) | The total size in bytes of heap space used by the database process. Available on Unix/Linux systems only. Shown as byte |
mongodb.extra_info.page_faultsps (gauge) | Number of page faults per second that require disk operations. Shown as fault |
mongodb.fsynclocked (gauge) | Metric representing the fsynclock state of a database. 1 if it's locked and 0 if it's not. |
mongodb.globallock.activeclients.readers (gauge) | Count of the active client connections performing read operations. Shown as connection | (gauge) | Total number of active client connections to the database. Shown as connection |
mongodb.globallock.activeclients.writers (gauge) | Count of active client connections performing write operations. Shown as connection |
mongodb.globallock.currentqueue.readers (gauge) | Number of operations that are currently queued and waiting for the read lock. Shown as operation | (gauge) | Total number of operations queued waiting for the lock. Shown as operation |
mongodb.globallock.currentqueue.writers (gauge) | Number of operations that are currently queued and waiting for the write lock. Shown as operation |
mongodb.globallock.locktime (gauge) | Time since the database last started that the globalLock has been held. Shown as millisecond |
mongodb.globallock.ratio (gauge) | Ratio of the time that the globalLock has been held to the total time since it was created. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.globallock.totaltime (gauge) | Time since the database last started and created the global lock. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.indexcounters.accessesps (gauge) | Number of times that operations have accessed indexes per second. Shown as event |
mongodb.indexcounters.hitsps (gauge) | Number of times per second that an index has been accessed and mongod is able to return the index from memory. Shown as hit |
mongodb.indexcounters.missesps (gauge) | Number of times per second that an operation attempted to access an index that was not in memory. Shown as miss |
mongodb.indexcounters.missratio (gauge) | Ratio of index hits to misses. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.indexcounters.resetsps (gauge) | Number of times per second the index counters have been reset. Shown as event |
mongodb.locks.collection.acquirecount.exclusiveps (gauge) | Number of times the collection lock type was acquired in the Exclusive (X) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.collection.acquirecount.intent_exclusiveps (gauge) | Number of times the collection lock type was acquired in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.collection.acquirecount.intent_sharedps (gauge) | Number of times the collection lock type was acquired in the Intent Shared (IS) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.collection.acquirecount.sharedps (gauge) | Number of times the collection lock type was acquired in the Shared (S) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.collection.acquirewaitcount.exclusiveps (gauge) | Number of times the collection lock type acquisition in the Exclusive (X) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait |
mongodb.locks.collection.acquirewaitcount.sharedps (gauge) | Number of times the collection lock type acquisition in the Shared (S) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait |
mongodb.locks.collection.timeacquiringmicros.exclusiveps (gauge) | Wait time for the collection lock type acquisitions in the Exclusive (X) mode. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.locks.collection.timeacquiringmicros.sharedps (gauge) | Wait time for the collection lock type acquisitions in the Shared (S) mode. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.locks.database.acquirecount.exclusiveps (gauge) | Number of times the database lock type was acquired in the Exclusive (X) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.database.acquirecount.intent_exclusiveps (gauge) | Number of times the database lock type was acquired in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.database.acquirecount.intent_sharedps (gauge) | Number of times the database lock type was acquired in the Intent Shared (IS) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.database.acquirecount.sharedps (gauge) | Number of times the database lock type was acquired in the Shared (S) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.database.acquirewaitcount.exclusiveps (gauge) | Number of times the database lock type acquisition in the Exclusive (X) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait |
mongodb.locks.database.acquirewaitcount.intent_exclusiveps (gauge) | Number of times the database lock type acquisition in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait |
mongodb.locks.database.acquirewaitcount.intent_sharedps (gauge) | Number of times the database lock type acquisition in the Intent Shared (IS) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait |
mongodb.locks.database.acquirewaitcount.sharedps (gauge) | Number of times the database lock type acquisition in the Shared (S) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait |
mongodb.locks.database.timeacquiringmicros.exclusiveps (gauge) | Wait time for the database lock type acquisitions in the Exclusive (X) mode. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.locks.database.timeacquiringmicros.intent_exclusiveps (gauge) | Wait time for the database lock type acquisitions in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.locks.database.timeacquiringmicros.intent_sharedps (gauge) | Wait time for the database lock type acquisitions in the Intent Shared (IS) mode. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.locks.database.timeacquiringmicros.sharedps (gauge) | Wait time for the database lock type acquisitions in the Shared (S) mode. Shown as fraction | (gauge) | Number of times the global lock type was acquired in the Exclusive (X) mode. Shown as lock | (gauge) | Number of times the global lock type was acquired in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode. Shown as lock | (gauge) | Number of times the global lock type was acquired in the Intent Shared (IS) mode. Shown as lock | (gauge) | Number of times the global lock type was acquired in the Shared (S) mode. Shown as lock | (gauge) | Number of times the global lock type acquisition in the Exclusive (X) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait | (gauge) | Number of times the global lock type acquisition in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait | (gauge) | Number of times the global lock type acquisition in the Intent Shared (IS) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait | (gauge) | Number of times the global lock type acquisition in the Shared (S) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait | (gauge) | Wait time for the global lock type acquisitions in the Exclusive (X) mode. Shown as fraction | (gauge) | Wait time for the global lock type acquisitions in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode. Shown as fraction | (gauge) | Wait time for the global lock type acquisitions in the Intent Shared (IS) mode. Shown as fraction | (gauge) | Wait time for the global lock type acquisitions in the Shared (S) mode. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.locks.metadata.acquirecount.exclusiveps (gauge) | Number of times the metadata lock type was acquired in the Exclusive (X) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.metadata.acquirecount.sharedps (gauge) | Number of times the metadata lock type was acquired in the Shared (S) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.mmapv1journal.acquirecount.intent_exclusiveps (gauge) | Number of times the MMAPv1 storage engine lock type was acquired in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.mmapv1journal.acquirecount.intent_sharedps (gauge) | Number of times the MMAPv1 storage engine lock type was acquired in the Intent Shared (IS) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.mmapv1journal.acquirewaitcount.intent_exclusiveps (gauge) | Number of times the MMAPv1 storage engine lock type acquisition in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait |
mongodb.locks.mmapv1journal.acquirewaitcount.intent_sharedps (gauge) | Number of times the MMAPv1 storage engine lock type acquisition in the Intent Shared (IS) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait |
mongodb.locks.mmapv1journal.timeacquiringmicros.intent_exclusiveps (gauge) | Wait time for the MMAPv1 storage engine lock type acquisitions in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.locks.mmapv1journal.timeacquiringmicros.intent_sharedps (gauge) | Wait time for the MMAPv1 storage engine lock type acquisitions in the Intent Shared (IS) mode. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.locks.oplog.acquirecount.intent_exclusiveps (gauge) | Number of times the oplog lock type was acquired in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.oplog.acquirecount.sharedps (gauge) | Number of times the oplog lock type was acquired in the Shared (S) mode. Shown as lock |
mongodb.locks.oplog.acquirewaitcount.intent_exclusiveps (gauge) | Number of times the oplog lock type acquisition in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait |
mongodb.locks.oplog.acquirewaitcount.sharedps (gauge) | Number of times the oplog lock type acquisition in the Shared (S) mode encountered waits because the locks were held in a conflicting mode. Shown as wait |
mongodb.locks.oplog.timeacquiringmicros.intent_exclusiveps (gauge) | Wait time for the oplog lock type acquisitions in the Intent Exclusive (IX) mode. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.locks.oplog.timeacquiringmicros.sharedps (gauge) | Wait time for the oplog lock type acquisitions in the Shared (S) mode. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.mem.bits (gauge) | Size of the in-memory storage engine. Shown as mebibyte |
mongodb.mem.mapped (gauge) | Amount of mapped memory by the database. Shown as mebibyte |
mongodb.mem.mappedwithjournal (gauge) | The amount of mapped memory, including the memory used for journaling. Shown as mebibyte |
mongodb.mem.resident (gauge) | Amount of memory currently used by the database process. Shown as mebibyte |
mongodb.mem.virtual (gauge) | Amount of virtual memory used by the mongod process. Shown as mebibyte |
mongodb.metrics.commands.count.failedps (gauge) | Number of times count failed Shown as command | (gauge) | Number of times count executed Shown as command |
mongodb.metrics.commands.createindexes.failedps (gauge) | Number of times createIndexes failed Shown as command | (gauge) | Number of times createIndexes executed Shown as command |
mongodb.metrics.commands.delete.failedps (gauge) | Number of times delete failed Shown as command | (gauge) | Number of times delete executed Shown as command |
mongodb.metrics.commands.eval.failedps (gauge) | Number of times eval failed Shown as command | (gauge) | Number of times eval executed Shown as command |
mongodb.metrics.commands.findandmodify.failedps (gauge) | Number of times findAndModify failed Shown as command | (gauge) | Number of times findAndModify executed Shown as command |
mongodb.metrics.commands.insert.failedps (gauge) | Number of times insert failed Shown as command | (gauge) | Number of times insert executed Shown as command |
mongodb.metrics.commands.update.failedps (gauge) | Number of times update failed Shown as command | (gauge) | Number of times update executed Shown as command | (gauge) | Number of open cursors with the option DBQuery.Option.noTimeout set to prevent timeout after a period of inactivity. Shown as cursor | (gauge) | Number of pinned open cursors. Shown as cursor | (gauge) | Number of cursors that MongoDB is maintaining for clients. Shown as cursor |
mongodb.metrics.cursor.timedoutps (gauge) | Number of cursors that time out, per second. Shown as cursor |
mongodb.metrics.document.deletedps (gauge) | Number of documents deleted per second. Shown as document |
mongodb.metrics.document.insertedps (gauge) | Number of documents inserted per second. Shown as document |
mongodb.metrics.document.returnedps (gauge) | Number of documents returned by queries per second. Shown as document |
mongodb.metrics.document.updatedps (gauge) | Number of documents updated per second. Shown as document |
mongodb.metrics.getlasterror.wtime.numps (gauge) | Number of getLastError operations per second with a specified write concern (i.e. w) that wait for one or more members of a replica set to acknowledge the write operation. Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.getlasterror.wtime.totalmillisps (gauge) | Fraction of time (ms/s) that the mongod has spent performing getLastError operations with write concern (i.e. w) that wait for one or more members of a replica set to acknowledge the write operation. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.metrics.getlasterror.wtimeoutsps (gauge) | Number of times per second that write concern operations have timed out as a result of the wtimeout threshold to getLastError Shown as event |
mongodb.metrics.operation.fastmodps (gauge) | Number of update operations per second that neither cause documents to grow nor require updates to the index. Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.operation.idhackps (gauge) | Number of queries per second that contain the _id field. Shown as query |
mongodb.metrics.operation.scanandorderps (gauge) | Number of queries per second that return sorted numbers that cannot perform the sort operation using an index. Shown as query |
mongodb.metrics.operation.writeconflictsps (gauge) | Number of times per second that write concern operations has encounter a conflict. Shown as event |
