Unity forwards all uncaught exceptions to its logger using Debug.LogException. To report these exceptions to Datadog, check the option in Datadog’s project settings labeled “Forward Unity Logs”.
Native crash reporting is enabled for all Datadog Unity SDK projects.
If your application suffers a fatal crash, the Datadog Unity SDK uploads a crash report to Datadog after your application restarts. For non-fatal errors or exceptions, the Datadog Unity SDK uploads these errors with other RUM data.
Mapping files are used to deobfuscate and symbolicate stack traces, which helps in debugging errors. Using a unique build ID that gets generated, Datadog automatically matches the correct stack traces with the corresponding mapping files. This ensures that regardless of when the mapping file was uploaded (either during pre-production or production builds), the correct information is available for efficient QA processes when reviewing crashes and errors reported in Datadog.
When using the IL2CPP backend (the default for iOS), C# stack traces from Unity lack any file or line information. This information can be retrieved from the native symbol files and an IL2CPP mapping file, provided the C# stack traces are mapped to native stacks. To enable this, check the “Perform Native Stack Mapping” option in your Unity project settings under the Datadog section and upload your symbol and IL2CPP mapping files as described below.
Note: Even when checked, Native Stack Mapping is only enabled in non-development builds.
Native crash reports are collected in a raw format and mostly contain memory addresses. To map these addresses into legible symbol information, Datadog requires that you upload iOS .dSYM files, NDK .so files, Android Proguard Mapping files, and / or a IL2CPP mapping file, which are generated in your application’s build process.
The @datadog/datadog-ci command line tool supports uploading all of the necessary files (dSYMs, sos, Android Proguard Mapping, and IL2CPP Mapping files) in one command.
First, install the datadog-ci tool from the instructions above and create a datadog-ci.json file at the root of your project, containing your API key and (optionally) your Datadog site:
{"apiKey":"<YOUR_DATADOG_API_KEY>","datadogSite":"datadoghq.eu"// Optional if you are using datadoghq.com
Because this file contains your API key, it should not be checked into version control.
Alternately, you can set the DATADOG_API_KEY and DATADOG_SITE environment variables.
Then, you can use the following command to upload all the necessary files for symbolication and deobfuscation of your crash reports:
# From your build output directorydatadog-ci unity-symbols upload --ios
For Android, export an Android project (instead of building the APK directly) and build using the exported project. You can then run datadog-ci from the exported project directory:
# From your exported project directorydatadog-ci unity-symbols upload --android
Note: Re-uploading a source map does not override the existing one if the build id has not changed.
To verify your Unity Crash Reporting and Error Tracking configuration, issue an error in your application and confirm that the error appears in Datadog.
Ensure you are not running a development build. Uncheck the “Development Build” box in Unity’s build settings.
Run your application on a simulator, emulator, or a real device. If you are running on iOS, ensure that the debugger is not attached. Otherwise, Xcode captures the crash before the Datadog SDK does.
Execute code containing an error or crash. For example: