Potential Google Cloud cryptomining attack from Tor IP
Detect when a Google Compute Engine cryptomining attack is observed from a Tor IP.
This rule monitors Google Cloud Audit Logs to determine when a compute network creation, compute image creation, or firewall rule creation event coincides with the creation of a compute engine and originates from a Tor client. Datadog enriches all ingested logs with expert-curated threat intelligence in real time. An attacker may use a Tor client to anonymize their true origin.
Triage and response
- Determine if the actions
taken by the user {{@usr.id}}
from Tor IP address: {{@network.client.ip}}
are legitimate by looking at past activity and the type of API calls occurring. - Furthermore, use the Cloud SIEM - IP Investigation & User Investigation dashboards to see if the IP address:
& {{@usr.id}}
have taken other actions. - If the results of the triage indicate that an attacker has taken the action, begin your company’s incident response process and investigate.
- 17 August 2023 - Updated query to replace attribute
with @threat_intel.results.category:tor