mongodb.metrics.query.plancache.classic.hitsps (gauge) | Number of times per second the query planner accesses the classic plan cache and finds a cached plan (requires MongoDB 7.0 and above). Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.query.plancache.classic.missesps (gauge) | Number of times per second the query planner accesses the classic plan cache and does not find a cached plan (requires MongoDB 7.0 and above). Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.query.plancache.sbe.hitsps (gauge) | Number of times per second the query planner accesses the slot-based execution engine plan cache and finds a cached plan (requires MongoDB 7.0 and above). Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.query.plancache.sbe.missesps (gauge) | Number of times per second the query planner accesses the slot-based execution engine plan cache and does not find a cached plan (requires MongoDB 7.0 and above). Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.query.sort.spilltodiskps (gauge) | The total number of writes per second to disk caused by sort stages (requires MongoDB 6.2 and above). Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.query.sort.totalbytessortedps (gauge) | The total amount of sorted data in bytes per second (requires MongoDB 6.2 and above). Shown as byte |
mongodb.metrics.query.sort.totalkeyssortedps (gauge) | The total number of keys used in sorts per second (requires MongoDB 6.2 and above). Shown as key |
mongodb.metrics.queryexecutor.scannedobjectsps (gauge) | Number of documents scanned per second during queries and query-plan evaluation. Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.queryexecutor.scannedps (gauge) | Number of index items scanned per second during queries and query-plan evaluation. Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.record.movesps (gauge) | Number of times per second documents move within the on-disk representation of the MongoDB data set. Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.repl.apply.batches.numps (gauge) | Number of batches applied across all databases per second. Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.repl.apply.batches.totalmillisps (gauge) | Fraction of time (ms/s) the mongod has spent applying operations from the oplog. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.metrics.repl.apply.opsps (gauge) | Number of oplog operations applied per second. Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.repl.buffer.count (gauge) | Number of operations in the oplog buffer. Shown as operation |
mongodb.metrics.repl.buffer.maxsizebytes (gauge) | Maximum size of the buffer. Shown as byte |
mongodb.metrics.repl.buffer.sizebytes (gauge) | Current size of the contents of the oplog buffer. Shown as byte | (gauge) | Amount of data read from the replication sync source per second. Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of getmore operations per second. Shown as operation | (gauge) | Fraction of time (ms/s) required to collect data from getmore operations. Shown as fraction | (gauge) | Number of operations read from the replication source per second. Shown as operation | (gauge) | Number of oplog query processes created per second. Shown as process | (gauge) | Number of documents loaded per second during the pre-fetch stage of replication. Shown as document | (gauge) | Fraction of time (ms/s) spent loading documents as part of the pre-fetch stage of replication. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.metrics.repl.preload.indexes.numps (gauge) | Number of index entries loaded by members before updating documents as part of the pre-fetch stage of replication. Shown as document |
mongodb.metrics.repl.preload.indexes.totalmillisps (gauge) | Fraction of time (ms/s) spent loading documents as part of the pre-fetch stage of replication. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.metrics.ttl.deleteddocumentsps (gauge) | Number of documents deleted from collections with a ttl index per second. Shown as document |
mongodb.metrics.ttl.passesps (gauge) | Number of times per second the background process removes documents from collections with a ttl index. Shown as operation | (gauge) | The number of bytes that reflects the amount of network traffic received by this database. Shown as byte | (gauge) | The number of bytes that reflects the amount of network traffic sent from this database. Shown as byte | (gauge) | Number of distinct requests that the server has received. Shown as request |
mongodb.opcounters.commandps (gauge) | Total number of commands per second issued to the database. Shown as command |
mongodb.opcounters.deleteps (gauge) | Number of delete operations per second. Shown as operation |
mongodb.opcounters.getmoreps (gauge) | Number of getmore operations per second. Shown as operation |
mongodb.opcounters.insertps (gauge) | Number of insert operations per second. Shown as operation |
mongodb.opcounters.queryps (gauge) | Total number of queries per second. Shown as query |
mongodb.opcounters.updateps (gauge) | Number of update operations per second. Shown as operation |
mongodb.opcountersrepl.commandps (gauge) | Total number of replicated commands issued to the database per second. Shown as command |
mongodb.opcountersrepl.deleteps (gauge) | Number of replicated delete operations per second. Shown as operation |
mongodb.opcountersrepl.getmoreps (gauge) | Number of replicated getmore operations per second. Shown as operation |
mongodb.opcountersrepl.insertps (gauge) | Number of replicated insert operations per second. Shown as operation |
mongodb.opcountersrepl.queryps (gauge) | Total number of replicated queries per second. Shown as query |
mongodb.opcountersrepl.updateps (gauge) | Number of replicated update operations per second. Shown as operation |
mongodb.oplatencies.commands.latency (gauge) | Total combined latency for database commands. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.oplatencies.commands.latency.avg (gauge) | Average latency for database commands. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.oplatencies.commands.latencyps (gauge) | Total latency statistics for database commands per second (deprecated). Shown as command |
mongodb.oplatencies.reads.latency (gauge) | Total combined latency for read requests. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.oplatencies.reads.latency.avg (gauge) | Average latency for read requests. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.oplatencies.reads.latencyps (gauge) | Total latency statistics for read requests per second (deprecated). Shown as operation |
mongodb.oplatencies.writes.latency (gauge) | Total combined latency for write requests. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.oplatencies.writes.latency.avg (gauge) | Average latency for write requests. Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.oplatencies.writes.latencyps (gauge) | Total latency statistics for write operations per second (deprecated). Shown as operation |
mongodb.oplog.logsizemb (gauge) | Total size of the oplog. Shown as mebibyte |
mongodb.oplog.timediff (gauge) | Oplog window: difference between the first and last operation in the oplog. Shown as second |
mongodb.oplog.usedsizemb (gauge) | Total amount of space used by the oplog. Shown as mebibyte | (gauge) | Member health value of the replica set: conveys if the member is up (i.e. 1) or down (i.e. 0). |
mongodb.replset.optime_lag (gauge) | Delay between a write operation on the primary and its copy to a secondary. Computed only on primary and tagged by 'member'. Shown as second |
mongodb.replset.replicationlag (gauge) | Delay between a write operation on the primary and its copy to a secondary. Computed on each node and tagged by 'host', but may not be representative of cluster health. Negative values do not indicate that the secondary is ahead of the primary. To use a more up-to-date metric, use mongodb.replset.optime_lag instead. Shown as second |
mongodb.replset.state (gauge) | State of a replica that reflects its disposition within the set. |
mongodb.replset.votefraction (gauge) | Fraction of votes a server will cast in a replica set election. Shown as fraction |
mongodb.replset.votes (gauge) | The number of votes a server will cast in a replica set election. Shown as item |
mongodb.sessions.count (gauge) | Number of active sessions for all users. Shown as session |
mongodb.sharded_data_distribution.num_orphaned_docs (gauge) | Number of orphaned documents in the shard. Shown as document |
mongodb.sharded_data_distribution.num_owned_documents (gauge) | Number of owned documents in the shard. Shown as document |
mongodb.sharded_data_distribution.orphaned_size_bytes (gauge) | Size of orphaned documents in the shard. Shown as byte |
mongodb.sharded_data_distribution.owned_size_bytes (gauge) | Size of owned documents in the shard. Shown as byte |
mongodb.stats.avgobjsize (gauge) | The average size of each document in bytes. Shown as byte |
mongodb.stats.collections (gauge) | Contains a count of the number of collections in that database. |
mongodb.stats.datasize (gauge) | Total size of the data held in this database including the padding factor. Shown as byte |
mongodb.stats.filesize (gauge) | Total size of the data held in this database including the padding factor (only available with the mmapv1 storage engine). Shown as byte |
mongodb.stats.freestoragesize (gauge) | Total amount of free space allocated to all collections in the database for document storage. Shown as byte |
mongodb.stats.fstotalsize (gauge) | Total amount of all disk capacity on the filesystem where MongoDB stores data. Shown as byte |
mongodb.stats.fsusedsize (gauge) | Total amount of all disk space in use on the filesystem where MongoDB stores data. Shown as byte |
mongodb.stats.indexes (gauge) | Total number of indexes across all collections in the database. Shown as index |
mongodb.stats.indexfreestoragesize (gauge) | Total amount of free disk space allocated to all indexes in the database. Shown as byte |
mongodb.stats.indexsize (gauge) | Total size of all indexes created on this database. Shown as byte |
mongodb.stats.numextents (gauge) | Contains a count of the number of extents in the database across all collections. |
mongodb.stats.objects (gauge) | Number of objects (documents) in the database across all collections. Shown as object |
mongodb.stats.storagesize (gauge) | Total amount of space allocated to collections in this database for document storage. Shown as byte |
mongodb.stats.totalfreestoragesize (gauge) | Total amount of free storage space allocated for both documents and indexes in all collections in the database. Shown as byte |
mongodb.stats.totalsize (gauge) | Total amount of disk space allocated for both documents and indexes in all collections in the database. Includes used and free storage space. Shown as byte |
mongodb.stats.views (gauge) | Contains a count of the number of views in the database. |
mongodb.system.cpu.cores (gauge) | The total number of available logical processor cores. Shown as core |
mongodb.system.cpu.percent (gauge) | Total CPU usage percentage of the MongoDB process (only available on self-hosted MongoDB running on the same host as the Agent). Shown as percent |
mongodb.system.mem.limit (gauge) | The system memory (RAM) usage limit. For example running in a container may impose memory limits that are lower than the total system memory. Shown as megabyte | (gauge) | The total amount of system memory (RAM). Shown as megabyte |
mongodb.tcmalloc.generic.current_allocated_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used by the application. Shown as byte |
mongodb.tcmalloc.generic.heap_size (gauge) | Bytes of system memory reserved by TCMalloc. Shown as byte |
mongodb.tcmalloc.tcmalloc.aggressive_memory_decommit (gauge) | Status of aggressive memory decommit mode. |
mongodb.tcmalloc.tcmalloc.central_cache_free_bytes (gauge) | Number of free bytes in the central cache. Shown as byte |
mongodb.tcmalloc.tcmalloc.current_total_thread_cache_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes used across all thread caches. Shown as byte |
mongodb.tcmalloc.tcmalloc.max_total_thread_cache_bytes (gauge) | Upper limit on total number of bytes stored across all per-thread caches. Shown as byte |
mongodb.tcmalloc.tcmalloc.pageheap_free_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes in free mapped pages in page heap. Shown as byte |
mongodb.tcmalloc.tcmalloc.pageheap_unmapped_bytes (gauge) | Number of bytes in free unmapped pages in page heap. Shown as byte |
mongodb.tcmalloc.tcmalloc.spinlock_total_delay_ns (gauge) | Spinlock delay time. Shown as nanosecond |
mongodb.tcmalloc.tcmalloc.thread_cache_free_bytes (gauge) | Number of free bytes in thread caches. Shown as byte |
mongodb.tcmalloc.tcmalloc.transfer_cache_free_bytes (gauge) | Number of free bytes that are waiting to be transferred between the central cache and a thread cache. Shown as byte |
mongodb.uptime (gauge) | Number of seconds that the mongos or mongod process has been active. Shown as second |
mongodb.usage.commands.count (gauge) | Number of commands since server start (deprecated) Shown as command |
mongodb.usage.commands.countps (gauge) | Number of commands per second Shown as command |
mongodb.usage.commands.time (gauge) | Total time spent performing commands in microseconds Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.usage.getmore.count (gauge) | Number of getmore since server start (deprecated) Shown as fetch |
mongodb.usage.getmore.countps (gauge) | Number of getmore per second Shown as fetch |
mongodb.usage.getmore.time (gauge) | Total time spent performing getmore in microseconds Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.usage.insert.count (gauge) | Number of inserts since server start (deprecated) Shown as commit |
mongodb.usage.insert.countps (gauge) | Number of inserts per second Shown as commit |
mongodb.usage.insert.time (gauge) | Total time spent performing inserts in microseconds Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.usage.queries.count (gauge) | Number of queries since server start (deprecated) Shown as query |
mongodb.usage.queries.countps (gauge) | Number of queries per second Shown as query |
mongodb.usage.queries.time (gauge) | Total time spent performing queries in microseconds Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.usage.readlock.count (gauge) | Number of read locks since server start (deprecated) Shown as lock |
mongodb.usage.readlock.countps (gauge) | Number of read locks per second Shown as lock |
mongodb.usage.readlock.time (gauge) | Total time spent performing read locks in microseconds Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.usage.remove.count (gauge) | Number of removes since server start (deprecated) Shown as commit |
mongodb.usage.remove.countps (gauge) | Number of removes per second Shown as commit |
mongodb.usage.remove.time (gauge) | Total time spent performing removes in microseconds Shown as microsecond | (gauge) | Number of operations since server start (deprecated) Shown as command | (gauge) | Number of operations per second Shown as command | (gauge) | Total time spent holding locks in microseconds Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.usage.update.count (gauge) | Number of updates since server start (deprecated) Shown as commit |
mongodb.usage.update.countps (gauge) | Number of updates per second Shown as commit |
mongodb.usage.update.time (gauge) | Total time spent performing updates in microseconds Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.usage.writelock.count (gauge) | Number of write locks since server start (deprecated) Shown as lock |
mongodb.usage.writelock.countps (gauge) | Number of write locks per second Shown as lock |
mongodb.usage.writelock.time (gauge) | Total time spent performing write locks in microseconds Shown as microsecond |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.bytes_currently_in_cache (gauge) | Size of the data currently in cache. Shown as byte |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.bytes_read_into_cache (gauge) | Number of bytes read into the cache. Shown as byte |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.bytes_written_from_cache (gauge) | Number of bytes written from the cache. Shown as byte |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.failed_eviction_of_pages_exceeding_the_in_memory_maximumps (gauge) | Number of failed eviction of pages that exceeded the in-memory maximum, per second. Shown as page |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.in_memory_page_splits (gauge) | In-memory page splits. Shown as split |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.maximum_bytes_configured (gauge) | Maximum cache size. Shown as byte |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.maximum_page_size_at_eviction (gauge) | Maximum page size at eviction. Shown as byte |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.modified_pages_evicted (gauge) | Number of pages, that have been modified, evicted from the cache. Shown as page |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.pages_currently_held_in_cache (gauge) | Number of pages currently held in the cache. Shown as page |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.pages_evicted_by_application_threadsps (gauge) | Number of page evicted by application threads per second. Shown as page |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.pages_evicted_exceeding_the_in_memory_maximumps (gauge) | Number of pages evicted because they exceeded the cache in-memory maximum, per second. Shown as page |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.pages_read_into_cache (gauge) | Number of pages read into the cache. Shown as page |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.pages_requested_from_cache (gauge) | Number of pages requested from the cache. Shown as page |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.pages_written_from_cache (gauge) | Number of pages writtent from the cache Shown as page |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.tracked_dirty_bytes_in_cache (gauge) | Size of the dirty data in the cache. Shown as byte |
mongodb.wiredtiger.cache.unmodified_pages_evicted (gauge) | Number of pages, that were not modified, evicted from the cache. Shown as page | (gauge) | Number of available read tickets (concurrent transactions) remaining. Shown as ticket | (gauge) | Number of read tickets (concurrent transactions) in use. Shown as ticket | (gauge) | Total number of read tickets (concurrent transactions) available. Shown as ticket |
mongodb.wiredtiger.concurrenttransactions.write.available (gauge) | Number of available write tickets (concurrent transactions) remaining. Shown as ticket |
mongodb.wiredtiger.concurrenttransactions.write.out (gauge) | Number of write tickets (concurrent transactions) in use. Shown as ticket |
mongodb.wiredtiger.concurrenttransactions.write.totaltickets (gauge) | Total number of write tickets (concurrent transactions) available. Shown as ticket |